My Personal Lycan King

Chapter 114 - Book-2 -29 Let's Fall In Love Again

"Damien? You said that you will prepare a guest room for me in the mansion where I can live for the time being. Is it prepared?" Jasmine said, still dazed about earlier events.

Squinting his brows momentarily, Alexander nodded at Jasmine, an added evil glint passing his eyes before he started moving towards her, and then leading her to the guest room that Melissa had prepared for her. ​​

Entering the room, Alexander closed the door swiftly, his eyes hardening as he looked at Jasmine with cold blazing eyes.

"Damien, what are you-" Jasmine started but was cut off by Alexander.

"Where is she?" He asked, not wasting time anymore.

"Where is who?" Jasmine squinted her brows, not meeting Alexander's eyes, afraid he will easily find out the truth.

"Come here." Alexander sighed, and patted the space beside him on the bed.

Seeing the calm demeanour back on his face, Jasmine squinted her brows.

Hesitating a bit, Jasmine looked at him for a second before moving there in small steps.

She was a strong witch, she knows of that, however, Alexander was an Alpha king, and no matter how much energy she uses, she won't be able to harm him in any way, however, if Alexander decides to harm Jasmine, she knows that he can kill her any instant.

'Jasmine, this is the time. Let me return to my body. Or I am not sure what my love will do to you?' Victoria smiled at her Xander, whose emotions flickered immediately and looked like he would shred someone to pieces right now.

Earlier when everyone denied believing in him, he remembered the two days earlier evening where Azrael had said something about mass memory-erasing, and immediately understood what had happened.

This also confirms the fact that Victoria was indeed back and she was just in the conscience of Jasmine like how he was present in the conscience of Damien. Now all he needs to do right now is bring her back anyhow, by hook or by crook.

'Okay, I agree.' Seeing the flickering gaze and remembering Azrael's warning, Jasmine replied to Victoria in her conscience.

Smiling at Jasmine, Victoria closed her eyes, immediately putting up the mind barrier.

"Tell me Jasmine, where is she or I will have your throat rolling out of your body." Alexander threatened as he slammed her body on the bed with a large force.

"Well, hello to you too, Xander." Victoria struggled to smile under his tightened grip.

"Victoria?" Alexander asked a bit hesitantly.

"Hello, mate, let's fall in love with each other again," Victoria said with a hidden hint, a bit more clearly than Alexander's grip on her neck loosened a bit.

"It's you," Alexander said, immediately bringing her body closer to himself as he hugged her closer, afraid, she will disappear again, and will make him hunt some witch for her.

"It's me." She smiled, placing her hands on his cheeks softly.

"It took long enough, no?" Victoria said with sad eyes before kissing his cheeks softly.

"I know. I know, sweetheart. And I am sorry for that. However, I will duly compensate you for all the loss. I am not letting you go anywhere anymore. You are going to stay by my side. I'll chain you, and cuff you beside my bed if it takes what it will, to keep you glued to myself." Alexander said, hugging her as tight as he could.

"Well, not beside the bed, but cuffed on your bed is much preferable to me." Victoria smiled in the crook of his neck, making Alexander chuckle.

"I'll be at your disposal, Ria." He said before he gazed into her eyes and slowly brought her head towards himself.

Placing his lips on her softly, he kissed her for a few seconds before pulling away abruptly, gazing at her, stunned.

She was still there, sitting in his arms with a bright, yet, sad smile on her face.

'What was happening? She was his Victoria, right?' He instantly thought.

Well, this wasn't something he had expected.

"Why do I don't feel-"

"The electric sparks, right?" Victoria completed his words for him.

"Is it because of the sacrifice?" He asked hesitantly, not knowing just how many things were taken away from him because of this sacrifice spell.

"Indirectly, you can say. Was there a time when you were almost on the brink of death or heavily wounded?" Victoria asked rather than answering his questions directly.

Remembering the incident when he had fallen from the stairs and on the spears that had gone straight through his body, he nodded stiffly.

"Do you know, even when I was continuously present in the conscience of Jasmine, why didn't I ever returned or tried to return to you? Or push her inside and come out to search for you?" Victoria asked, sorrowful at the memories.

When Alexander shook his head in denial, Victoria just smiled sadly before standing and going towards the window.

Gazing at the stars, smiling, she turned around and faced Alexander.

"That's because I felt our mate bond breaking. I don't know how was it possible but when I tried to wake up from the deep slumber of the sacrifice spell, I felt this excruciating pain in my body that I knew wasn't because of the sacrifice spell and its after-effects…" Victoria trailed clutching her heart as she felt a mild pain in her heart.

She knows that she needs to keep her emotions in check or her powers will become protective again and will push her back involuntarily.

"You mean… you mean to say that the mate bond ended when I almost died?!" Alexander almost shouted with moist eyes, not believing a word she said.

'She is right, Alexander. I didn't want to tell you about it, and I will always have a guilty conscience for it, but when I saw you dying that day, I took over your body and did it. There's this law in the world that to save a soul or someone, you need to sacrifice a truth even bigger than that, and that time, without thinking twice, I sacrificed your mate bond with her. Because that is the next purest and trustworthy thing.

I knew that my and Carla's bond won't be affected, and I needed you alive to find her. Sorry for being so selfish, but that's the truth.' Damien said with an apologetic sigh.

"The fuck you are sorry!" Alexander screamed in annoyance, throwing the lantern on the wall, making Victoria use her powers to stop it from crashing.

"Does that mean, there's no way around here? That we are no longer mates? That we are not lovers anymore? That we can not be together anymore? Tell me, Ria!" Alexander wailed, almost falling on his knees as he pleaded with her with his eyes.

"There's indeed one way." Victoria smiled, making Alexander look at her expectantly.

Victoria looked at Alexander acting so childishly and lovingly at the same time as he lifted his head from her waist and gazed at her waiting for her to continue.

"Well, hello, mate. Let's fall in love with each other again." Victoria smiled and said those words that she had said earlier once again before stooping down and kissing his forehead.

"Mate bond and everything is a lie, Alexander. What is it for? To find love, ain't it? If you've forgotten, I fell in love with you before I even knew I was special. In our humans' world, this mate bond doesn't exist, but people still fall in love with each other and continue to remain together for the rest of their eternity, don't they?" Victoria smiled.

"You do realise that you are a witch and a werewolf which is a combination of two species making you a hybrid, right? How can you call yourself a human anymore? You are far from being called even one species." Alexander said, making Victim roll her eyes at his words.

"Was that the only thing you got? I am still human, okay? Human by heart." Victoria said, making him chuckle before she smashed her lips on his in a deep passionate kiss.

Though the electric shocks weren't there, however, they both could feel the love they had for each other that was so overbearing that they were having a hard time controlling their emotions.

"Don't worry, Ria. I'll woo you again. I trust in my skills." He said in between of kiss, making her chuckle again.

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