My Personal Lycan King

Chapter 61 - -61 It's About Time To Get Down With Alexander!


"Hey, Vic. Can I have a moment with you?" I heard Alexander's voice from behind me as I was walking towards my not so favourite chemistry class. ​​

"We are in the same class. Aren't we? Let's go together." I said before we started walking together.

"So umm...this is...this...I wanted to-"

"Come to the point, will you?" I couldn't help but ask annoyed when I saw his eyes drifting towards Laila, who was standing not too far from us.

"I am sorry about what happened yesterday." He said, gazing at me now.

"Well, seeing how you still have your eyes on the other girl, I don't think you are sorry at all, Alexander," I said before turning on my heels after taking my books for the lecture.

"Wait, I mean it. I am sorry, please forgive me this once. I promise this won't be repeated. Please? If it wasn't for my dad asking me to do it because he wanted to prove something, I wouldn't have done that. I swear." He said making me stop in my tracks.

"And what was it?"

"What was what? He asked confused.

"What was that he wanted to prove to you?" I asked feeling a bit edgy, remembering how I had warned his dad back then when he had called me to have a small chit chat.

"You will find it weird, and might not even believe it, but he wanted to prove to me that Daniel is in love with you." He said and I couldn't help but crack a smile at that.

"Alexander, what Daniel do for me, is what a friend should do. And I feel happy for the girl who would marry him, but he is not my mate and he knows that I am not his mate either. So you better get your facts checked." I said as we started walking again.

"I know you won't believe it right now. But that's the truth, Ria. He loves you. And that's why he is so concerned for you." He said.

"Are you by any chance indirectly telling me that you don't love me? Because, if how he treats me is called love, then you surely suck at this thing." I said before opening the classroom door and making my way towards Katie who looked worriedly at me and Alexander.

"Hey, I am sorry about what happened the other day. Are you guys cool now?" Katie asked, making me smile at her reassuringly.

After a hell of a long day, because my mind was constantly filled with what Alexander said about Daniel loving me, I couldn't help but skip my class and venture out in the forest to have some alone time to calm down my nerves.

Alone time to calm my nerves.

This reminds me that tomorrow is my birthday, and I'll be turning 19. The official age of my powers incorporating into me fully. This indirectly means that joy will cease to exist as my powers will not be a part of me...but me itself.

But was it something I should be happy about?

Huh...just one more birthday without mom and dad by my side.

Smiling sadly as I sat near the lake, I looked at my reflection in the lake before dipping my legs into the cold water. It was unusually calming.

I was busy with my calming activity when I heard shuffling of leaves from behind me and before I could react to the ye sound, a huge wolf with reddish-brown fur stood in front of me.

"If you are a werewolf, then you can shift, you know. I don't talk animal languages just yet." I said monotonously, not even minding the fact that a wolf almost twice my size was standing in front of me.

Carla has made me obnoxiously confident at this shit now.

I looked at the wolf as he snarled at me with his yellow eyes.

I am supposed to run, or scream or fight in such a situation, no? But all I did was stare back at the wolf.

"Will you kill me today? Are you here to eat me? Nod your head if you want to kill me." I told the wolf, pre-assuming myself that he was a werewolf.

As I saw him nodding his head at me, I couldn't help but sigh. I was feeling quite unstable these days.

"And here I was wishing to make a new friend today," I said before opening my right palm as a sharp dagger made of ice appeared.

Lifting the dagger into the air, I concentrated on the dagger before motioning it towards the wolf. It wasn't long before the dagger got plunged in that wolf's heart and I heard a growl of pain as he died within a minute.

'Talk about using the powers in life and death situation only. Every minute of my fuckin life is a life and death situation.' I scoffed before standing up, as I know it won't be long before his friends come and try to kill me.

Deporting myself back to my house, I switched on the TV to enjoy my free time before I think of killing Laila as she is constantly creeping my mind since yesterday.

"So your mate is Alexander? The alpha king?" I heard a voice out of the blue, making me jump in surprise.

"Jesus! You scared the hell out of me! What are you still doing here? Aren't you supposed to be gone already?" I asked Marla.

"Things turned out that way. So back to my question. Your mate is 'the alpha king'?"

"I guess." I couldn't help but answer annoyingly.

