My Magical System

Chapter 214

Chapter 214: Eman’s decision

Aside from the electric fan and the Mythical-Tier weapon, he also won some Uncommon-Tier items such as a pouch of the silver royal worth of 1 thousand and 500 coins, Cerulean Triangle-Shaped Herbs, Stone Pickaxe, and etcetera.

Along with these items, there were also some Rare-Tier items such as rare herbs and rare plants, rare weapons, rare elixir, and rare meat.

Fueled by excitement, he once again tried his luck in the gacha. Maybe he would get the Mythical-Tier again or maybe a much higher tier will come out this time.

However, after the shuffle, there was no shiny item or Mythical-Tier. But he got two Epic-Tier armor instead, a black vest and an armguard.

The other items he got were: 2 Uncommon-Tier shovels, 1 Common-Tier necklace, 1 pair of Otherworld-Tier earrings with diamonds-

“Damn, this looks so expensive,” Eman could not help but gasp when he saw the earrings. It was elegant. If he was on earth, he could probably sell it at a good price. Or perhaps give it to Marie.

– 1 Rare-Tier Bow, 1 Rare-Tier Herb, 1 Rare-Tier Flower, 1 Rare-Tier Elixir, and 1 Rare-Tier Axe.


The ax looks badass. Eman thought upon seeing its form. It was a battle-ax with back-to-back edges. He didn’t know what material it was made of, but it looked sturdy and intimidating. However, it was big and needed to be wielded by two hands. In other words, it wasn’t suited for him.

Perhaps Borris could wield it. He thought.

Regardless, he was happy to get the rare herbs and plants. They were necessary ingredients for his potion-making career.

After storing all the items, he decided to visit the Elder Dark Priest in his facility.

“My lord, it is surprising to see you...”

Eman’s mouth extended to both sides. He did not answer his greeting and remained nonchalant.

“Is there anything you want me to do, my lord?” Asked the Elder Dark Priest, sounding excited.

“Yeah, there is,” Eman did not bother with the greetings. He went and told him his reason without beating around the bush.


“A... a way to access this domain?” The Elder Dark Priest asked in surprise.

“Yeah,” Eman nodded. He asked him if there was a way to access his domain without the need of him.

He noticed the Elder Dark Priest fell silent and frowned. Probably, he was pondering.

“Sorry, my lord. I don’t know if there is a way to enter this world without your permission. But if my lord wants me to research it, I will do my best. Just that, I can not promise 100% success.”

“Hm...” Eman’s eyes rolled away as he touched his chin and looked up. While in such a manner, a second later, he stepped one step closer to the kneeling Elder Dark Priest. Then he tapped his shoulder as he looked at him and said, “I see. So there is no way, huh. Okay, Try to find something regarding it. And... I wish for your success,” he said with a slight smile.

Although he was curious, the Elder Dark Priest chose to remain quiet. “Yes, my lord. I will do my best,” he cheerfully replied. To be assigned to another task from the Lord himself was a fortunate event in his life. He was grateful that the lord was trusting him.

He would definitely do his best.

Next, Eman inquired about their prisoner, the Oldman from the Grenn Family. That family was still searching for that Oldman even until now. Maybe it was better to dispatch him. But Eman had a feeling that it would bring him good later if he let the Oldman alive for the time being. It seemed as though his intuition was telling him what to do.

However, if he could not find a use of him later, he would kill him, regardless.

“Don’t worry, my lord, as you’ve ordered that old fool is still alive. However, sorry to tell you that I failed to find any more data regarding the mysterious group affiliated by that person,” reported the Elder Dark Priest.

Now that Eman heard about it, isn’t it the Burning Puppet? It was the name of that group that the demon aristocrat mentioned to him.

He looked at the Elder Dark Priest again. “I see. Oh, by the way, take this...” Eman produced the glowing staff.

Upon seeing it, the Elder Dark Priest widened his eyes. “M-My Lord...” he called and looked at him while wearing a mystified face.

With a carefree face, “Just see it as your reward for all your hard work,” Eman said to him. Noticing the stunned face of his subordinate, he walked past him. Then he looked past his shoulder, to the back of his kneeling subordinate. “It might also help you with your research with the task I assigned you,” he added.

Actually, the Elder Dark Priest was overcome by happiness. He lost the ability to speak as he could not believe he received such a valuable treasure from his lord. Even his hands were trembling as he held in both hands the glowing item.

“T-Thank you very much, my lord. I... I will do my best to succeed!” He stuttered.


Eman just nodded. Around them, he noticed some weird-looking creatures kneeling with glittering eyes as they stared at the weapon held by the Elder Dark Priest.

After stating his reason for coming, he did not stay long in the Elder Dark Priest facility. He didn’t like the smell and the atmosphere inside the elder’s domain. Also, more weird creatures were popping out.

Eman could only shake his head and sighed. Regardless, those weird creatures were a good addition to the Elder Dark Priest’s workforce.

Next, he went and handed the other item to the other subordinate. He handed the ax to Borris and the other items to his elite subordinate, the members of 15 commanders.

He also handed some Uncommon-Tier weapons to his subordinates that were guarding the Sunville Village.

When all the work was done, he went to see his sister.

“What? Bro, are you going to leave again?”

Eina asked him in a half-crying face.

A bead of sweat took form at the back of his head.

“Well, I’ll be fast only. I needed to buy some equipment for the village,” he said.

“I... I want to come with you...” Eina said while holding both her hands on her chest.

“I see.”

Well, it didn’t truly a problem if she came with him.

Outside the village, Eina was surprised to see a fancy-looking carriage. Eman had decided. This time, he would never hide what he was capable of.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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