My Magical System

Chapter 250

Chapter 250: Merc Town

While Eina and Eman visit the Thief Guild, Zennie’s group is currently battling monsters that ambush them as they head to a closer town from Oslo Town.

One of the monsters charged at one of the guards. The guard quickly blocked the spear he was holding and avoided his grim fate. Although he avoided being the monster’s fresh snack, he couldn’t handle the monster’s strength. His legs bent and his back fell to the icy ground as the monster stepped on him while trying to bite his head.


“Ngh!” Subconsciously, the guard moaned at the force of the impact caused by his fall. In addition accompanied by the weight of the monster that was on top of him, so his fall was somewhat intensified.

However, even in the awkward situation the guard did not let go of the spear he was holding horizontally.


The guard shrieked as his trembling hand forcefully pushed the spear to avoid the planned bite of the monster with a body resembling a wolf. Its two tails flutter in each direction while attacking him. Its eyes are as red as blood, and its teeth are long and sharp where the seemingly unbroken threads of saliva dripped straight into the guard’s face. Its skin color is black and its fur is grey. But, the most noticeable feature of it is the horns on its head.


The guard felt scared and was trembling as he tried to save himself from the monster’s attack.

Gwar! Gwar! Gwar!

The noise of its growl only added to the fear, but this time only survival was on his mind. Soon the guard felt weakened. And he felt that his grip on the spear would not last long.

Before the spear loosened from his grip, he heard a loud shout nearby.


At that moment, from behind the monster was a silhouette that appeared to be wearing golden armor and holding a large sword.

‘Mr. Rossbert! ‘Shouted the guard inwardly.

The next moment is, “Die!” Rossbert slammed the weapon into the monster’s back.


After the deafening cry, the monster’s blood splattered and immediately fainted. Rossbert’s timing was just right.

The monster’s blood dripped on the guard’s face, but he didn’t pay attention to it. A deep sigh of relief escaped his mouth.

“Are you okay?” Rossbert helped the guard stand up as he asked about its condition.

“Hah~ hah~” the guard gasped before answering, “I, I almost became a tasty snack. T-thank you very much for rescuing me Mr. Rossbert.”

“Haha! That just means it’s not your time yet. You still have a lot of food to eat and liquor to consume,” Rossbert said sarcastically.

Although his body was aching from the injury he received, “AHaha...” The guard laughed a little at Rossbert’s little joke.

Zennie also arrived with other guards and her attendant Miss Lizz. “Mr. Rossbert! ” They shouted. Zennie immediately healed the guard assisted by Rossbert when she saw his injury. With her healing ability, it didn’t take long for the guard’s complexion to return to normal.

“Thank you very much Lady Zennie,” the guard thanked her.

“You’re welcome. I will do my best to help.” As Zennie was not particularly helpful in fighting, she thought of giving them aid by supporting them this way.

“Fufu. Good job everyone.” Rossbert turned around and stared at one of the bodies of the dead monsters. “Sorry, everyone. Looks like we have no time for the loot. These beasts... If I’m not mistaken... These monsters belong to the C-rank monster that is often seen in places where it is cold or freezing. These monsters are called Two-Tailed Snowbeast or better known as Snow Fiends. ”

“S-Snow Fiend?” Zennie repeated. “Wait... do you mean those monsters who are more vicious at night and attack relentlessly?”

“Yes. That’s why we need to go before the night comes.”

“I see. So these monsters are the known Snow Fiend...” Zennie looked at everyone. “Everyone! Prepare to depart!” She commanded.

“Yes, our lady!” All of them responded at the same time. The group then continued their advance. They needed to find a better place to camp and let the night pass.

After another day of travel, they finally saw the canopy of the town which was covered by white. This town was next to Oslo Town. The town was known as Merc Town.

“The snow is unceasingly falling today,” Zennie muttered worriedly.

Each of them was covered in a thick furry coat and every time they spoke cloudy steam blew from their mouths.

“A winter season, huh.” Rossbert also muttered.

“Mhm!” Zennie nodded her head. Then she added, “Since the sky is about to become dark, let’s let the night pass today and search for medicines tomorrow.”

“Yes. Let’s do that.”

Rossbert agreed.

Once inside the town they no longer have time to wander around. They immediately looked for an inn to stay in. They are all very tired from fighting monsters. Exhaustion took over them. After finding an Inn and rooms to stay in, Zennie and the others retired for the day in their respective rooms.

The next day, everyone woke up to the noise.

“What happened?” Zennie asked before she could even rub her eyes.

“Miss Zennie!” At that moment, Miss Lizz came into her room with a pale face.

“What’s the matter?”

“There’s... there’s a problem! The town is under attack by a monster tide!”


Zennie exclaimed in shock.

“Where’s Mr. Rossbert and the guards?”

“They are waiting downstairs.”

“Tell them to get ready to depart!”

“Yes My Lady!” Miss Lizz hurried outside to relay Zennie’s message.

Zennie peeked outside through the window and saw the panicked crowd of people running around.

She hastily changed her clothes and climbed downstairs. When she arrived outside, Mr. Rossbert and the others are already ready to go.

“Mr. Rossbert! Is it true that the town is under attack by a monster tide?”

“Yes! Lady Zennie.”

Zennie frowned. “What are we going to do?”

“For now I think it’s better to go to the evacuation center!” Rossbert told them.

Before climbing the chariot, they heard a cry.


Zennie paused for a moment and glanced at where the voice originated.

A flock of people ran towards their direction and behind them were a horde of monsters.

Everyone widened their eyes.


“Lady Zennie!” Miss Lizz called out.

“R-Right! Let’s go!” Zennie quickly climbed the chariot and the guards rode their horses.

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