My (Monster?) Hero Life

Chapter 335: Going West (3)

Chapter 335: Going West (3)

Kace dropped Rysa off by the infirmary and spent the next several days going over the details of garrisoning the city. He was eager to set off and find an excuse to slip away. But it would be difficult to achieve until he came into contact with Josh again. The main problem that plagued them was who to leave in charge of the city.

Kace felt a headache brewing as he glanced over at the potential candidates. But none of them made him feel good about leaving them in charge. He slammed his palm on the desk he was seated at, causing the candidates to jump. The five of them stared at Kace with expectant expressions, each one believing that they were a better choice than the others. 

Eventually, Kace sighed as he fixed his golden eyes on them. "This decision will take longer than I expected. You're all free to go for now."

The monsters grumbled as each of them felt that the choice was obvious, but none of them dared to question him. As they filed out of Kace's room, Grugda entered with a frown on his face. The eljein's eyes scanned Kace and noticed that he was feeling under pressure. Which he assumed was only natural, considering the decision that he had to make.

"No matter who. You choose. The other races. Won't be. Happy." Grugda shook his head as he rubbed one of the bandages on his left arm. "So does it. Really. Matter?"

Kace lifted his head to look at Grugda with a helpless expression. "Of course it matters. Who do you think will get the blame if we lose this place right after seizing it?"

Grugda slowly nodded his head as he realised what Kace was getting at. There was bound to be members of the council that would like to pin the blame on Shagrat. After all, many of them still saw Kace as his subordinate. If he committed a mistake, they would be able to drag the goblin's overall influence down a few notches. Which should make it easier for them to poach the Chimera for their own camp. 

Grugda scratched his chin as he considered the problem for a moment before remembering why he had come here in the first place. "Rysa's awake. She wants. To see you."

Kace's eyes lit up at Grugda's words. There was a chance that Rysa could provide a solution for him. After all, the city was close to her territory, so it would be great if she could take on the role of protecting it. With her flight speed, it should be easy for her to respond to any problems, even if she returned home. 

It took Kace a few minutes to walk to the infirmary aboard the airship. Luckily, there were few monsters onboard clogging up the hallways. Only the essential crew and a few monsters with a higher position remained on board. 

"How is she?" Kace asked as he glanced towards Lilly as he entered the room.

"Not bad, she should be fine with a little more rest." Lilly pouted as she glared at Kace.

Something told him that he was in trouble. However, Lilly failed to elaborate on what was clearly bugging her. So naturally, Kace had no intentions of kicking that particular hornet's nest. His eyes scanned the room and spotted a bed that had been put aside from the others. It was as if the occupant was receiving special attention.

"I guess you moved her bed?" Kace raised an eyebrow at Lilly, he had expected for her to treat Rysa the same as everyone else.

"Of course I did! We can't have her being treated like the others. It might offend her!" Lilly rolled her eyes at Kace's usual carelessness. "She's a ruler, you idiot. What example would we be setting if she could touch someone in the bed next to her? She needs her own space. One that makes it clear what her position is."

This time it was Kace's turn to roll his eyes at her. Personally, he did not believe in special treatment. They were all on the same side and the only difference was who actually made the decisions. In his mind, this did not really make them worthy of special attention. However, he still knew very little of nuances of the monster society. 

In his defence, things like this also differed between the races. For example, an orc would have no problem having to share a room with members of their tribe. But a high-ranking treant was expected to have their own area. Kace could only chalk this up to Lilly's upbringing. He heaved a deep sigh as he approached the bed.

Rysa looked to be sleeping peacefully. There were no marks on her at all and her complexion had returned to a beautiful colour. He turned to look at Grugda with a confused look on his face.

"I thought you said she was awake?" Kace's tone held a hint of annoyance as he spoke, but a voice came from the bed, making him jump.

"I am I just wanted to see if you would be concerned about me." Rysa revealed a playful smile as she glanced at Kace. "What do you think? The bed has room for two and my clothes are over there"

Kace's eyes were drawn to Rysa's slender shoulder and arm as she revealed them from beneath the blanket. Then his eyes drifted to where she was pointing. They took in the sight of Rysa's clothing folded neatly on a desk. Kace gulped, as he had to fight back the temptation. Which was easier than he thought when he could practically hear the steam coming from Lilly's ears at Rysa's offer.

"I'll have to pass" Kace raised a hand in apology while shaking his head from side to side. 

"Hm looks like I'll have to try harder." Rysa covered her mouth with her hand and let out a cute laugh as the blanket slipped to 'casually' reveal the top part of her chest.

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