My (Monster?) Hero Life

Chapter 263: Heavy Is The Crown (5)

Chapter 263: Heavy Is The Crown (5)

Although they were in a separate realm, Lorget's team would not be complacent. They knew all too well that other entities also used this space. So they could not rule out the possibility of meeting some resistance. They proceeded through the hallway slowly, taking their time to check each ripple that came across. 

From time to time, Lorget would even order one of them to cross over. Some areas were blind to them due to the positioning of the ripples. Lorget felt it best to be prudent and check everything that they could. They might even get lucky and overhear a conversation by chance, saving them a lot of effort. Though, that was only assuming if there was anyone to overhear in the first place. 

Their search for life signs was fruitless as they continued to make progress towards the palace's main entrance. The sheer lack of life was beyond creepy to them. Which was ironic, since they were the literal monsters in the dark that people should be afraid of. The only thing that suggested that their still might be a presence here was that the palace was immaculate in the material realm. 

Which would be strange if there were no servants to do such a chore. This just increased their level of alertness. However, it was not enough to return to their Lord and declare that there was definitely life inside. Lorget led them onwards until the hallway opened up into the large entry chamber. 

Through one of the ripples, Lorget observed that there was a chandelier that held glowing gems. Although they provided more light than the natural one that the sandstone gave off, it was not enough to eliminate any shadows. 'Since it's gems then we can rule out somebody is actively going around lighting up the rooms. This kind of gem probably absorbs the light from the surrounding sandstone, allowing it to produce an even brighter light.'

He openly admired the set up as it would allow a cycle to be created that would basically never run out of power. 'The rooms that were lit up from outside probably have something similar in place. These should be the most important rooms.' He drew up an image of the front of the palace in his mind and began to plot a course for the nearest room on the third floor that should hold the same system.

'Hopefully, we can find something of importance there. Most rulers and lords prefer the highest floors as their own personal space.' Lorget rationalised his choice with this thought. If they could strike it lucky in that one single room, then they bug out of the palace as soon as possible. He gestured to the squad to follow behind him as he swam towards the third floor.

They altogether avoided investigating the second floor in any way besides a courtesy glance through the ripples. When they confirmed that there was nothing in this area that could prevent their retreat, they headed towards the hall at the front of the palace, leading them to their target room. 

Lorget's eyes went wide as they encountered their first closed-door since entering the palace. Every other one they had come across was always left ajar. Lorget glanced towards the hallways that would have led to different areas on this floor and discovered that their doors were all open. 'Seems like I was right. There has to be something up here. It's too strange for an empty palace to only have a single closed door on the inside.'

This time he did not take the risk of going first. Instead, he ordered one of the others to squeeze through the gap at the bottom of the door and report back before the team followed. They had to wait for a few minutes while the unfortunate volunteer had to go through the process of distorting his body twice. 

"There's nothing there. The fourth door on the right is closed though, with some light showing from underneath it."

Lorget nodded at the report. The room he mentioned matched with his image of the palace exterior. Deciding that there were no immediate risks, Lorget led the squad through the gap. Since it had already been scouted, Lorget did not wait for everyone to join him on the other side. He swam ahead to get a good look at the door that protected their current objective.

He cursed silently as he noted that the scout had been mistaken. The door was indeed closed, and there was light shining underneath. However, he failed to mention that there was no gap! The light was shining through a crystal-like substance that made a solid connection with the floor! He eyed the seams where the door met its frame. 'It's pretty much watertight! God damn it!'

He cursed furiously in his mind. What did this mean? It meant that they would have to cross over to the material realm and physically open this door. If anyone happened to be inside, they would instantly be alerted to the sudden trespass! This one single thing could put the entire operation in danger!

As the others joined him, he realised he had a decision to make. There was every chance that anything that could tell them what was going on would be behind this door. So the first option was to take the risk and check it out, damn the consequences. The second option was to continue searching the other rooms and try their luck with the other two that had displayed some light. 

Although this would be safer, it was also a gamble. The longer they stuck around, the more likely something might happen to the others in the material realm. Or even worse, their incursion might get discovered! The third option was to send someone to get in touch with the other team and prematurely withdraw. He could decide that there was too much risk involved at this stage, especially since Kace did not want them to be discovered.

'I've made my choice'

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