My (Monster?) Hero Life

Chapter 324: Hunter And Prey! (3)

Chapter 324: Hunter And Prey! (3)

The ground cracked apart as the earth rumbled, and a horrendous roar filled the air! The scene that was playing out looked like something straight out of a natural disaster movie as Kace's instincts were sending constant warnings to his brain!

"GYN! Turn the ship around! Quickly!" Kace roared as he tried to get a good vantage point to see what could alarm his sense so much.

"One step ahead of you!" Gyn roared back as the aerial behemoth lurched into a sharp curving motion.

Kace frantically searched the canyon for the first signs of whatever it was that they were up against. His eyes narrowed as he pinpointed a giant claw emerging from one of the cracks below. The size of that single feature alone told him that the beast would easily eclipse his own stature! To be honest, he doubted if he would be able to injure anything of that size with his current power alone!

The monsters who were still manning the cannons trained their sights on that spot and opened fire frantically! The airship unleashed everything that it had on the claw, only for a painful roar to accompany the bombardment. Earth was thrown all over the place by the cannon fire, causing a cloud of dirt to completely cover up whatever was happening down below.

However, the monsters did not dare to even ease up. Every one of them could sense that they had awoken something that they never should have! 

The dirt cloud suddenly parted as three humungous drake heads pierced the cloud. Each head spanned around thirty feet in size, which was simply unbelievable! Kace cursed loudly as the colossal beast slowly climbed out of the canyon. All three heads were attached to a single scaly body that brandished a jagged tail.

Kace quickly judged that from snout to tail, the beast reached over one hundred feet in length. Each of its heads scanned the immediate surroundings looking for the perpetrator of the attack that had culled its pack. Kace felt a deep chill slither down his spine as a set of eyes landed on the airship in the sky.

The trio headed drake let out earth-shattering roars as it spread its wings! 'God damn! Look at the size of that thing!' Kace's expression turned grim as he ran for the Captain's cabin.

"GYN! What's taking so long! We have to move! Right now!" Kace's frantic voice filled the air, accompanied by another round of cannon fire.

The tri headed drake simply shrugged off everything that they could throw at it. It basically felt like nothing more than a light tickle to it! Another round of roars erupted as the tribe headed drake caused a storm when it flapped its wings. The monsters watched in horror as the colossal creature took to the air slowly.

It was an absolute marvel that something like that could even support its own weight in the air! By this point, Gyn had finally managed to turn the ship around and immediately activated the mana crystals again to inject the sails with wing magic. 

Kace ran to look off the rear of the ship and was glad to see that the beast was slowly fading away behind them as they reached top speed. 'Thank God! I thought we were goners there!' Kace had to hold his shaking body up by holding the nearby bannister. He had deluded himself into thinking that things like that simply could not exist.

It just drove home the fact that he still knew far too little about this world. It was definitely a shortcoming that he had to fix in the near future. He could ill afford to find himself in a similar situation again without a means of escaping.


Kace's complexion paled as his gaze snapped back to the canyon in the distance. What was a small black dot on the horizon was quickly growing noticeably bigger! 'Oh shit! It's still coming!'

"GYN! It's fucking catching up! Do something!!!" Kace roared as he slowly became enraged by the feeling of being so helpless.

"What do you expect me to do? Huh? Slap it with a fucking fish?" Gyn shouted back with obvious annoyance. "That thing was born to be in the air! This beauty isn't meant to be fast! It's supposed to scare everything off!"

The mechanical sounds of the cannons pivoting to face the oncoming threat sounded out as the monsters operating them felt their hands shaking. In the face of absolute power, what did they amount to? Who gave them the right to be so conceited by using borrowed power?




The monsters did not even wait for their enemy to enter their range as they unleashed payload after payload in its direction. At this point, they could only hope to slow the tri headed drake down enough to allow them to escape! 

"Gyn, was there anywhere nearby that we can hide from that thing?" Kace asked as he slipped inside the tight cabin where Gyn was frantically operating the controls.

"Look around! What do you think?" Gyn frowned deeply at such a stupid question. He knew that fear could make people more idiotic, but this was taking the cake. They were surrounded on all sides by an endless desert and its dunes. Only a few red rock pillars jutted out from the sand here and there.

"Well Can you get any more out of this thing? I thought you were confident in its abilities?" Kace pressured the goblin with an angry tone.

"I'm a goblin! How was I supposed to know about that freak of nature? I've barely seen anything myself in this world! Damn it! Hold on" Gyn urgently flicked several switches as dangerous humming and screeching noises came from the entire airship.

"What did you do?" Kace asked as he suddenly felt that they were picking up speed.

"I've disabled the protections in place. I hope your happy cause we could all get blown sky-high at any moment! And I swear, if I die again and you survive, I'm going to haunt your ass!" Gyn growled as he focused on the instruments that he had created to monitor the ship's integrity and its mana supplies.

Kace's eyes narrowed in on a red needle pushing itself quite a bit off the instrument's scale. It did not look like a good situation at all! 


"We've lost under cannons one through six!" A goblin screeched as he peered over the edge to see some of his friends falling through the air accompanied by a large chunk of the airship.

"We're not going to make it!" Kace growled as he noticed that their speed had dropped again. 

However, that was not the only issue, as the tri headed drake had closed the distance enough for Kace to see the whites of its giant predatory eyes. Is there honestly nothing we can do? Kace stroked the bracelet on his wrist that was actually Sylvan as he considered his options.

'I can try and distract it Maybe buy the others some time?' Right now, it was the only option that Kace could think of. The only issue with that plan was that he would be nothing more than a bee sting to the beast. 'If I don't act soon, it will be too late.'

Kace steeled his nerves as he summoned Sylvan in a spear form. 'The eyes should be its softest spot. I might be able to anger it enough if I take one of them from it. Kace walked to the rear of the deck and placed a foot on the bannister. 

He stressed the muscles in his legs as he prepped himself to leap for one of the beast's heads as soon as it got close enough. His muscles shook as his hand began to hurt from how tightly he was gripping Sylvan.

'Are you mad!' Sylvan's voice entered Kace's mind when the parasitic weapon realised the peril that Kace was planning on putting it in. 'If you want to go down fighting, leave me behind!'

Kace completely ignored his complaints. He was entirely focused on judging the timing of his jump. Moments passed by as the tri headed drake crept into striking distance. 'NOW!' Kace shouted in his mind to prompt himself into action.

Kace's figure flew through the air as the head he was aiming at opened its jaws wide! 'Shit!' Realising that he was about to become a light snack, Kace used Venomous Thread to latch onto one of the fangs and swing around to the side of the beast's head. Kace looked directly into the drake's eye as he swung past, and all he could sense was an intense murderous intent.

'That's to be expected for what we did But I won't let you get away with it!' Kace grit his teeth as he completed his swing to land on the neck of the drake. His eyes moved to the thick horns up ahead. 'I just have to make it in time!'

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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