My (Monster?) Hero Life

Chapter 229: As Ready As Can Be

Chapter 229: As Ready As Can Be

"This is it," Kace announced as he analysed the thick yellowish scent hanging around the thorny trees. "It's definitely in there. This kind of scent has built up over time with many passings. So we can be certain this is its home."

Grugda stared at the thicket of trees with a solemn expression. He could not see what Kace could, nor was he able to tell in any other way that a Hydra lived there. 'I'm glad. I never explored. This part. Of the swamp. Before.' Grugda imagined a day where he came out here to explore only to come face to face with one of the Hydra's heads. 

A shiver ran down his spine as he imagined being cooked by the creature's poison. Where his body would be turned into a pulpy soup and slurped hungrily by the beast. 'That poison. Is too potent. We need. A stronger. Antidote.' Grugda was lost in his thoughts as Kace stared at him. Kace already knew what he was thinking, so he left the eljein to devise a suitable solution.

Meanwhile, Kace studied the terrain. If they were going to fight the Hydra here, he had to properly grasp the situation. 'Usually, the trees would make for a good cover. However, with five4 sets of eyes, it can be more aware of our position than we can be certain of where its heads are located. Also, it will make it difficult to escape the poison if it releases it.'

Kace carefully examined many approaches they could use in that area only to cross them all off his list with a heavy sigh. 'We can't fight it in there. We're going to have to lure it more out into the open. So, the fight will have to happen near the water. We'll also have to come up with a way to prevent it from retreating into those woods.'

'Maybe Grugda can create a few pitfalls to trap it?' Sylvan decided to chime in with his own thoughts on the matter.

'Hm, it's a good option. But, it could just release enough poison to keep us away. That would be no use. We have to kill it and seize the body.'

'Well, couldn't Grugda just pierce it with Earth Spikes once it's trapped?' Sylvan's tone sounded like he was annoyed that he had to state the obvious.

'Yeah, we could try that. But we don't know how tough its skin is. If they don't kill it, then it's right back to square one. With no way to approach it.'

At some pointing their musings, Grugda disappeared back into the swamp. Kace did not bother to follow him. He should be fine since there was a distinct lack of predators in the area. He was probably going to collect the flora needed to concoct an antidote or some kind of protection. It was better to leave him to it. He would be of no help in that field, after all.

Kace and Sylvan continued to review different scenarios. About ninety-five per cent of their ideas were quickly eliminated. Some kind of problem always seemed to appear. Until he attacked it, Kace would have no idea of its level either. For all he knew, it was not actually possible to bring it down with their levels. The best plan they could come up with was to lure it out and wear down its endurance.

Shadow and the Tu'Thrag would be responsible for landing as many strikes as they could to try and bleed it out. While Kace would focus on dealing large amounts of damage where he could to enrage the beast. Grugda would have to defend them while creating walls to prevent its retreat. Eventually, they opted to create a few pitfalls as well. However, if they used them, then Kace would have to be quick.

The idea was for him to use his Fire Spit ability to create a flaming pool in the bottom. With any luck, it might even burn through the Hydra's body enough to kill it. However, fishing out its corpse before it melted would cause a few problems, so that was the emergency plan. Kace sat on the ground and just kept replaying how the battle might go over and over again in his mind. 

A further three days passed, and there was no sign of the Hydra emerging. Which was a good thing for them. At the dawn of the fourth day, Grugda's figure appeared wading through the swamp. An earthen ball was floating in front of him, just above the water. The eljein seemed to have a happy expression on his face, so Kace was certain that he had succeeded in his task.

"Had to. Make it far. Away. Didn't want it. To smell the. Fumes." Grugda's voice was rock steady even if his speech was still broken.

"So, is it an antidote then?" Kace asked curiously, especially when he realised that he could not smell whatever was contained within the ball.

"No. It is a. Mixture. Must be rubbed. Into the. Skin."

'Something like sun cream then? Basically, it will create a barrier between our skin and the poison.' Kace eyed the ball warily. If Grugda felt the need to seal it to prevent the smell from escaping, he was certain it would smell quite foul. 

"What about our lungs and nostrils? If we breathe in that poison, we'll still die right?"

"Yes. I suggest. You hold your. Breath. Nothing I could. Do about it. The plants needed. For a proper. Antidote. Don't grow here."

Kace nodded in understanding. Obviously, he had hoped for too much. There was only so much that he could expect from his friend in their current situation. Of course, they always had the option to retreat to Stonefall. At least there Grugda could take his time to develop a full antidote. But, Kace was restless. He was so close to seizing more power, how could he turn his back on it at the last hurdle?

"We should get some sleep then. We'll attack once the moon is up"

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