My Mythical World

Chapter 4: The Fragrance of Plum Blossoms Emerges from the Harsh Cold

Chapter 4: The Fragrance of Plum Blossoms Emerges from the Harsh Cold

This current epoch of mass extinction, though comparably less severe than its predecessor, serves as a grim reminder of the merciless workings of nature. With each cyclical process of life and the relentless sieving of evolution, the cataclysmic events unfolding in this era ensure that only the hardiest and most exceptional creatures endure to inherit the Earth.   Jiang Ping, deep in thought, furrowed his brow and mused, "After countless millennia, why does civilization remain elusive?" Could it be that the pursuit of perfection engenders a perilous complacency, much like the ancient dominion of dinosaurs over a world wild and untamed?   In truth, as the Almighty God, Jiang Ping possessed the power to intervene and alleviate any cataclysm that befell creation. However, he understood that he could not play the role of a perpetual savior. It was more fitting to allow nature to follow its course and witness the unfolding of development.   At most, he could present opportunities, but he refrained from unwavering support. After all, he was the God all mighty, not a mere nanny. Retaining his autonomy was paramount.   As the aftermath of the second mass extinction subsided, Jiang Ping hastened his efforts, and gradually, the Earth regained a semblance of equilibrium. Survivors of the cataclysm emerged cautiously, one by one, gradually reclaiming their ecological niches. They embarked on a conquest, asserting their dominion over the world!   The third wave of creatures shunned the blind pursuit of size, instead emphasizing swiftness, strength, and adaptability to thrive in intricate environments. Astonishingly, Jiang Ping stumbled upon a creature resembling a pangolin, adorned with sharp horns atop its head!   Such an evolutionary marvel appeared implausible in the context of Earth aloneit was a testament to the potentiality of a world infused with mana. Jiang Ping christened this remarkable animal the "Golden Armored Beast."   Even a minute trace of mana could facilitate the birth of such a wondrous creature. Jiang Ping eagerly anticipated an extraordinary world, brimming with abundant mana. Yet, the higher the world's level, the greater the consumption of origin points. Currently, he found himself in a state of destitution. Otherwise, he could effortlessly conjure forth countless gods and demons with a mere wave of his hand.   The resplendent tree at the heart of it all, once again rising from the ashes, underwent its second rebirth. Considering the survival of branches from the original world, it marked its third resurrection.   Jiang Ping marveled at its indomitable spirit, perpetually surpassing its limitations and achieving ever-greater heights with each regeneration.   In homage to the volcanic eruption that gave birth to this era, Jiang Ping christened it the "Ancient Era."   This time, the struggle for dominance in the ocean intensified. The second generation of oceanic overlords possessed sleek, 30-meter-long bodies. Though they may not have matched the colossal proportions of the Canglong, their attack prowess far exceeded their predecessors. Their formidable two-meter-long teeth possessed an explosive bite force, effortlessly rending flesh asunder. Jiang Ping bestowed upon this second-generation overlord the name "Jian Hailong."   The central tree flourished, radiating vitality that attracted a multitude of creatures seeking sanctuary in its embrace. Standing a mere two kilometers tall, it earned the reverence of being the supreme ruler of the entire continent!   However, this era of prosperity was fleeting. From Jiang Ping's perspective, it represented a glorious epoch lasting two million years in the chronicles of the original world.   This time, influenced by the celestial alignment, the sun's luminosity dwindled with each passing    day, progressively plunging the world into a frigid abyss. Ultimately, the oceans succumbed to freezing, and a colossal three-thousand-meter-thick layer of ice condemned 90% of marine life to extinction. In the blink of an eye, even the mighty second-generation overlord, Jian Hailong, met its untimely demise. The ice, sweeping relentlessly from the four polar oceans, converged at the very heart of the world, ensnaring it in an icy grip. Amidst the vast expanse of the 3,000-meter-thick ice sheet, the towering figure of the colossal tree stood as a lone sentinel, stretching an awe-inspiring 5,000 meters in length. Its imposing stature yearned to absorb every meager ray of sunlight that managed to penetrate the frozen veil.   Yet, despite its valiant resistance, the tree found itself surrounded by an unsettling stillness. Even after enduring a thousand years of fierce battle, the mighty center tree succumbed with a resounding crash, reverberating through the frozen wasteland.   Genesis bore witness to a new chapter etched into its chronicles: as the ancient era neared its end, temperatures plummeted to unfathomable depths, and an immense 3,000-meter-thick shroud of ice enshrouded the planet. Only a handful of creatures clung tenaciously to existence, clinging to a fragile lifeline in this desolate landscape.   Ninety-nine percent of life on the continent was cast into the abyss of extinction, reduced to dormant cells preserved within the icy confinesperhaps harboring the faint hope of revival once the thaw arrived.   The original world underwent a profound transformation, its very fabric adorned with a pristine white cloak. Like an inflated figure draped in a winter garment, it shimmered resplendently in its newfound, snow-white attire.   