My (Monster?) Hero Life

Chapter 245: Love Blooms?

Chapter 245: Love Blooms?

Kace was thrown off by his new split vision. He had no idea how long he spent trying to get used to the new phantom head. When he thought about it closing its eyes, his vision went back to normal. 'Damn, this is going to take a lot of practice.' Kace discovered that the head protruded quite far from his body due to a long ghostly neck.

When he let his mind wander, or maybe it was more apt to describe it as splitting his attention, he discovered that he had full control over it. It was like controlling a two-foot-long snake with his mind. It was certainly a strange experience. He made the head flick out its tongue, and a host of different information entered his mind. 

Basically, he became aware of how much toxic elements were in his environment, and he was suddenly aware that there were at least twenty forms of life in a one hundred meter radius. 'Hm, this will go nicely with Tracking when used right.' Kace had already confirmed that his Kinetic Vision also worked with the phantom head which made him delighted.

'If my enemies ever think they've blinded my main eyes they'll be in for a shock!' Kace chuckled to himself as he thought about it. It was tiring to control the new limb right now, but he assumed it would become easier and less of a burden the more he practised. All in all, he summarised that his gains this time were definitely worth it. 

'Tomorrow I'll ask Elderbeard about changing my class. Hopefully, I'll get some good options this time.' Kace briefly glanced towards the exit of his room to see moonlight flowing in. 'It has already gotten so late.' Kace sighed but welcomed the quiet night time. He had been through a lot recently, and he could do with a good rest.

As he slowly slipped into his dreams, something strange occurred. For the first time, he was experiencing a nightmare. The contents were similar to his near-death experience. Except the silhouette that chased him caught him with the skeletal hands and spent its time carefully ripping away his limbs. Once it was done, it could toss his useless torso back into the river, before pulling open his ribcage and removing his organs. 

It was horrifying to experience your own body being abused like this. At first, the vision had terrified him. He was even convinced that it was really happening. That was until his vision split. While he was dreaming his phantom Hydra head came alive. On one side was his horror-filled nightmare, while on the other, he could clearly see the exit to his room.

This dispersed most of the fear he was feeling, but his body was still reacting in real-time as it thrashed around with scared moans. 'This is so weird. Am I awake or dreaming?' Of course, the strange situation raised a lot of new questions for him. 'I hope I don't have to go through something like this every night.' It was off-putting to be aware of how much time you were trapped in a dream state.

Before long, a figure appeared in the exit of his room. Kace knew that she was on her way for a while. The senses attached to his Hydra head had detected her some time ago. That is how he knew that she seemed to have been standing outside for a while. Lilly's face had a concerned expression as she stared at his thrashing body. Kace had no way to communicate with her so he could only watch on to see what she did.

Lilly sat on the edge of his bed and gently stroked his hair while making soothing noises. It gave off the feeling of a concerned mother trying to calm her child. A new smell entered Kace's senses, making him feel calm and relaxed. Although this did wonders for his mind, his body did not seem to be affected.

Lilly obviously seemed perplexed that she had no effect. She gently bit her lip while watching him and doing her best to calm him down. She seemed to be struggling with a decision that she had to make. Kace was honestly flattered that she was paying so much attention to him. However, what happened next took him by surprise.

Lilly stood up and waved her hand. Her slim fitted dress of leaves fell from her body and lay in a neat pile of the floor. If Kace was awake, he was certain that he would have developed an overexaggerated nosebleed at the sight. Her slim yet curvy body instilled a sense of longing in his own body.

With graceful yet slow movements, she peeled back the blanket that covered his own body. She pressed her soft, warm skin against his back. Her arm slid underneath his and gently stroked his chest as she held him tight. His body stopped its attempts at thrashing as she did this and began to humming a soothing tune. 

Kace was silently swearing in his mind. Although his Hydra head showed him what was happening, he could not feel it. His own mind and the senses of his body were trapped in his dream. It was like watching someone you desired, getting close to a complete stranger. It was strange to feel jealous of his own body, getting to feel her chest pressed against his back. 

Kace resigned himself to just enjoying the view whenever she moved the blanket, inadvertently revealing her body in the process. She continued to gently caress him throughout the long night, only the nightmare he was experiencing simultaneously marred the experience for him. Not long before daybreak, she quietly slid out from their embrace.

With a wave of her hand, the leafy dress snugly wrapped around her body. She seemed reluctant to leave him, or at least that was the impression that Kace got. However, before the sun broke over the grove, she disappeared through the exit with a final glance over her shoulder. The warm smile on her face as she vanished made Kace's heart beat harder.

'Oh, FUCK!'

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