My Mythical World

Chapter 9: The mural of the Human King, Wuma the Dragonslayer

Chapter 9: The mural of the Human King, Wuma the Dragonslayer

In their arduous journey, Wu Ma led a select group of elite warriors, facing ceaseless onslaughts from mighty colossal beasts. Luckily, the unity of the ape people proved formidable and armed with the lethal Spear of Destiny, they vanquished even the most formidable adversaries.   Throughout their expedition, the ape people meticulously recorded their encounters with foes and dutifully charted the surrounding landscape. Despite their utmost vigilance, their numbers steadily dwindled, and Wu Ma's heart sank as he beheld the mere handful of comrades that remained.   Just as he contemplated leading his brethren back, a scout ape bounded toward them, brimming with elation. Wu Ma quickened his pace and beheld a breathtaking sight beyond the veil of treesa grand river surged with unyielding force, quenching the thirst of countless colossal beasts and birds. Occasionally, the river would yield plump and fertile fish, a veritable pageant of food that could sustain the whole tribe.   Fortune smiled upon them! They had chanced upon a heavenly paradise, a haven tailor-made for the ape people, teeming with sustenance and an inexhaustible water source.   Wu Ma's elation knew no bounds as he rallied his comrades to scour the area for a suitable site to build their camp. He dispatched messengers back to the main encampment, bearing the tidings of this newfound paradise. With the exception of a few remaining seeds in their central ancestral land, the majority of the ape people migrated to this bountiful terrain.   From that moment on, worries of food dissipated among the tribe, who now even found themselves with a surplus of salted fish. Their population burgeoned exponentially with each passing year. Residing by the riverside also unveiled the discovery of pottery, vastly enriching the lives of their community. Among these newfound treasures, they stumbled upon tallying runes akin to those etched upon the stone tablet of truth.   This revelation ignited a spark of excitement within Wu Ma. Alas, he grappled with an incomplete understanding of the inscriptions adorning the stone tablet. He intuited that they held the potential for a more efficient method of numerical notation, yet the full extent remained elusive.   "Boom!"   A resounding, torrential sound reverberated through the forest as Wu Ma single-handedly vanquished the reigning dominator, a fearsome behemoth crocodile, within a hundred-mile radius. Wu Ma, now in the prime of his life at approximately thirty years of age, had devoted himself tirelessly to the advancement and prosperity of his tribe.   Nonetheless, he confronted his own limitations. Despite his invincibility with the Spear of Destiny, the looming threat of formidable beasts possessing extraordinary power proved insurmountable. Furthermore, a gradual decline in his physical prowess had begun to trouble him in recent years.   It was then that he made a serendipitous discoveryextraordinary creatures were not inherently formidable. Many were feeble in their infancy, gaining strength only as they matured. In addition to their innate bloodline prowess, their mastery of specialized breathing techniques played a pivotal role in their ascension to power.   "We, the ape people, though inherently feeble, possess the capacity to harness the very essence of the world!" Wu Ma exclaimed, as inspiration coursed through him. He dispatched envoys to closely observe and learn the intricate art of breath control from these extraordinary creatures, adapting and assimilating their techniques to suit the human form.   "Marvelous! By mastering these breathing techniques at an early stage, we can swiftly devise a tailored cultivation method for the human physique," Wu Ma mused with satisfaction.   Jiang Ping, his countenance radiating mirth, watched as Wu Ma clandestinely orchestrated the acquisition of these esoteric teachings.  He couldn't help but savor the glass of water in his hand.   Once the ape people refined and customized these breathing techniques to harmonize with their own bodies, it held the potential to pave the way for even Jiang Ping himself, the self-proclaimed God of creation, to embark on the path of cultivation. Despite projecting an image of an omnipotent deity in his vast realm, he remained a feeble moral, his combat prowess a mere fraction, equivalent to the paltry sum of five. In the primordial world, where the fabric of reality teemed with untold wonders, there resided an extraordinary breathing techniquean exquisite tapestry of cultivation, known only to the nascent world tree and magical beasts. Unfortunately, this profound technique, forged in the crucible of ancient wisdom, remained unusable for humans.   Yet, in a moment of profound realization, Jiang Ping found himself grappling with a disconcerting truththe stark absence of Mana on earth. With a glimmer of hope, he turned to Genesis, his guide and confidant, and posed a question laden with possibility, "Can I modify the breathing technique of the ape people, Genesis?"   Regrettably, Genesis responded. "In the vast expanse of your Earth, the presence of Mana has dwindled, reduced to a mere vestige of its former glory. Relying solely on breathing techniques for cultivation would, at best, grant you heightened physical prowess. The cultivation of extraordinary power, alas, appears to be unattainable. "   Jiang Ping absorbed this sobering realization, his mind a cauldron of contemplation as he pondered its implications. Even if he were to procure the revered ape people's modified breathing technique, its cultivation would yield meager resultsa mere whisper of enhancement. The absence of guidance from Genesis meant that others would be adrift in an ocean of futility, their potential for greatness shackled. The crux of the matter seemed to lie in the vital biological feedback harnessed during the cataclysmic epochs.   