My (Monster?) Hero Life

Chapter 337: Going West (5)

Chapter 337: Going West (5)

Once the others left the room, Kace's expression turned serious as he glanced sidelong at Rysa. "So, what is it? You wouldn't have asked to speak with me alone unless it was important."

Rysa chuckled lightly as stared back him with a slightly sad expression upon her delicate face. "You really need to work on your negotiation skills. Your thoughts are easy to read for almost anyone with some experience."

Kace frowned as he mulled over her words. He knew that this was just some light advice before what she really wanted to say. "I can't help it. I don't really like dealing with these things."

"And that's why your planning on leaving?" Rysa hummed as she raised an eyebrow. Leaving Kace feeling shocked.

"How did you know?" Kace growled in response. He did not like the fact that she had exposed his plans so easily.

"I didn't. Not for sure anyway." Rysa flashed a charming smile as she gave him a knowing look.

Kace silently cursed under his breath as he realised she was just fishing for answers. Something during their earlier talk must have given away how he was feeling inside. Then he was stupid enough to confirm her suspicions.

"Ok, I admit it. I just can't deal with the way everyone is attempting to use me. It's not like I plan to leave forever." Kace grumbled as he folded his arms in front of his chest.

"Personally, I think it's a good idea. You need to get out. Live life a little. From what I know of you, you're knowledge is extremely limited. Especially when it comes to the various cultures."Rysa sighed wholeheartedly as she fixed Kace with a caring expression. "You're a legendary monster. Just like me. Your youth is where you'll grow the most. If you squander it going from battle to battle you'll never be able to make reliable decisions on your own."

Kace frowned as he met her gaze. 'Does she actually care or is this another trick? Does she want me to leave?' The suspicion that he was feeling must have shown on his face. As Rysa felt the need to say something more.

"Do you know that you're the only legendary monster that answers to others? We're meant to be rulers. We stand over the other races which is why they are probably so desperate to chain you down. They want to take control of you before you realise your own value." Rysa sighed as she looked around the room. "You know, I can see it. The fire of your life force. It's much weaker than it should be. Tell me the truth, you've already sacrificed some of your future. Haven't you?"

Kace squinted at the Phoenix as he tried to figure out what she was up to. If he were being honest with himself, his reduced lifespan was part of the reason he wanted to travel now. He might a way to reverse it and even if he did not then he would still get the chance to live a little. But if he stayed, any battle might force him to reduce it again. Then, before he would realise it, he may only end up with days or weeks to live once the war was settled.

"I see You must have sacrificed more than you're willing to admit." Rysa shook her head sadly as she gazed into his golden eyes. "I don't know the specifics about your race but you should become strong enough to not have to resort to such methods. Burning your future potential like that will only lead to a quick death."

"I'm aware of the drawbacks I've tried to keep myself from using it." Kace sighed as his expression softened. "The problem is, I don't really know where to start. Everything I know of the world is basically what I've been told."

"And everything you've been told comes from the viewpoint of others. So it's biased and you don't know whether you should blindly believe it?" Rysa smiled warmly, it made her happy to know that he was thinking for himself. In some small way at least. "But that's all you've been doing. Blindly following the herd when you should be the shepherd. You shouldn't be working for the council You should be fighting for yourself."

Kace raised an eyebrow at her words. He was slightly tempted by her words but he still had no intentions of running a kingdom of his own. The look on his face made Rysa chuckle as she watched the various emotions flash across his face.

"Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying that should be build a city and have thousands kneeling before you. But, you should at least consider taking a small group under your wings. Travel together as comrades with you leading them. You might be surprised by what you discover about yourself in the process." Rysa gazed into space as she recalled distant memories. "But no matter what. Whether you go solo, gather a group or found a kingdom. Alway negotiate with council as the equal of all of their races combined."

Kace mulled over her words for a few moments. It seemed like she was suggesting that he would be better off taking more of his companions with him than what he was planning. 'It's like she wants me to forget about what race they belong to and claim them as my own.' Kace had to admit that he liked the sound of it. However, he had to wonder how many of them would cut ties with their race and follow him.

It would definitely be the best result form personally. That way the council could no longer manoeuvre those close to him. He would not have to be so isolated anymore. A slight cough drew his attention back to Rysa who seemed to have something more to say.

"Don't you think it's strange? That you're the only one of your kind?" Rysa's eyes lit up as she spoke with an excited expression.

"What do you mean?" Kace felt enthralled by the subtle idea that she was suggesting.

"What I'm saying is that although we are legendary monsters, none of us came into this world alone. You're the only exception. I'd find it strange if Lyreve did not bless you with something similar to Queen Sonja's ability. You know what I mean."

"You're talking about how she can she transform others into vampires?" Kace hummed as his curiosity piqued.

"Indeed. If I had to guess, you probably have a similar ability. You just need to discover how to use it." Rysa nodded her head matter of factly.

"What makes you so sure that I can do such a thing?" Kace liked the idea, but that did not make him blindly believe it.

"Think about it What happens if you die? She probably used her only chance at messing with this world to create you. If you die then there goes her hope of freeing this world. Up in smoke. Just like that. And it would take too long for you to have a ton of children and for them to grow up." Rysa looked as though she had seriously considered the matter. "I don't think you're here to shoulder this all on your own. I think you're the spark. The single ember that will ignite the fires of a revolution."

Rysa's speech was so passionate that Kace felt a strange feeling welling up deep inside of him. It was as if her words had ignited some deep rooted instinct locked away inside of his mind. Her eyes flashed with multi coloured embers as she thought about the possibilities that Kace represented.

"I think this world is in for a big surprise. One that you're in for too. Quite frankly, it was getting kind of stale." Rysa chuckled as plans began to formulate inside of her own mind. She could see the world burning as Kace led an unstoppable army. 'Perhaps the Goddess plans to use him to invade all of Haestus's territories. Why would she stop at only her own world?'

Rysa's mind raced as she tried to understand what the Goddess was thinking. She ruled over the law of the hunt, and Kace might be the greatest predator that she ever created. So did that not mean that he was supposed to hunt the greatest prey? Death itself? Now wouldn't that be a sight to see. Rysa had to suppress the joy she was feeling in her chest.

So many years of suffering. All of the friends she lost to the heroes invasion. Then, this man came along. This Monster. He was the one that everyone should be afraid of. If he could just reach his potential, there would be nothing that could stop him. Not even the Gods. Rysa wondered what an army of others like him could truly achieve. Was it possible that in the future she would have to bow her head to him? 'Damn, now I'm really fired up! If only I could convince him to come to bed'

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