My (Monster?) Hero Life

Chapter 314: All Bark, No Bite (3)

Chapter 314: All Bark, No Bite (3)

Kace stared at the Sonja as his jaw hit the floor! This was the last thing that he had been expecting to hear as an explanation! However, when he thought about it, he realised that the signs had always been there! He had just been too dense to realise it.

Hell, when he first appeared in this world, Vaskra instantly tried to gain his affection with her body! Which only backfired on her for obvious reasons. Then Sophia had come along, and over time, she seemed to warm up to him just as he had with her. However, her poor attitude when they first met prevented Kace from thinking of her as much more than a friend.

Then, Lilly was introduced to him by Elderbeard, who had spent a long time concealing her existence and protecting her. Right now, she was the closest one to being considered as a potential mate by Kace. However, Sonja's revelation cast some doubt over his mind.

It seemed like every faction was trying to honey trap him, and he did not feel good about their methods. Kace's expression became grim as he stared at Sonja. 'If what she's saying is true, then she's admitting her own part in it as well.'

"Why would you tell me this? Doesn't it affect your own plans?" Kace's tone was obviously angry as he glared at Sonja.

"Not really. We would rather warn you to prevent you from being taken advantage of before it's too late." Sonja flashed a warm smile towards him to show her sincerity.

Kace frowned as he pondered over her statement. For all, he knew she was trying to earn some goodwill from him and destroy everyone's chance since she sensed that they were losing him anyway. It was quite an effective strategy, and it had worked. Kace would not be able to look at Lilly now without wondering if she was pretending to be someone she was not just to appeal to him. 

Kace groaned as he thought about how awkward everything was going to be from now on. He ould have to consider every advance that any woman made towards him now. There would be no telling if it was genuine interest in him or some faction was pulling strings behind it.

"Kace, you need to be prepared." Sonja sighed as she leaned back in her chair. "There's every chance that Elderbeard is planning to offer you Lilly's hand in marriage at the banquet."

Kace let out a loud groan at that. He had to admit that he would have seriously considered it if Sonja had not said anything. However, if he refused, it was sure to cause some animosity. He still wanted to believe that Lilly was actually interested and not faking it.

"If you want, we can insist that it's inappropriate to consider such matters right now with the ongoing war. However, sooner or later, you'll have to make a choice."Sonja's tone was solemn as she spoke with heavy eyes. "You've come close to death a few times already, and presently, you are the only Chimera. Your species is necessary to win this war. You understand what I'm saying, right?"

Kace nodded his head in response. Basically, the leaders were worried that he would die without leaving them with a backup plan. However, for Kace, that was not a good enough reason to just get hitched and have kids. He would have to choose carefully when the time came for the sake of his own sanity.

"Thank you for your warning, Your Majesty." Kace bowed his head politely even though there was a newfound coldness to his tone.

Sophia could not help but feel a little sad at that display. It was clear that Kace wanted to distance himself from everyone. Not that she could blame him for that. She had not enjoyed the feeling of being forced into accepting responsibilities that she never wanted either. Sophia calmly accepted that she would have to back off a bit and give Kace a chance to really see her for who she was. 

"Well, it's good that you understand your situation now. We can catch up some more once you've had a chance to digest this. I've had a room prepared for you to rest before the banquet. Nobody will disturb you." Sonja did her best to maintain a friendly atmosphere, but Kace's aura felt cold and distant.

"Thank you for your concern, but I think I'd prefer to rest in my own manor. Please send the messenger over when they arrive." Kace put his palms together in a show of respect before bowing. 

Nobody tried to stop him as he marched out of the vampire's manor. As he stepped out onto the street, he kept his focus on going to his own place while he used his phantom Hydra head to scour his surroundings. 

It did not take much to spot several monsters from every race paying close attention to him. Some would follow him and keep watch while trying to be subtle, while others rushed off to inform those who had sent them. 

Kace clenched his teeth in frustration. He could not believe that he had never noticed it before. He had felt so safe amongst the monsters, and they obviously did not mean any physical harm. However, they were clearly trying to manipulate him for their own gains. 

Grugda, Shadow and Josh are the only ones I can fully trust. Kace sighed as a bunch of thoughts ran through his mind at high speed. 'I have to show that I'm not willing for them to bring me under any of their factions. Perhaps' 

Kace had hit on a novel idea that appealed to him right now. The more he thought about it, the more confident that he became that it was the correct path forward for him right now. 'Staying here will only encourage them. Once we settle matters in the North, I'll ask Josh to take me away from here. It's time I focus on myself'

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