My Magical System

Chapter 191

Chapter 191: Commotion – food shortage

Next day!

“Miss Kanna, even the livestock are few in numbers. About 3 wild chickens, 2 pigs, 1 boar, and 1 cow. With this number, it won’t last for the next day,” Yun reported.

“How about the hunters we sent to hunt for wildlife in the nearby forest and hill?” Kanna asked.

“They have yet to return. But the group we sent to catch fishes at the lake on the northern part had already come back with just a few salmon fish and some crabs and shells.”

“Is that so?”

“Yes, Miss Kanna!”

Kanna knitted her brows. “Those who gathered vegetables and edible plants, have they returned?”


“Yes, but they’ve gathered too few.”

“Tsk! Those bandits! They’ve shaved all the resources in this village,” Kanna grunted.

She knew that bandits were lazy bum people. They rather rob than manage a farm. Even raising some livestock was rare to them.

Kanna estimated that with their current supply, it would only last for three days with the number of people they have.

And they still have several days to wait before the help from the palace comes. They could not even leave as most of their horses and carriages had been killed and broken in that battle. Also, they donated two horses to the Holy Mountain.

So all they could do was stay here and wait for the help from the palace. Such is the life of a soldier. Although they’ve won the battle, they have to survive next in this shortage of food supply. Even if they have their horses and carriages, it still would not be enough to bring all of them back to the city with the number of the rescued prisoners with them.

They could send a person to trade or buy supplies in the nearby town, but it was out of the question as well. Not only was the road dangerous from the ambushes coming from the wild beasts, but the travel time was also estimated to be four or five days and maybe six or more when they use the safest route. Even using their fastest horse would not make it.

Regardless, Kanna still decided to send a few soldiers to get supplies from the nearby town, just in case.

“By the way, Miss Yun. How about the commander? Is there news about him?” Kanna asked furrowed while showing an anxious expression.

When she noticed Yun shaking her head, Kanna was dejected.

‘Where could he be?’

‘Did something bad happen to him?’

‘But with that guy’s strength, it’s almost impossible to kill him without anyone noticing it.’

‘Could it be, a high-level assassin was after his life?’

‘Maybe there is an assassin along with us?’

Kanna began to speculate about some bad scenario that possibly is the reason for the commander’s disappearance.

“Regardless, did everyone notice about our current situation?” Kanna asked worriedly.

He asked the captains to keep this matter within them only. She didn’t want everyone to start to panic and might result in a somewhat unthinkable commotion.

Of course, she knew that they could not hide it for long, but if by chance the seekers of supplies were able to find a good amount, then there was no need to let the others know about it.

The others understood her reasoning. After all, even the captains quarreled with each other after knowing the predicament.

They just needed to pray that everything would be alright and that the seekers would be able to find bountiful supplies.

“Rest assured. I don’t think they did.”

Yun replied.

Kanna sighed in relief. Well, it was only temporary relief. They were still facing the problem. Kanna put away the quill and massaged the bridge of her nose.

Fighting a bunch of enemies was easier than dealing with this type of problem. However, she knew that it was the reality. Even after winning the war, another war would take over.

Each of them had the so-called survival pills. It tricks their hunger temporarily. With those pills, they could skip a day without eating.

“I think each soldier has one or two left, but... Are you sure to use them?”

“No, just in case,” Kanna shook her head. Well, they needed to prepare.

“I see. Is it for the worst-case scenario?” Yun added.

“Yeah,” Kanna nodded.

The next day, the long queue of soldiers and civilians were waiting for the food to serve.

The cook was now preparing the food and in the next seconds, it would be distributed to each of them.

It was around 8 in the morning, the humid air from the nearby hill came brushing their skin, causing a rigid feeling to each of them. A hot soup of tasty meat with vegetables could be a good soothing means to warm their bodies.

Everyone was eagerly lining up for today’s morning meal.

When they noticed the cook assistants, the distributors of the meals, came carrying with them the big pot of steaming dish, everyone’s saliva dripped from their mouth.

The growling of their stomachs was uncontrollable, especially when the smell of the newly cooked food wafted towards their noses.

However, it didn’t take long when the person in the front of the queue reacted angrily.

“What the fu** with this portion of monggo size meat!” The guy exaggerated and threw the bowl. Thus, the soup and meat spilled away.

Everyone saw the meat rolling on the ground. It wasn’t as the guy stated. The meat was as big as two thumbs stuck together.

However, compared to before it was truly smaller. About half of the size of the meat from the other day. Most of them widened their eyes as they started to feel something fishy was going on. Could it be the cooks were doing something shady behind them? They began to suspect.

“Ya idiots! How dare ya waste the food!” The cooking assistant roared angrily upon seeing the wasted food.

Those at the back glanced in the front as they asked the nearby people what the ruckus was all about. Why did there seem to be a commotion at the front?

The ruckus didn’t stop with just that. It proliferated to the extent that everyone gradually lost their trust towards the team who was assigned to do the kitchen work.

Thanks to Demyul and the other captains, the ruckus was stopped before it surged to the extent in which everyone used their force. They accepted the food, though with heavy feelings.

The issue reached Kanna. She already had a bad premonition that this would happen. Like there’s anything she can do.

The team who was tasked to hunt for wildlife in the forest and hill had finally come back. However, aside from 1 low-tier deer and 2 wild rabbits, there was nothing else. Still, it was a good addition to their supply. Though it wasn’t enough to sustain the remaining days.

Kanna did not waste time and called for another meeting with all of the captains. She needed their opinions regarding the issue. They could no longer hide the problems.

The next morning, an announcement came that stunned and bothered all the soldiers and civilians.

“What? Food shortage?”

“No way!”

“Are we going to die of hunger?”

“No way! No way! I don’t want that!”

Everyone showed troubled expressions on their faces as they mumbled with trembling eyes. Like a person who lost their sanity. They still have to wait half a month in this place.

There was a technique to postpone their hunger for the following day, but using their magical energy had a backlash to them. It could cause them to feel hungrier. And also, it may lead to exhaustion. Getting exhausted while having no food to alleviate their hunger was like killing yourself faster.

Kanna stood up at the center of the crowd.

“Now, everyone, gather as much food as you can in the nearby area!” She shouted. “No matter how substantial it was!” She added. “The more seekers we have, the more chances we can find food!”

“Right! Miss Kanna is right!”

“It’s too early to feel down.”

“Are you not a soldier? Why do you have a weak resolve?!”

“Stand up and find food to feed yourself!”

“Right, we are soldiers. This trial is nothing compared to fighting the beasts and bandits!”

“Let’s go men! It’s time to roam the surrounding area!”

Everyone’s spirit had risen once again.

Day 4 since the commander disappeared. Like yesterday, there was just a portion of meat in their soup. Well, at least the soup still tastes better.

Everyone stuffs their mouth without question. They just needed to warm their stomach and be done with it.

After warming up their stomachs, the soldiers gathered in front of the feeding area. It was in the village square. There was no problem accommodating all of them as the area was very spacious. Together with their original squad, all of them went to find food supplies in the surrounding area of the village.

No matter how little or bad taste it was as long as it was edible and would not bring harm to them, they would take it.

When the sun was beginning to set on the opposite horizon, everyone who went to gather supplies came back one after another.

However, most of them were wearing tired and sullen faces.

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