My Magical System

Chapter 207

Chapter 207: Earth Shattering attack!

Pulse in cross shape appearing on the captain’s face. He never expected that this man was so capable.

His men were now groveling on the ground. Some of them had already lost consciousness. And that guy was broadly grinning while stepping on one of his men. All of them were beaten black and blue.

A bright, magical aura burst out from his body when the captain bumped his fists.

The next second, the ground shook. The captain suddenly charged. Looking at his furious face, Eman grinned further.

He didn’t mean anything by his words recently. He was just warning them. But it seemed like they misunderstood him.


Looking at the enemy who was rushing like a rampaging beast, Eman secretly produced pieces of stone in his hand.


Before the captain noticed, he suddenly lost his balance and fell to the ground.


The next time he noticed it was already too late, he was rolling on the ground. Then he suddenly felt a piercing pain in his leg.

Even the onlookers failed to notice what happened. However, in the corner of their eyes, they noticed a streaking red glint, though it vanished in a split second like a passing meteor.

Mina widened her eyes. Right. She remembered he had that kind of ability! That ability defeated those fierce beasts in the Giant Cliff Hole. Mina was unaware that one of those fierce beasts was currently watching the battle along with her. And now, she was in the form of an exquisite young lady.

Ah! Sol remembered those red lights. Those were the lights that dominated her. Thanks to those lights, she was finally able to leave that place.

The captain forced his body to stand. He summoned magical energy on his wound on the leg to stop the bleeding. The captain did a good job to remain calm even in his situation.

The captain had a robust figure and was physically fit. Not only that, he seemed to be someone with high pain tolerance.

Even with his injury, he was still able to stand up and continued charging towards Eman. However, before he could arrive near him, another stone pierced him.

But the captain was still able to endure it. He continued charging. Eman had to admire his determination.

The captain summoned magical energy on his feet. Then he leaped in the air about 10 meters above the ground.

While he was in the air, magical energy burst out from his right hand and arm.


“Earth-Shattering attack!”

“What? He’s going to unleash his super attack?!”

“Looks like the Captain wanted to end the battle in a single punch!”

Everyone stared with wide eyes at the figure of the captain of Red Drake Clan,

Some notable individuals who were watching the current battle in silence had their eyes squinted.

However, while the captain of the Red Drake Clan was in mid-air, they noticed Eman gathering a brilliant red-orange aura on his left hand.

“Wait, what the hell was he planning?” Asked a baffled audience.

No one knew what he was planning, but looking at him, most of the audience thought that he must be planning to counter the captain’s attack. But isn’t it a risky bet? They asked in mind.

Of course, it is!

The next second, everyone heard a loud explosion.


The pressure of the attack wafted the bushes and scattered them away at the place where Eman was standing just now.

Even the unconscious members of the Red Drake Clan had their bodies rolled away.

The next moment, when the scattered pieces of the bushes finally calmed down, everyone was dumbfounded.

“H-he caught it?! Exclaimed an astonished audience.

“Is this guy a monster?!”

Even the princess could not help but be amazed at what she was witnessing. She already had an experience battling with Eman, so she knew the extent of his strength. But this! She could not believe that he was at this degree already.

It was beyond what she initially expected of him.

Stopping a super attack coming from someone in the peak of silver was just inviting trouble. Yet, he managed to stop it.


Just how strong he had become. Those who used to look down on him had their mouths could not be closed. They were wondering if they were dreaming or what. Is this the same person they used to know? Or perhaps he was an impostor! There was no way that guy was this strong.

However, no matter how they denied it, they knew that it was him. They heard that he awakened just recently. Just what kind of awakening did he experience for him to obtain such power?!

He did not only beat the whole gang of Silver stage students, but he also stopped an attack of a captain from a B-rank clan!

Those who were familiar with Eman had an almost uniform thought at the moment- that he suddenly turned from useless trash to a monster with unfathomable strength.

Now they started to see him in a new light. But also, many of the experts were now noting him.

They originally came here to watch the fun of the Red Drake Clan. But they did not expect to witness a different result. However, this is more interesting than witnessing a high-ranking clan bullying a pitiful kitten of an F-rank clan. Though, that kitten was actually a scary tiger.

After catching the captain’s attack, the captain felt something akin to lightning crawling within his body in a brief moment. The next second, he found himself unable to move.

“What the-!” The captain uttered, but he failed to finish his words because a punch struck him on the stomach.

The captain’s face twitches in pain. Then he gradually falls to his knees until he grovels on the ground while hugging his stomach.

Standing beside him was that person with his hand in a fist and his face was wearing a cold look while looking down at him.

“So, what do you think the others think about you right now?” He asked.

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