My (Monster?) Hero Life

Chapter 328: Bone Golem (2)

Chapter 328: Bone Golem (2)

Kace sped off through the streets using his Venomous Thread to outmanoeuvre any of Constance's undead along the way. Bone shards smashed against the walls of the buildings as Kace easily avoided them with the help of his Hydra Head and Kinetic Vision. He decided not to bother with the small fry as he would need all of his strength to deal with Constance.

'These guys' Kace clicked his tongue as he avoided another projectile. They simply did not know when to give up! 

At this point, Shadow appeared on a nearby roof and ran alongside him. "My Lord! There's a group of undead waiting for you around the corner! It looks like they're planning on filling the area with their Bone Shards so that you can't avoid them!"

"Thanks, Shadow! Gather the tribe and catch up with me. I'm going to need you!" Kace shouted back as he prepared himself.

Shadow nodded before diving back into the shadows. When Kace rounded the corner, he saw what Shadow had warned him about! A flurry of projectiles filled his sight, but Kace could only grin at their attempt.

'Stampede!' Kace roared in his mind as his foot connected with the wall of a crumbling building. The surface of it caved in as Kace shot away from it. The enemy's projectiles shattered against him as he ignored their damage and burst through the onslaught. 

Kace grinned madly as he had Sylvan take on the shape of a scythe! A cloud of dirt erupted from the ground behind him as his feet slid across it from his high-velocity landing. Kace immediately began to spin as he came into contact with the first line of the undead that had fired at him.

Limbs flew all over the place as Sylvan cut them down with ease. If anyone on his side had witnessed this, they would have said that he looked like a demon of death as he mowed down everything around him. 

Warning messages were sent to Kace's brain about the danger behind him, but he paid it no mind and fired a Plague Spear in that direction and detonated it. The warnings quickly disappeared as the shrapnel killed whatever had been aiming for him. Kace let loose a mighty roar before throwing himself into the thick of the battle again.

The undead gathered in streets close by and rushed him time and time again. But Kace was almost like a natural disaster at this point. There was no stopping his steady advance towards the massive Bone Golem that could be seen over the rooftops. 

Kace did not even bother to glance towards the sky as Rysa flew overhead. The heat emanating from her body already affected him all the way down here! Rysa effectively carpet-bombed the street ahead of Kace, clearing a path for him where he could ignore his enemies. Kace flashed Rysa a thumbs up in his mind as he sprinted down the blazing street.

The flames licked at the edges of his armour while making the red in it glow fiercely. Kace's golden eyes scanned the sides of the streets diligently whenever he spotted a crispy body. There was no telling if the undead may have survived this level of fire and were just waiting to ambush him in passing.

However, it seemed that he had nothing to worry about just now as his journey went uninterrupted until he emerged from the area that Rysa had decimated. Five platoons of undead were rushing at him together. They were a mix of skeletal figures and ghouls, but Kace bared his fangs at them and growled!

His beastly instincts were urging him to run wild, but Kace knew that he could not give in to that temptation. At least, not yet. Before this new wave of enemies could close the distance with him, a frilly dress landed in front of him. Kace smiled at the wide-brimmed hat as he realised his reinforcements had arrived.

"Forward!" Lorget shouted while pointing something that looked suspiciously like a closed umbrella at the undead! 

The Tu'Thrag suddenly pounced from various dark areas onto the undead who did not know how to react to the situation! Lorget personally ripped an arm from a skeleton and proceeded to bash its skull in which its own arm! All the while shouting, "Stop hitting yourself!"

Kace almost lost his composure when he heard that as he disembowelled a zombie. Its rotten and maggot-infested intestines splattered across the street as the creature stared at him with a blank and hungry expression. Kace wrinkled his nose in disgust as the smell assaulted him. 'Note to self. Don't do that anymore!'

Sylvan, in his scythe form, crashed down on the zombie's skull with extreme force. The act caused the said skull to be cleanly severed in two. As one half slid away from the other, the grey remains of its brains sloshed out amongst some foul-smelling green liquid. Kace was tempted to gag at the sight, but he barely managed to hold it together.

As he spun around, he saw Shadow jumping from, well, shadow to shadow as he lopped heads off. However, even this did not stop the zombies' bodies from moving! This was not a film after all! 'Wait.' Kace suddenly thought as his Hydra head sent a warning at the same time. 

The zombie he had just dispatched had not been dispatched at all and instead had tried to claw at his back. Kace barely avoided the attack and spun to meet his opponent. The zombies swollen, purple tongue protruded from between its blue lips. At the same time, it's one remaining eye swivelled back and forth in its socket while more foul liquid splashed out of its now open skull. 

Kace sneered as he glanced at the ground where its brain lay. He could not help but wonder if there was a way to truly kill these things. At that moment, Rysa, in her bird form, crashed into the Bone Golem with a resounding boom! Sending a shockwave of heat out from the point of impact!

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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