My (Monster?) Hero Life

Chapter 225: Apex Predator

Chapter 225: Apex Predator

Eventually, the pair made their way to an area reserved for the hunters amongst the different races. Kace had to gain an idea of the species that would be available to him. There were numerous carcasses strung up in the streets in various stages of being butchered. Kace even realised that there was plenty of species that he had never seen before, which gave him quite a bit of hope.

"Lord Kace! What can I do for you?" A foul-smelling goblin quickly raced up to him when he noticed his presence amongst them.

"Who can give me the most information about the various beasts here?" Kace asked as he gestured to the carcasses.

"Ah, well. That would be sir. The name's Oghark." The goblin smiled proudly as he beat his chest with a small fist.

"Is that so?" Kace raised an eyebrow towards the other hunters when he said this. Only to realise that none of them refuted the goblin's claims.

"Of course! As you know, we goblins aren't as strong as the others. So we have to make up for it by knowing everything we can about our prey!" Oghark looked slightly disappointed that Kace did not believe him at first.

Kace thought about his reasonings and realised that they made sense. The goblin hunters would, of course, be easily annihilated without sufficient information and planning. He had witnessed something similar during his first hunt after all. Kace smiled at the goblin and accepted his offer of help which greatly pleased the small being.

"Now, if you're looking for a delicious piece of meat I would recommend the genit-" 

Kace quickly held up a hand to interrupt the goblin before he could complete his sentence. He felt that he had to specify that he wanted to know about each species' abilities rather than how they tasted. It was an oversight on his part. He should have realised that the goblin would think that he was there to buy food since it was akin to a butcher shop.

"I need to know about the ones that are particularly gifted physically in combat. Or have an ability linked to magic." Kace's voice was stern as he made his intentions clear. Oghark shivered as a reaction to his tone of voice.

"In that case, my Lord, there are only a few who meet those specific requirements." Oghark was curious about the reasons behind the request, but he decided it was better not to pry into the matter.

Oghark led the pair through the streets used to dismember and butcher the kills. Explaining the differences between certain species as they reached the ones that met what Kace had asked for. 'Disappointing.' Kace thought as a dark look descended on his face. Not a single one really displayed anything that would match or exceed his level. However, Kace soon realised the reason behind this.

'There job is to gather food so they'll obviously hunt weaker creatures. That way, there is less risk involved for them. They're only after the meat anyway.' Kace groaned internally as he realised it would not be as simple as just seizing something that had already been hunted. 

"Can you tell me about more powerful species in the area? The same conditions apply." Kace's voice carried the tone of all the displeasure that was accumulating in his thoughts. 

"Sir, we've realised that particularly dangerous beasts have been unable to flourish in this area. This is probably due to clearing operations by the humans and heroes in all the time that they were settled here." 

"Go on," Kace replied when he noticed that the goblin seemed to be holding something back. If there was a chance that something still survived in the unfavourable conditions, then he would obviously seize that opportunity!

"Hm, well." Oghark had a complicated expression on his face as if he were unwilling to give up the information. After a few minutes and with Kace applying pressure to him using his aura, the goblin finally caved. "There is, in fact, a single species that still thrives. However, I wouldn't recommend it."

"Out with it already!" Kace had already lost his patience. Even more so when he discovered that he only had a single choice. 

"In the swamps where the trolls used to live. There is a terrible danger lurking there."

"What's the nature of the beast?" Kace was now curious. Trolls were incredibly sturdy and strong. So if it was something that even they struggled to remove from that ecosystem, it could only bring great benefits to him!

"It has an incredible regenerative ability. It's quite slow, but it is also strong. Its body isn't easily damaged either." Oghark looked even more nervous about revealing that information when he saw the intention to hunt the beast reflected in Kace's eager expression.

"What method of attacks does it use?" The creature already sounded perfect in his mind. If he could gain the abilities of its body that would be more than enough! However, he could always hope for more!

"My Lord, I highly recommend that you give up on this. I don't want to be blamed if you get yourself killed." Oghark released a sharp sounding sigh. He had already resolved himself to give up the rest of the information if Kace asked for it. However, he hoped that he would take his warning seriously. His hopes were dashed by Kace's next words.

"Tell me! How does it attack, and what is the name of the beast!" Kace practically growled at the goblin. He suddenly felt a need to challenge this beast. It was another apex predator like him after all! Adding that kind of capability would surely bring him to a new level!

"It uses a poisonous mist breath attack. The poison can also be used in a liquid form as a projectile." Oghark sighed after revealing this crucial information. However, Kace was both ecstatic and wary of this ability. He had a way to counter poison from plants but not creatures. However, that poison ability would be potent and could work well with his current abilities.

"What's its name?" Kace had already decided that this would be his target. It matched his class's specialisation too well.

"The Hydra"

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