Undeterred by the weight of these challenges, Jiang Ping resolved to acquire the secrets of the ape people's modified breathing technique. Meanwhile, Wu Ma, a beacon of determination, had already embarked upon his arduous journey, seamlessly intertwining the ancient breathing techniques bestowed upon the tribe by their hard work.   With unwavering dedication and intermittent adjustments, Wu Ma diligently honed the ancient breathing technique within the human tribe, deftly navigating the intricate currents of spiritual energy. A profound metamorphosis unfolded before his awe-struck eyesa heightened sensitivity to the ethereal wisps of spiritual essence, coursing through his very core with newfound potency. His mortal vessel, in turn, grew progressively resilient, tempered by the harmonious fusion of body and spirit. In sharing his modified breathing technique, Wu Ma discovered a remarkable trendthe younger generation achieved unparalleled results in their cultivation endeavors, their potential blooming like exquisite blossoms in the spring. Thus, he decreed that every child, once capable, must embark on the path of practice without delay, nurturing the embers of their latent greatness.   A decade wove its intricate tapestry, witnessing the ape people's population flourishing beyond one hundred thousand. Nestled upon the verdant banks of a majestic river, christened the Imperial River or the Mother River, they reveled in the abundant fruits of their collective prosperity.   Wu Ma, now in the prime of his forties, assumed the mantle of the tribe's esteemed leader. Diligently patrolling the vast expanse of their territory, he commanded unwavering respect from every member of the ape tribe. Admiration coursed through their veins, borne of Wu Ma's indomitable spirit as a warrior and the unassailable integrity that defined his character, a testament to his stature.   Suddenly, Wu Ma's gaze pierced the heavens, his voice resounding with urgency, as if borne on the very winds of destiny itself, "Take heed, my brethren! The Man-eater, Red Dragon Fahoshi, descends upon us with vengeful might! Swiftly, women, children, and the venerable seek sanctuary. Young warriors, arm yourselves and rally behind me to face this fearsome adversary head-on!"   The leader's proclamation sent shockwaves through the ape tribe, momentarily shrouding them in a tempest of disarray. Yet, their innate resilience propelled them to swift action, finding solace amidst the chaos that threatened to engulf them. A contingent of youthful warriors, their hearts ablaze with determination, gathered around Wu Ma, ready to face the imminent threat with unyielding resolve.   As the ape people charted their path through this dire circumstance, they captured the attention of mighty extraordinary creatures that roamed the primordial realm. These formidable beings occasionally launched assaults upon the tribe, their intentions veiled in the enigma of their savage nature. Some attacks proved devastating, leaving wounds that cut deep into the tribe's collective spirit, while others were met with fierce resistance, meted out with valor and strength, resulting in the adversaries' fall.   Foremost among these indomitable adversaries stood the Red Dragon Fahoshia behemoth of unparalleled power, a living embodiment of wrath and destruction. Each assault inflicted substantial casualties upon the tribe, staining the history of their tribe with crimson hues of loss and sacrifice.   Yet, with a defiant fire burning in his eyes, Wu Ma fixated his gaze upon the approaching Red Dragon, his spirit unyielding in the face of adversity. In a heartbeat, he thundered, his voice resonating with the echoes of countless warriors who had come before him, "Strike!"   In a tumultuous flurry of motion, the warriors behind him unleashed their spears upon the malevolent dragon, their weapons cutting through the air with a symphony of resounding impacts. Alas, the dragon's formidable defenses proved nigh impenetrable, and the majority of stone projectiles were repelled, their valiant efforts thwarted. Yet, a select few found their mark, guided by an unwavering determination to seek out the dragon's weaknesses, piercing the depths of its eyes with unrelenting precision. Pain seared through Fahoshi's being, stoking a primal ire that directed its wrath toward the diminutive beings below.   In a desperate bid to vanquish the newfound threat, the Red Dragon spewed forth its fiery breath, a maelstrom of scorching inferno unleashed upon the warriors. Yet, united by synchronicity born of their rigorous training, the ape people nimbly evaded the onslaught, their movements a mesmerizing dance of survival.   The dragon's assault caused its altitude to waver, an inkling of uncertainty flickering within its primal being. With its formidable visage turned toward the ape people, it beheld a panorama of indomitable spirits, entangling its legs with intricately woven vines, fashioned from the sacred boughs of the divine treea testament to the unwavering bond between the tribe and the primal forces that coursed through their realm.   