My Personal Lycan King

Chapter 123 - Book-2 -38 Not One Or Two Mates, She Has Three Mates!!

Chapter-38 Not one or two mates, she has three mates.

In the fire ring of the Blood redwood forests, Azrael sat in the middle of an opening to perform her spell that she had been trying to perform away from all the witches. The spell she was performing was one of the hardest and scared spells that were to be performed alone without the disturbance from anything. If she as much as gets a little bit distracted for a few seconds, then the spell would fire back at her and might even threaten her life. ​​

And what place can be better than the place that was banned for witches to perform their spell?

It was true. The sacred redwood forests were banned for witches to perform any spell because they were called the forests of the gods of the species, and thus, no creature was allowed to enter here unless a solid reason is there.

She was breaking a law by performing this spell here, but for the happiness of her granddaughter, she knew that she needed to perform this spell. She needs to know about Victoria's second mate that might hinder her life more. If possible, she would try to tell her second mate to get away from her, or would at least try her best to stop them from meeting once she knows who the second mate is.

Slicing her wrist, she let her blood drip into the fire before she chanted the spells. The deeper she was going into the spell, the more blood was it demanding, and it was clear that this second mate that she is trying to find was no easy person.

Closing her eyes, she felt her body draining as the blood in the fire dried immediately, asking for more blood from her.

However, before she could add more blood to the fire, she felt her body being pulled into another dimension, which clearly meant that someone was calling to her, someone who knew she was performing the spell for him.

That Victoria's second mate was calling to her.

Now it was clear to her that he was a witch, and for him to pull her like this, he was a strong witch. Probably stronger than her.

"Azrael, what a pleasant surprise!" Azrael heard as soon as she entered the den that she had been finding for soo long.

The one for which she had been performing the spell for the last 12 hours.

Turning around, she looked at the person sitting at the end of the den with his head low, the darkness of the ice cave completely hiding his face.

His face might be hidden, but how can she forget the voice. The voice that haunted her dreams. The voice that had challenged her once. The witch-king of the dark world.

"Neptune?" She asked.

"The one and only." Daniel Neptune said before standing and showing his glowing face to her.

"How could-" Azrael started, but thinking that she might be just thinking too much into things, she stopped before changing her words.

"Why did you call me here?"

"Pretending that we don't know anything, are we? Why do you think I've called you here, old lady? Don't you know that?" He asked with a proud smirk on his face, his face contorting into a cold mocking smile.

"You…you are the second mate of Victoria?" Azrael asked, her legs shaking as she fell to the ground in shock.

"Aww… Looks like your old bones are not able to support your body anymore. Should I put a strength spell on you?" Daniel laughed coldly, his eyes blazing a fire that Azrael knew meant nothing but trouble.

"Why? You must have done something for it to happen like that. Why are you intending on disturbing and spoiling her life?" Azrael asked, ignoring his last question.

"Azrael, this was decided 600 years ago when I was left mateless. I am spoiling her life? Are you sure?

You only think about her because she is the heroine stuck between soo many men, right? But have you ever thought about the feelings of the men surrounding her?

And no, I am not talking about Victoria. She is just a kid. I am talking about Carla, let's not even talk about Jasmine, whom you guys had prisoned for so long.." Daniel said before punching the ice wall around him.

"600 years ago, what was my fault? My fault was that I fell in love with a wolf. A strong wolf called Carla. Right? I could've gotten away with it if I have found my mate, but what happened? I never found my mate, Jasmine. Why? Because she was locked in the prison of the witch world. The essence of Madeline, right? Do you think I won't be able to figure that she is the witch essence of Madeline who tried to destroy the world thousand years ago?

The wolf, who was supposed to bear me my mate, didn't even bother with the fact before taking her life." Daniel Neptune paused before smiling mockingly.

"Let's not talk about me. What happened to Ashton? The vampire king who also fell in love with Carla? He became so mad for the love of her that he thought killing himself was a better option than watching her become someone other. And all of that happened when Damien was not even her mate. All of that because she fell in love with Damien and still is.

Do you think we didn't figure that Carla was the wolf essence of Madeline? Hahaha….but you made it all easy." He continued before walking closer to Azrael where she was sitting with a shocked expression on her face.

"We all will get our love this time. Be it Jasmine, Victoria, or Carla. We all are going to get our love back." Daniel said with a mocking laugh.

"You can't do this to her! She is not Madeline! It is Victoria we are talking about! It's not her fault that she is born a hybrid." Azrael shouted, her falling hot tears, creating a small fire on the ice slab.

"Of course, it isn't her fault. It's just that history is repeating itself. I know that she is not Madeline, who killed her mate with her bare hands so that she could rule the world alone. She is victoria. But don't worry, unlike Madeline who was a greedy human with enormous powers, Victoria is just a soft-hearted girl with a little bit of sarcasm. She will be able to handle all of us, and let's see who she chooses in the end." Daniel Neptune said.

"Please leave her alone, Neptune. Can't you see that she is just a weak human?" Azrael said, wanting to make him agree to her anyhow.

"She is not weak, Azrael. She is stronger, much stronger than you give her the credit for. Don't worry, Azrael. We won't put soo much pressure on her. Just enough that she'll be able to handle it. You are worrying about me here, what will you do with her third mate, who hasn't even made his presence known. What will you do when he will come?" Neptune said before bending closer to her.

"Don't worry. You'll meet him soon. He has already started planning for her. Regarding me annoying her and entering her life forcefully, don't worry, old lady. She'll be the one calling for me. Do you think a person who is born to satisfy three kings will remain happy with just one mate?" Daniel laughed pleasantly this time.

"I don't know what is going through your head. But from what I can see, she will be killed even before you all get to her. Your story will just end like how Carla's did. She died in the sorrow of her love, but this time you all will feel the sorrow of her.

Christopher is going to get her, and he is hellbent on killing this hybrid Victoria after what happened with Madeline." Azrael laughed coldly.

"She won't die. I know of it. You won't let it happen because of your guilty conscience. I don't think you need me to tell you, who is the person responsible for such fate of Victoria." Daniel laughed before his turquoise eyes blazed blue, and she was thrown back in the redwoods forest.

He was right. How can she forget about her sins? How can she forget about who was the reason for Victoria's sufferings till now?

But one thing was clear to her now. And that was, though Victoria was the proven hybrid descendent of Madeline, she won't die the death of Madeline. Why? Because, unlike Madeline, Victoria will never be able to kill her mate or mates in her case.

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