My (Monster?) Hero Life

Chapter 235: Dominating Performance

Chapter 235: Dominating Performance

Even though he was acting arrogant in front of the wounded Hydra, Kace felt that something was off with his body as he stared at the head in his hands. After that last attack, it felt as if he had lost a substantial amount of the energy he felt coursing through his being. However, currently, he felt like he was in a transcendental state as everything that made him who he was worked overtime.

He soon found a reason for the inexplicable feeling. 'I'm on a time limit. Compared to when I became the wolf version with no consciousness and a huge amount of time in this state. It appears that being in control makes it almost impossible to hold this form for long.' He fell into a deep thought as he considered this while the Hydra thrashed around. 'Most likely, my main body still has limits. This should resolve itself as I evolve further.'

Now that he knew he had a deadline, he did not dare to waste another precious second. As things stood, he might not even be able to kill the Hydra outright with the remaining time. Seeing that there was an actual risk of this coming true, Kace made his next move. A quick flash was all it took for another head to disappear from his prey, startling it further as it was driven into a pain-induced madness.

The lumbering creature tried to pinpoint his location, only to feel a vicious kick strike its ribcage. Bones crunched as the force behind the attack managed to blow creature further down the path that led to the traps that Grugda had set beforehand. The Hydra screeched only to feel another devastating kick as Kace continued to force it towards where he wanted it to go. 

However, there was an issue with this tactic. Every time he delivered an attack at that power level, Kace felt the energy in his body depleting rapidly. 'I have to send it a further distance with each attack. This won't do anymore. I'll definitely run out of energy before I get it there.' Kace knew that his next move would be a gamble. However, he could only hope that its paid off in the end. 

Using all his strength, he performed the greatest acceleration that he had managed to so far. The Hydra had no clue where he was, but he could see everything clearly. Once he was directly in front of the beast, he leapt towards two of the remaining three heads. He caught them by their throats as he passed between them and performed a mid-air flip. Using the driving force of his momentum, he stressed his body to its limits to lift the creature from the ground. 

In a matter of seconds, the momentum of his flip dragged the helpless body of the Hydra over his head. Once it reached the apex point, he let the beast go. Throwing it at an angle that would deliver it to the furthest point that he could manage. Trees bent backwards from the force of the Hydra's body travelling through the air. Kace did not dare to take his eyes off of it in case he got the trajectory wrong. 

Kace raced along underneath it, determined to fix any deviation that might occur. This was the right choice as his aim had indeed been off. He leapt into the air a second time and abused the use of rotation coupled with the Hydra's travelling force to correct its journey. It was clear from this secondary throw that the Hydra would land exactly where Kace wanted it to. However, he judged that his escapades had already burned through around eighty per cent of the energy this form had stored. 

This time as he chased after it, he felt significantly weaker. It was clear that if he had got it wrong this time, he would have had no further opportunities to fix the matter. Some blood gushed from the limp necks that used to have heads, the corrosive blood hazardously dripped down to splash over Kace's scales. However, despite a few pieces of smoke, it seemed to be no problem for this advanced body.

Kace could only smile at the performance. 'I wonder how long it will take to truly make this ability one of my mainstays?' He was sure that his body would have gone through a few more evolutions by then, as well as more optimal genetic modifications to his DNA. By that point, he would already be a true powerhouse, in this form his available power would truly be worth considering as perverse!

Kace could only look forward to the arrival of such a day as he raced out from the forest. The Hydra's heavy body crashed into the dirt near the water. It seemed like his aim was pretty good despite how hard it still was to control his strength. The beast was in a pathetic state. Two heads were missing. A third hung limply as if it had died from the inertia of its impromptu rapid air travel. Heads three and four looked too dazed to properly comprehend the position it was in. 

Kace eyed the beast as it struggled to its feet. It shook the two semi-conscious heads to try and regain its bearings. To the creature's credit, the blood had stopped flowing from its numerous wounds. Proving once again that it held remarkable healing qualities. Kace let out a roar full of defiance, challenging the Hydra to strike him if it could. The Hydra screeched back with determination.

Clearly, it had not learned its lesson yet as it blindly charged towards the origin of the challenging roar. Kace could only smile with a wolfish grin as it closed in. 'I have about enough left for one solid attack! Let's make it count!' The ground shook as the Hydra drew near. There were no traps in its immediate direction of travel. That was ok though since Kace had a plan in mind to finally secure an overwhelming victory

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