My (Monster?) Hero Life

Chapter 286: Night Raid (1)

Chapter 286: Night Raid (1)

"You're bluffing!" Erik roared in denial as the heroes in the crowd subconsciously began to back away from Kace's imposing figure.

"Do you really want to try me?" Kace's voice sounded menacing as he practically dared them to put him to the test.

A tense standoff occurred as the two figures attempted to stare each other down. Erik was frantically trying to figure out the odds of Kace telling the truth with his threat. Whereas Kace himself was silently hoping that he would not be forced to reveal his hand to the heroes so soon. Basically, Kace's threat had created a situation where neither of them could genuinely afford to back down.

Erik absolutely had to retrieve Phillip, and it was supposed to be at all costs. However, that was assuming that they were going to win with numbers anyway. Now there was the threat of practically everyone on their side involved in this fight dying even if they came out victorious. That was not a price worth paying since they had to at least take alive to exchange for Phillip.

If the Chimera went as far as to be willing to sacrifice his life just to wipe them out, then there was no hope of their plan succeeding anyway. Erik ground his teeth together in frustration. He had no way of knowing what form Kace's assault would come in. So he had no clue if they could actually repel it. Erik decided to stall for time and see if his subordinates managed to come back with hostages.

"What do you propose then Chimera? Do you expect us to return home empty-handed?" Erik shouted down to Kace, who kept a straight poker expression on his face.

"You could do that. I certainly won't complain." Kace shrugged as if it were no big deal. "If you insist on taking something with you, then how about these traitors? I'm sure you can find a use for them."

A burst of outrage sounded from the natives on the side of the Chamber of Merchants. Kace had just gestured at them as if they were some commodity that he had the right to exchange. Multiple cries in their native language resounded in the area. Who does he think he is? We rule this city! What makes him think he can toss us out like an unwanted dog?

Kace chuckled to himself as he listened to their complaints while he kept a straight face. He was actually hoping to cause some kind of divide between the heroes and the4 natives. If Erik refused them, then they would be outraged that he thought so little of them. If he retreated without helping with the battle, then they would never side with the heroes again. If he accepted this ludicrous offer, the natives would still be angry that he gave up on their home!

Erik's expression turned ugly for a moment as he realised the trap Kace had set for him. If they were forced to retreat, then he had believed that the natives would have done so willingly. However, Kace's provocation had just sparked their pride. Making it almost impossible to retreat under Kace's threat and keep the native's as an asset at the same time!

You offer to let us take these forces like they are a gift! This is no gift! It is clear that you are trying to poison our well! Similar thoughts to these ran through the minds of all of the heroes present. Kace was shameless in his attempts to turn this horrible situation for his side around. Erik had to hand it to the young Chimera. He was doing exceptionally well for someone in such a difficult position.

'If only you were a hero, you could have been an incredible disciple' Erik lamented the fact that their own side had not procured someone of Kace's calibre. At the same time, a spark of respect flickered in him for his adversary. 'I can't stall. He'll just use the time to stir shit up more. We should retreat for now. With any luck, one of the others will have captured one of his friends.'

Erik continued to consider their current position. 'If we have a hostage that will force him to come to us. His threat won't mean much if he only meets with a few of us while the others keep a distance.' This plan quickly hatched in Erik's mind. He could only hope the leaders of the Chamber of Merchants would follow his lead for now.

"Have it your way, monster! We'll back off this time! I'll take you up on your offer and escort these fine warriors out with my own forces." Erik shot a subtle look towards a building a bit behind the native army. 

An explosion sounded from the building as a golden smoke erupted in mid-air over the army's heads. A lot of complaints sounded from the natives at the sight of that smoke. From the general sounds of things, Kace could guess that it meant that those in charge of the natives had given the signal for them to retreat.

Kace threw a cold and calculating gaze towards Erik. 'That was too easy. I know it's what I wanted. But still It doesn't feel like a victory. Why is that?' The surviving monsters let out a cheer as their enemies began to march away with an air of gloom hanging over them. Well, except for the orcs. Why would they celebrate when their punching bags were getting away from them? How is that fair? Kace silently watched as the defenders pulled back.

"Shadow," Kace said with a solemn tone lacing his voice.

"Yes, My Lord?" The goblin popped up beside Kace with a grim expression of his own. 

"Have a group take Grugda to Lilly for healing. I want you and the others to tail the heroes without being noticed. I don't trust them." Kace's glare carried so much hate that the heroes still in his line of sight felt a chill run down their spines. It made them feel like a predator was about to pounce on them from behind at any moment!

"I'll have it taken care of right away." Shadow would usually have laughed at the heroes who had suddenly begun to trip as they quickened their pace. However, there was something else troubling him that prevented him from doing so.

"Shadow." Kace spared a glance at the small figure beside him. "Don't worry about it."

"What do you mean?" Shadow replied with a frown so deep that it left a crater on his forehead.

"You made the right decision." Kace sighed as he turned his back on the retreating heroes. "If you had come to my aid against Erik, I'm not sure you guys could have survived. He's a beast on a whole other level. Even for me."

Shadow felt his emotional turbulence beginning to calm down at Kace's surprisingly soothing words. He had not realised how much it had actually got to him for not rushing to his death just to buy Kace some time. A deep sense of gratitude washed over Shadow as it felt like a weight had been lifted from his mind. 'Right, let's deal with you.'

Shadow turned his attention towards Grugda, who was kneeling on the ground. Somehow the Eljein had managed to stay conscious despite his injuries. Shadow summoned a couple of members of his tribe to carry Grugda to the rear where Lilly should be. Since Kace did not seem worried about Grugda's condition, Shadow did not think he needed to be either. 

"You. Follow the heroes and send someone to guide me there once they settle down for the night." Shadow ordered one of the others. 'Who am I kidding? I have to make sure the big guy is going to be ok!'

Shadow waited until the rest of the tribe, who were not joining him in accompanying Grugda, had dispersed before signalling his group to move out. There was a lot of noise coming from the homes on either side of the street. This was especially true for the ones that now had holes in their walls due to stray projectiles. 

Shadow quickly guesstimated the number of civilian casualties due to the brief battle in the middle of the city. The numbers were nowhere near flattering, as he could assume that many of them would have been unintentional victims of Kace's order to kill anyone who approached them. 'He was right to order that. If he didn't, then we could have lost people if the enemies slipped into our ranks, posing as civilians.'

Shadow sighed at the unnecessary loss of life. His feelings were thrown into further turmoil as they came onto the street that housed their field hospital. Piles of injured monsters were laying on the side of the road. By the doorway of where Lilly should be working, there were several dead bodies. Sophia also lay there in a ragged and semi-broken state. She looked like she had crawled there on sheer willpower!

Shadow rushed to her side and took a look at her numerous wounds. "Why hasn't Lilly seen you yet?'

"She's gone Warn Kace" Sophia barely managed to pant these words before she lost consciousness.

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