The Ice Age endured for countless eons, witnessing the gradual demise of the denizens of the deep sea. Overwhelmed by the relentless procession of events, Jiang Ping could no longer bear to remain a mere spectator. Yet, in the critical hour, he refrained from intervention, allowing the unfolding of nature's cruel dance. Within the darkest depths of the sea, a mere ten thousand creatures persisted, defying the odds.   And it was these ten thousand beings that manifested astonishing adaptations to withstand the bone-chilling cold. With unmatched resilience, they could endure temperatures as frigid as minus 50 degrees Celsius!   Genesis chronicled this era, recording the Ice Age and the world's descent into an enduring slumber, where the only survivors were the deep-sea creatures adorned with extraordinary cold-resistant physiologies.   Boom!   Mighty glaciers relinquished their icy grip, collapsing in magnificent cascades. Revealed beneath the remnants of these frozen titans flowed crystalline rivers, born of the melted ice that had once encapsulated the continent's core. In this inconceivable environment, where life clung to the precipice of impossibility, a young man, clad in naught but short sleeves, strode across the pristine snow, his steps unfazed by the glacier beneath his feet.   "The glaciers begin to thaw," Jiang Ping mused softly, his gaze fixed upon the thousand-meter-thick glacier beneath him. "I wonder if dormant creatures lie beneath, awaiting the long-awaited revival." The cyclical mass extinctions had seemingly tempered Jiang Ping's essence, endowing him with a newfound tranquility that had been absent during the initial cataclysm. As the age-old adage goes, the keen edge of a sword is honed through rigorous sharpening, and the fragrant bloom of plum blossoms emerges from the crucible of bitter cold. Each successive disaster appeared to mold the very essence of an era, shaping it in unforeseen ways.   "Behold, the epicenter of the world," Jiang Ping murmured reverently, drawing near to an icy peak that soared above the surrounding mountains. Once graced by the majestic presence of an indomitable king tree, it now stood as a fading monument, its frozen core slowly yielding to the promise of imminent rebirth.   "Even now, this tenacious sapling absorbs the crystalline essence of the melting ice, preparing for yet another triumphant resurrection," Jiang Ping mused, a serene smile gracing his countenance as he marveled at the unwavering determination exhibited by the central tree. It had persistently endured the ravages of countless calamities, succumbing to death only to emerge anew, leaving the very god of creation awestruck.   "Unfathomable indeed. A diminutive branch capable of withstanding the unforgiving passage of tens of millions of years. Perhaps, amidst the tapestry of these cataclysms, lies the true potential for its evolution into the World Tree," Genesis interjected, breaking its usual silence and revealing a deep admiration for the central tree. "Perchance, within it lies the greatest harvest of this creation."   Jiang Ping had not anticipated such a lofty assessment from the typically composed Genesis in regard to the central tree. The World Tree symbolized the pinnacle of botanical evolution, capable of bearing the weight of the world and its divine inhabitants. The transformation of ordinary flora into such a majestic entity was an arduous feat, requiring an exorbitant expenditure of points for creation and cultivation.   Having weathered thunderstorms, infernos, and frozen catastrophes, the central tree grew ever stronger with each tribulation. Fearless in the face of thunderous clamor, scorching flames, and icy tempests, it remained distant from attaining the stature befitting a World Tree.   Continuing his exploration of the primordial realm, Jiang Ping left behind his footprints on the snow-covered terrain. Along the coastline, his gaze fell upon a creature nestled within its protective shell, shrunk and subdued by the frigid conditions.   "Haha! I never fathomed that this resilient creature would endure till this very moment," Jiang Ping exclaimed, amusement dancing in his eyes. Though the creature appeared dormant, lifeless even, he discerned a flicker of vitality concealed deep within its shell, undeterred even after centuries of hibernation.   Amidst the fall of ancient titans, this creature had endured, evolving into an increasingly formidable entity, seemingly impervious to harm.   "It seems that survival does not always favor the mightiest. The ability to adapt and persevere holds the true essence," Jiang Ping remarked, his awe palpable.   In Earth's Cretaceous epoch, a cataclysmic meteorite impact wrought the annihilation of the dominant dinosaurs, while feeble mammals managed to eke out survival, eventually evolving into the formidable primates that would ascend to world dominance.   "Crack."   Curiosity piqued, Jiang Ping cast his eyes downward, only to realize that he had inadvertently stepped upon a trilobite. Little did he know that millennia hence, this fossilized imprint of his foot would be discovered by future sentient beings, igniting conjecture and debates about its origins. With that fleeting thought, Jiang    Ping returned to the present moment.   Little did he envisage that this serendipitous encounter would kindle fierce disputes in ages to come, culminating in a cataclysmic clash that would usher in an era of unfathomable devastation.   --- END OF THE CHAPTER ---   [Join Our Discord for regular updates and have fun with other community members: /invite/SqWtJpPtm9 ]

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