My Mythical World

Chapter 12: The Elixir of Immortality

Chapter 12: The Elixir of Immortality

In the realm of relentless strife and looming oppression, a steadfast resistance thriveda testament to the unyielding pursuit of life's extension and survival. Jiang Ping, an astute observer of the shifting tides in the primordial world, found himself captivated by the unfolding drama. A subtle smile graced his lips, an acknowledgment of the grand spectacle before him.   He understood that if Lian Shan, the revered king, were to succeed in his audacious quest for a second life, an extraordinary gift would be bestowed upon him. Despite his advanced age, Lian Shan's indomitable spirit burned bright, propelling him to dispatch his loyal followers on perilous expeditions to the treacherous polar realms. Their lives hung in the balance as they confronted formidable demons and plunged into the enigmatic depths of the ocean, where, against heavy losses, they emerged triumphant, clutching the precious blood of the Elder God, Cthulhu.   Amidst whispers of Lian Shan's senescence in his twilight years, the true nature of his clandestine machinations remained concealed, known solely to his most trusted disciple.   Acquiring rare materials from far-flung corners of the world, Lian Shan retreated into his secluded alchemy chamber, immersing himself in diligent study and meticulous documentation of the effects yielded by various combinations. With utmost reverence, he cradled the deep azure liquidCthulhu's bloodin his hands, aware of its mystical significance.   Whispered tales spoke of the inconceivable power possessed by the Elder God, capable of vanquishing even the mightiest dragons that roamed the land. More astonishingly, the blood of this otherworldly being possessed the ability to induce profound mental interference.   Thus, Lian Shan embarked on an arduous journey, intertwining the blood of the Elder God with an array of magical substances. Through tireless experimentation, he gradually discovered that this alchemical amalgamation infused beings with a proclivity for madness, yet heightened their mental stimulation, enabling them to transcend the boundaries of ordinary sleep.   One by one, each componentthe blood of the Elder God, the blood of the dragon, dragon's beard grass, ice purple fire crystal, and blood essence grasswas meticulously added to the sacred alchemical vessel. These precious materials embodied the collective contributions of countless beings from the celestial realms, the earthly domains, and the enigmatic depths of the ocean.   After enduring countless failures and nearly depleting the entirety of his amassed materials, Lian Shan achieved a triumph that reverberated throughout the entire realm  the realization of the elixir he had fervently envisioned.   "Eureka! Eureka!" Lian Shan cast aside the trappings of regal dignity, unable to contain his exultation. His disheveled hair, now accentuated against his ecstatic cries, transformed him into a jubilant visionary in the eyes of those who bore witness to the spectacle.   Beyond the confines of the chamber, Jiang Ping erupted into applause, his anticipation tangible. "Has he succeeded?" Jiang Ping's voice quivered with nervous excitement, his unwavering gaze fixed upon Lian Shan's every move.   For what Lian Shan had relentlessly pursued in his twilight years was none other than the elixir of immortalitya potion capable of bestowing a second life. And if Lian Shan's elixir proved successful, Jiang Ping, too, could replicate its components and forge a tangible elixir of immortality.   Time seemed to accelerate under Jiang Ping's eager impetus. Late into the night, a resolute Lian Shan seized the golden elixir within his trembling graspa concoction that housed not only herbs and minerals, but also a perilous blend of potent poisons.   With a resounding crash, Lian Shan collapsed to the ground, a relentless torrent of agonized screams escaping his lips. But he had chosen to endure this torment in solitude, allowing no one to bear witness to his suffering. In this moment, he resembled Sun Wukong, enduring the excruciating agony of consuming the Divine Watera pain unfathomable to mere mortals.   Yet, amidst the searing torment, Jiang Ping keenly observed the profound transformation unfolding before his eyes. Lian Shan's once-snowy hair cascaded like autumn leaves, replaced by a resplendent mane of luxuriant black.   True to Jiang Ping's intuition, the following day revealed a rejuvenated Lian Shan, restored to the prime of his youth. The sheer strength and aura of humanity's mightiest compelled them to kneel in awe, their collective jubilation affirming the rebirth of their beloved Human King.   And thus, the Elixir of Immortality came into existence.   However, the formula for this extraordinary elixir remained the tightly guarded secret of the clan, their most coveted treasure. Alas, due to the rarity and preciousness of the required materials, the entire clan's collection yielded a mere two or three vials.   In the realm beyond, Jiang Ping beheld the radiant visage of Lian Shan, now restored to his former glory. A genuine smile illuminated Jiang Ping's countenance as he exclaimed, "Ah! Genesis shall soon unearth the essential materials for the Elixir of Immortality! Only the most exquisite ingredients shall suffice!"   Genesis materialized in resplendent white light, unveiling a succession of enchanting materials as the pages turned. Jiang Ping surveyed his surroundings, realizing that his humble abode lacked the appropriate tools for the sacred art of alchemy.   "Indeed, simplicity shall guide the path of greatness!" Jiang Ping proclaimed with satisfaction, producing a modest frying pan from his provisions.   As long as it could withstand the searing flames, the humble frying pan would serve its purpose. In the early stages of his alchemical endeavor, Jiang Ping resolved to weather the challenges posed by his meager resources. The future would undoubtedly bring opportunities to acquire the revered Qiankun Cauldron, a vessel specifically crafted for the alchemical arts.   With utmost care, Jiang Ping placed the Elder God's blood, the Undying Grass, the Thousand-Spirit Root, and the Ice Purple Fire Crystalthese ethereal and precious materialsinto the frying pan, one by one. Maintaining a steady hand, he adjusted the gas stove to its highest temperature.   