My Pick Up Artist System

Chapter 129 - Hollywood style

Chapter 129 - Hollywood style

Sitting in the computer lab, Ben read through the options on the monitor. ’I still need to pick well or I won’t win, even if I verbally smolder my enemies into cremation...’

With no clear direction, he decided to go with the tried and tested Hollywood style...having s.e.x with the producer to get the role...


Yet, when he gazed at Professor Tremblay’s solemn demeanor, he understood that approach would earn him a quick he went with the other Hollywood style. ’Movies, television, and music make a lot of money without much thought, right? I should be able to do well with those niches, since the box office is generating half a billion for 50 Shades of Dogsh*t...’


Ben knew those were the central industries related to media so he believed they couldn’t be bad choices. ’I’ll be fine as long as I avoid doing anything too "original," such as remaking a classic like Ghostbusters with an all-female cast...’


In any case, literature and the other segments didn’t seem appealing. ’I mean...almost all authors are peasants until their works get adapted to the big screen...every reader knows that...’


’So that leaves the popular media fields, but which should I pick?’ Ben deliberated for a few minutes. ’Can’t let go of movies, a lot of income there. Television also generates a lot of money, so can’t let that go. Music has a big pie too though; I would be stupid to let the competing groups eat that alone.’

After a few minutes, Ben selected what he considered a safe approach by splitting his company’s focus among movies, television, and music. He figured it couldn’t be wrong since lots of media companies had a diverse clientele, as far as he knew. Then, he fine-tuned some minor settings in the game and finalized his choices. ’That should do it. Tomorrow, there’s a good chance I’ll take the lead!’


The next day...

’How the f*ck are we last place?!?’


Ben once again sat in the computer room with the petite and quiet Charlotte by his side. Yet, his mood was much worse today. As his hands gripped the black plastic mouse, he endured the compulsion to throw it across the room. 1/7 of the days for the competition passed, but as he looked at his team’s standing, he wasn’t optimistic: 10th place out of the 10 groups. Dead last.

Ben didn’t understand how this could happen. ’I didn’t get woke so why am I broke?!?


It was only when he observed the other groups’ choices that he found the problem: too many groups held similar thoughts to him. They also invested in the popular industries, but they performed better by focusing on one or two. Meanwhile, his company spread out amongst 3 segments. This caused a lack of focus in his brand, which led to competing companies muscling him out. He got starched...

Looking at the screen, Charlotte’s hands also tightened their grip on her skirt. ’Does he really know what he’s doing?’ Ben entered with such conviction yesterday that she believed his rhetoric, thinking his confidence had a basis. It’s too bad she’s never met a pick up artist before...

Ben sighed. ’It looks like I can’t win this through the power of hot blood and friendship...’

Despite the horrendous start, there was one good point about the past day: Ben studied all the material he missed from this class, catching up to the others. He gave more focus to this course than his others, allowing him to make up everything he missed the past two weeks. That helped him understand the problems in his tactics. The choice to split amongst 3 segments yesterday was incorrect. As a small company, they needed to concentrate the brand’s positioning.

Yet, knowing his prior mistake wouldn’t solve his current predicament. ’If I focused on one segment yesterday, that would’ve been good, but other groups already did something similar and are 2 rounds ahead now. If I follow that strategy now, I won’t win. The other teams had similar ideas to me yesterday, but they did it better, leading to the current poor situation...’

He stared at the results from the computer screen, trying to come up with something... That’s when he noticed most of the teams were close in score, indicating they’d be unlikely to change directions today. ’I doubt they’ll leave their segments any time soon. What can I do then?’

The only niche that was open was corporate, since the opponent groups focused on the more popular segments like movies. ’It’s clear they concluded the media-related niches had the highest profit potential, just like I did.’ Ben shook his head, not seeing a way out for himself...

’Wait...’ That’s when he realized something. ’They thought just like me...’ he repeated to himself. ’Then doesn’t that also apply to corporate?’

Corporate was unappealing because it possessed the lowest early income. It could make more in the future, but no one knew how long that would take. Choosing it early would be a complete nutshot in the dark...a VERY high-risk maneuver...

However, the other segments were already dead zones for Ben. This was a risk he needed to take!

’The rival teams also chose the high glam segments... It makes sense, people like to stick with what they know. Corporate is so boring and distant from the lives of young people like us. It has no intrinsic appeal...’ Yet, Ben saw something different. ’You could say some older women have no intrinsic appeal, that is, until you learn they’re rich!’


Ben applied the dao of sugar mommies...

He read about corporate during his studies. It was the most boring part of the textbook that most students glossed over. The truth, however, was that among segments, corporate held large potential and could be the most profitable! The problem was it took a long time for corporate clients to feel secure hiring an emerging business.

Yet, if there was only one company competing for their business...they’d have to hire it! Ben believed there was a high chance no one realized this yet, and that they still focused on the niche’s more pronounced negative aspects.

With this in mind, he generated a solid strategy. ’Even though I’m 2 rounds behind, 12 still remain. It’s long enough for me to win this, and I know the way. If I can just ride out the rest of the game with no one else jumping atop my corporate sugar mommy...’

Ben would clutch victory from the jaws of a personified, very old, very wealthy woman...


But he would lose if it became a double-team...


Or even worse...a gangbang...


Visualizing a twisted version of success...he nodded. ’Right now, I doubt the other groups will switch because no one but me is so far behind. As for later, that’ll be the challenge, but it’ll also be the most fun for me, because I’ll get to start my plan’s sinister stage mercy, sweep the leg...’

With the tactics developed, Ben made his selections. After finishing, he looked over at the quiet Charlotte, who’d only watched him this entire time. It made Ben feel a sense of gratitude. ’This little sister must really trust me. She’s always sitting behind me, quietly supporting me...’

Charlotte blinked as she stared at their last place spot on the screen. ’Will we fail because of this fool?’


Ben gave her a reassuring glance. "Daijobu..."


She tilted her head in confusion.

He coughed. "I mean...this is fine..."


It was the Japanese version of the meme...

With the round done, Ben’s mind relaxed. ’We’ll see the results tomorrow.’ For now, he’d put the competition aside because tonight he had a more pressing matter—a date with Katie.

He stared at the wall as a smile grew on his face, remembering their last date together, and that epic balljob...

Seeing this, Charlotte rolled her chair back and frowned. ’There’s that perverted expression again... Why does he look like he’s getting a balljob???’

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