"But your scent hasn't changed even a bit. Wait, don't tell me you guys haven't done that thing?" Marla asked as she held a pillow in her hand like a curious kid.

"Done what? The marking thing? He said, there are still 3 months before we do that." I replied before taking a sandwich from her plate.

"Of course not. The marking is just a formality that is done to let others know you are taken. I am talking about that thing, you know, sex?" She asked as I coughed on my food at her shameless words.

"Why would you say that. I met him only two months ago and we have accepted each other as a mate for four days. What are you talking about?" I asked, my ear turning red.

"Jesus! Alexander has brilliant self-control. I bet he is doing all of this because he doesn't want to hurt you. Huh!! Looking at how much he loves you, makes me feel envy of you." Marla said stargazing like a fan-girl.

"What are you talking about? He doesn't even take my side? And what's this shit? Just because he is not getting down with me, he loves me?" I couldn't help but ask, trying to make myself look nonchalant when I was dying to know about it.

"Baby, we werewolves have heightened emotions, you are clear about that right? And that mate is the only person you are destined to be with by the moon goddess herself. When you find your mate the feeling of caring about him, loving him is 10 times stronger in a normal werewolf compared to any human. And the best way to show our love is through lovemaking.

When I and Markus found each other, we couldn't even wait for few hours before we both lost ourselves into each other, and to say it's been more than two months for Alexander.

He is an alpha king, his emotions must be heightened 20 times than us. He is seriously controlling a hell lot out there because he loves you and doesn't want to hurt you. If it would've been any other alpha male, he would've forced yourself onto you already." Marla said and I couldn't help but think back to the day before yesterday when I stayed over at his house.

His expression at that time, the way he stopped me when we were Kissing, did look like he was having a hard time and was hanging on a thin thread.

Thinking about all these things, I couldn't help but curse myself for being so rude to him. He must've had his reasons for siding with Laila, and didn't he say his father made him do that?

Looks like I need to confront Theodore again.

"So umm...should I do it already with him? To less his pain and discomfort, I mean." I asked shyly because she is the only person I can talk to about these things. Because as far as I know, Azrael will surely have me locked if I ask her about such things.

"If you are ready to have a hell lot of interesting sex life, then I'll suggest you go down with him already. But only if you are ready, there is no pressure. Because given how he is an alpha king, I don't think you are going to come out of your bedroom for quite some days or even a week." Marla said wiggling her brows and I couldn't help but throw the cushion at her and run inside my room as her shameless words got to me.

"You know it's the truth sweety!" I heard her yell from downstairs as I hid my face in my pillow to calm my reddening face.



"Boss, what are your further orders? Do we wait for your friend Daniel to put the drug in the alpha king's food?" One of the men asked as he waited for me to say something, while I was watching the training video of our men.

Kicking the man in the stomach that spoke just now, I held his throat, tightening my grip around his neck before speaking,

"Don't you dare call him alpha king again or I'll surely see to it that your mate is stripped in front of my rogues who would love to have their ways with her? We don't want her brutally getting raped and being eaten now, do we?" I warned before leaving his neck.

Do we wait for Daniel to drug Alexander's food? Do we? That so-called friend of mine whose father almost killed me that night? Of course not.

I need to think of a plan B because no matter how much he loves this so-called mate of Alexander, there is still a chance that he might have a change of heart.

I can't keep all my stakes and years of hard work on a lap dog who is too loyal to his owner.

"Let's see what this Laila has been up to past these days. It's about time we make use of her stupidity. She loves the throne, doesn't she? I bet she'll kill Alexander even before I do something if I tell her I'll make her queen. Besides, she got a sexy body. I can use some of it before discarding her." I said before dismissing my men with a wave of my hand as I closed my eyes and thought about the person who saved my life a few years back.

If it wasn't for that person, then I wouldn't be living to date, but it is also because of that person that I've changed into this horrible man or should I say the vengeful person that I am. That person motivated me and gave me hopes, that I never would've had if it would've been someone mediocre. But that person was something else.

The rightful owner of the kingdom is back. It's time I claim my stake.

"Call that witch Patrick till then. Let's see what he have in his spells for us this time." I said before calling one of the sluts that I bought not too long ago.

"Strip! Let's see what your booty ass got, girl."

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