My (Monster?) Hero Life

Chapter 250: Necropolis

Chapter 250: Necropolis

"Are you sure about this Captain?" 

"Of course I'm sure Brenden." Joshua glanced at what he deemed to be a pathetic attempt at a blockade in front of them. 

"You know, it's not like we're afraid of dying or anything. You can always drag us back with your powers." Brenden had a sheepish look on his glowing green face. "But, you know, I don't think the crew can take it if this doesn't pan out."

"There's nothing to worry about. I guarantee we'll find what we're looking for. We just have to send these heroes packing first." Joshua smirked, as he glanced at the soul warrior he had chosen as his second in command.

"Right you are. Well, I best get the crew ready for a bloody battle then!" Brenden turned around with a bright smile on his face. Like he was taking a pleasant stroll rather than preparing to cause a massacre.

'Brenden Graham. Quite a capable man. I doubt I could have chosen better. I'll let him have the first pick once we reach the Necropolis.' Joshua thought absentmindedly.

A month had passed since they returned to this world just off the shores of Ulafor Island. They had spent a lot of time searching for traces of Sonja and Raven's body. Eventually, the crew of the Freedom had become restless. 

Joshua had been forced to make the tough decision to abandon the search. Before returning to this world, they had to go through the Dead Sea, where he spent more time mastering his abilities. 

In parting, the Leviathan had given him some interesting information. He spoke of a City of the Dead. This was where the bodies of heroes who had revolted against Haestus's cause were kept.

The bodies had been preserved while their souls were tortured daily. The Leviathan figured that Haestus intended to put the heroes back in their bodies once he finished playing with them. Hopefully, having broken their will enough to turn them into loyal soldiers once again.

Joshua understood the opportunity that this presented. He could have his crew inhabit the vacant vessels. It was only a guess, but there was a good chance they would have access to all of the skills that they held.

This would be a great boon, not only to himself but his crew as well. They would gain a semblance of a life back. They would be able to feel, eat and drink. This would increase their morale as well as make them stronger.

Joshua felt a strange drive to create others like him. Undead. A direct slap in the face to their creator who ruled over death. It was a revolution! They were taking their lives and their freedom back!

The only question was, what place would they have in the world once the heroes were banished. None. Unless they contributed to the war, Joshua was certain that they would never find sanctuary. Just because they went against the natural order of things.

With that in mind, Joshua decided that he would have to create his own kingdom. A kingdom for the damned! He would build up enough soldiers to aid the war effort and earn them their own place.

It was a strange fantasy to him. He wanted nothing more than to sail the seas for eternity. However, he knew that he would not be left alone. The heroes would hunt them whenever they appeared. Giving them no time to just enjoy their unlife. 

That was still a ways off though. It would take time to build a kingdom. For now, he would settle for securing a way to provide these lost souls with proper bodies.

Several ships in the blockade moved to create a few openings. The large sails of a few galleons could be glimpsed as they made their way through the openings and towards the Freedom.

"So, you think it will be easy? Don't make me laugh. You're just humans!" Joshua snorted at the group that been sent to intercept them. He turned to look at the crew who were eager and ready to go. With a savage smile, he delivered his orders. "Send them to their graves!"

A loud cheer erupted on the deck as the ghostly chains holding the ship together began to rattle. The ship lunged as it turned to face the incoming threat. The sails became full with a supernatural wind, the wood creaked, and the chains rattled. Ghostly wails that sounded excited for fresh blood echoed in the air.

The two sides charged towards each other, creating surged in the water as they passed. The Freedom was clearly the tastes of all the ships that were present. Dark rain clouds hovered overhead as heavy rain began to fall.

The ghostly crew were unaffected by such things, but it would definitely put a damper on the fighting spirit of their opponents. As they drew close to each other, they turned to display their broadsides. Cannons were unveiled as each side prepared their initial volley.

The air resounded with deafening booms as each side unleashed their payload. The poor ship that was in direct confrontation with the Freedom was torn apart in that single burst.

Cheers went up from the remaining four enemy ships as they watched their cannonballs approach the freedom. However, the calm yet hungry gazes of the crew left them with a chill running down their spines.

The cannonballs passed directly through the ship! Without leaving so much as a scratch! The heroes crewing the enemy ships suddenly panicked. They realised all too late the true nature of their enemy.

They hurriedly tried to turn around, to make a break for the safety of the blockade! If they could just get behind those defensive lines, they would be safe. Or at least, that was what they thought. For that to happen, they had to be capable of outrunning the Freedom in the first place!

Joshua and his crew gave no quarter. They were spurring their ship on to draw up alongside their fleeing enemies before savaging their craft with cannon fire. 

The sounds of the injured and the dying became the symphony of defeat for the Heroes forces. As each new ship sank, the pressure on the remaining captains increased.

"Damn it all! If we're to die anyway let's go down fighting!" The captain of the next ship in line roared to his crew. Spurring them into a frenzy.

The ship turned around to meet the Freedom head-on. Even if they knew it was hopeless, they still had their pride to consider. All traces of fear were washed away from their faces as they steeled themselves for what was to come.

Surprisingly, the expected cannon fire never came as the Freedom drew up alongside their vessel. Instead, they were met with the ghostly sailors' bloodthirsty shouts as they boarded the ship in various ways.

The first of the crew to set foot on their ship was none other than Brenden. Wielding a cutlass in one hand his body shape gave his enemies the impression of facing a mountain.

Without caring where he struck, Brenden began a massacre. He swung his blade visciously around himself cutting deep into human flesh with each swing. He could only get away with this because his own allies were unfazed by physical attacks.

Spells began to fly from the heroes side. The result was a few of the spectral figures turning into green motes of light before disappearing. Nobody cared to point out that they had a way of fighting back. Most of them were too busy trying to stay alive for even one more second.

Metal rang against metal as they parried each others blows. The deck became slippery with the blood and rain, bringing an early end to quite a few of the heroes as they lost their footing.

The spectral crew whittled the living down slowly. As if they were wholeheartedly enjoying the change of pace. They did not want it to end too soon, but alas, all good things come to an end.

Only the captain was left standing. He pressed his back against the last as he tried to keep all of his assailants in his sights. None of them stirred. They just started at him with haunting eyes, like they were waiting for something.

Suddenly, the sound of steady footsteps could be heard. They were slow and deliberate. Like an executioner walking up to his victim on the block. The captain gulped as he started at the figure of Joshua moving through the parting crowd.

"Do you want to live?" Joshua growled menacingly.

"Fuck you! You killed my crew! I would NEVER betray them by begging for my life here and now!" The captain spat with venom.

"You have balls. I'll give you that. I could use someone like you. What if I spared the souls of your crew? Gave you new bodies? Would you still say the same thing then?"

"Go to hell!"

"What a pity..."

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