Within the pan, the concoction seethed and bubbled, prompting a furrowed brow from Jiang Ping. The pungent aroma assailing his senses proved far from pleasant. Undeterred, he persevered, adding each ingredient with unwavering determination. The path of alchemy revealed itself as an arduous test of resilience.   With meticulous precision, Jiang Ping extracted the finest medicinal herbs, surpassing his previous endeavors. Genesis' analysis confirmed that this elixir exceeded all expectations, capable of extending his lifespan twofold.   After several hours of intense alchemical transformation, the liquid within the pan underwent a magnificent metamorphosis. Its once-subdued hues transmuted into a resplendent golden sheen, radiating an ethereal brilliance. With delicate undulations, it exuded an aura of sanctity surpassing even the allure of the most precious gold.   Diminishing the flames, Jiang Ping admired his masterpiece, a satisfied smile gracing his lips.   Though his foray into the refinement of medicine marked his maiden voyage, the outcome surpassed all expectations, a testament to his latent talent in the mystical art of alchemy.     After allowing the elixir to cool for precisely twenty minutes, Jiang Ping cautiously poured the precious concoction into an unassuming bowl. However, to his dismay, despite employing a multitude of meticulously chosen ingredients, the elixir barely managed to fill halfway.   Seeking solace in the notion that true potency resided in concentrated essence, Jiang Ping attempted to assuage his disappointment. Yet, as thoughts of the torment endured by Lian Shan after consuming the elixir wandered through his mind, an involuntary shiver coursed through his being.   In that moment of contemplation, a wave of realization washed over him. If he were to gain twice his natural lifespan, should he not be capable of enduring a modicum of suffering? How many individuals across the vast expanse of existence would relinquish their entire fortunes for such an invaluable opportunity?   Summoning his resolve, Jiang Ping clenched his teeth and retrieved a soft towel, preparing to stifle any potential cries. With a deep inhalation reminiscent of childhood moments spent swallowing bitter medicine, he tipped the bowl and consumed the golden elixir in a single audacious gulp.   As the elixir coursed through his stomach, a searing inferno erupted within Jiang Ping's body, engulfing him in unrelenting tormentagony, anguish, suffering! Every fiber of his being yearned to scream, yet he staunchly bit down on the towel, beads of sweat akin to soybeans materializing upon his furrowed brow. Despite the relentless pain, an indomitable spirit surged forth, endowing him with heightened acuity, a mind honed a hundredfold.   In this moment, every single cell within Jiang Ping's form seemed to undergo a coercive metamorphosisan arduous transformation that clearly defied notions of brevity.   While Jiang Ping underwent this extraordinary transmutation, the primal world continued its rapid evolution. Lian Shan, having attained rebirth, reclaimed his former glory and united the human race, propelling them to even greater heights. This time, the primal world witnessed an abundance of human figures adorning every conceivable corner.   Yet, the majestic dragons, once revered beings ruling the heavens, teetered on the precipice of extinction, their coveted forms decimated by the relentless onslaught of the human race. Reduced to scarce remnants lurking in forgotten corners, they fought for mere survival.   During this transformative epoch, the human race encountered a diminutive species that appeared to be their inferiors in stature. These insatiable devouring ants, despite their diminutive frames, possessed unparalleled strength and an insatiable bloodlust, ruthlessly preying upon any living entity that crossed their path.   Initially, the human race harbored aspirations of establishing communication with these peculiar creatures, only to discover their utter futility in doing so. The devouring ants, seemingly devoid of self-awareness, dutifully adhered to their predetermined roles, displaying no inclination towards meaningful interaction.   Even when Lian Shan himself personally endeavored to negotiate with the voracious ants, their response remained unyieldinga relentless assault on his entreaties, heedless of his regal presence. One of Lian Shan's guards effortlessly dispatched a specimen with a swift thrust of his spear.   "Your Majesty, as I have previously advised, these creatures possess no trace of intelligence. Engaging in discourse with them would be a futile expenditure of your valuable words," one of the guards opined.   Nevertheless, a perplexed furrow etched itself upon Lian Shan's brow as he gazed upon the lifeless form of the ant. If indeed these creatures were bereft of intelligence, then why were their intricate anatomies crafted with such delicate precision, eliciting awe even from the most accomplished architects of the human race? What manner of civilization did they possess?   Despite harboring myriad doubts regarding the devouring ants, Lian Shan recognized the abundance of mysteries that awaited his fervent exploration in this vast world. Reluctantly setting aside his misgivings, he resolved to venture forth.   Unbeknownst to the human race, as their numbers dwindled, their monarch, Lian Shan, dismissed their untimely demise as nothing more than a tragic inevitability befalling those who dared to tread the perilous wilderness. For despite their formidable strength, the primal world teemed with countless savage creatures lying in wait beyond the protective confines of their society.   On one side, a radiant glow of light enveloped existence, while on the other side, the treacherous embrace of darkness concealed lurking perils. The human race, blissfully oblivious, remained unaware of the colossal menace amassing beneath their very feet.   --- END OF THE CHAPTER ---   [Join Our Discord for regular updates and have fun with other community members: /invite/SqWtJpPtm9 ]

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