A resounding boom reverberated through the air as the Red Dragon, driven by its insatiable rage, thrashed violently in a fervent attempt to free itself. To its dismay, the ropes crafted from the extraordinary vines possessed unparalleled strength, unyielding in their tenacious grip. The warriors clung with unwavering resolve to their bonds, their sinewy strength forged in the crucible of determination, enduring the dragon's violent thrashes and unrelenting fury. Though many were flung aside by the sheer force of its assault, an indomitable few pressed forward, their unwavering determination anchoring them to their hard task to bound the formidable beasts mouth shut and its wings folded.   Beneath the verdant canopy of the sprawling jungle, the ancient temple stood as a testament to an era long past, its crumbling facade weathered by the unforgiving passage of time. Centuries had etched their marks upon the weathered stones, lending an aura of dignified grandeur to its crumbling majesty.   Before them stood Wu ma, grasping the Spear of Destiny, as he stepped forward with resolute determination. "Malevolent Dragon, your insatiable thirst for bloodshed has not gone unnoticed. I mourn  the countless lives of my brethren you have devoured. Today, it falls upon me to demand justice and avenge the souls of my compatriots!"   Although the red dragon was confined, its majestic flight and fiery breath temporarily was rendered temporary impotent, its sheer strength remained, however, formidable. With a fierce swing of its head, it sent Wuma hurtling through the air, crashing into the earth and creating a vast crater. In that moment of trepidation, as the warriors feared for their leader's well-being, Wuma emerged seemingly unscathed. Years of dedicated practice had not only fortified others but also transformed Wuma himself into a force to be reckoned with.   In the aftermath of their collision, a solitary droplet of scalding blood trickled down from the red dragon's wounded scales, an undeniable consequence of their clash. The furious dragon glared at the spear clenched in Wuma's hand.   "What manner of weapon is this?" it demanded indignantly, astounded by the ease with which the spear had wounded it. How could such a weapon of unparalleled sharpness exist within this realm? "Hahaha!" Wuma's laughter boomed through the air. "This is a divine artifact, bestowed upon me by God, known as the Spear of Destiny! Today, this sacred spear shall be drenched in the blood of dragons! Your fate is sealed!"   With a resounding roar, Wuma charged once again towards the red dragon. The dragon retaliated in a maelstrom of rage, hurtling warriors skyward, but Wuma deftly evaded the onslaught, seizing every opportunity to strike back.   Two titans clashed, surpassing the wildest imaginations of all witnesses. The red dragon's might stood unmatched on the entire continent, second only to the enigmatic and inscrutable Divine Tree. Yet today, with the support of his kin, Wuma stood as a worthy adversary.   Extraordinary creatures observed the unfolding spectacle, their gazes filled with awe. They could scarcely believe that these ape-like beings, once trampled underfoot, now possessed such indomitable power. Even the guardian tree, extended her branches to bear witness to this cataclysmic conflict. Never had she anticipated that the beings who owed their survival to her protection would rise to such astonishing heights.   The battle defied all expectations, its duration stretching over three days and three nights. Warriors continuously reinforced their ranks, diligently restraining the red dragon with ropes, while Wuma exploited every opportunity to assail its vulnerable neck, nearly choking the dragon with its own flames.   The river water beside them evaporated under the searing breath of the red dragon, emitting a sizzling lament. Countless fish and shrimp, caught unawares, floated lifelessly upon the river's surface.   Finally, as dusk settled upon the battlefield, Wuma transformed into a streak of luminous radiance, piercing the red dragon's eye. The curtain fell upon this epic encounter! Wuma stood drenched in the flaming blood of the fallen dragon, as he brandish his might. The legendary red dragon, Fahosi, succumbed to the earth, its colossal body becoming an imposing mountain.   "The malevolent dragon Fahosi is vanquished!" Wuma declared, bloodstained and steadfastly gripping the spear. In that moment, he stood atop the dragon's lifeless form, his figure reminiscent of an ancient deity.   Extraordinary creatures nearby stared in awe, as one by one, ape-like beings emerged from every direction, rallying in celebration and extolling the fearless bravery of their leader, Wuma. "Long live the Human King!"   Gradually, these words echoed throughout the heavens and the earth, heralding the birth of the human race.   On that day, a formidable race emerged upon the world's stage, reliant not on innate Magical power, but rather on the weaponry they wielded and the knowledge they acquired.   "Human King!"   "Human King!"   "Human King!"   On this momentous day, the first-generation Human King, Wuma, was born, bathed in the blood of a dragon!   The ape-like beings entrusted with recording history beheld the birth of their King, their laughter now transformed into reverent awe. They etched the image of the Human King slaying the dragon with a stone knife, preserving this epic saga for generations to come.   --- END OF THE CHAPTER ---   [Join Our Discord for regular updates and have fun with other community members: /invite/SqWtJpPtm9 ]

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