My Pick Up Artist System

Chapter 290 Time to get serious

Chapter 290 Time to get serious

When his instructor Valentina challenged him, Ben narrowed his eyes as he stood up to face her. Using his body language reading ability, he realized from her stern posture that this was a serious challenge. Thus, he planned to take it seriously.

"Let’s grapple." Her face became sharp as she entered a standup grappling stance. Despite wearing a girly pink gi, she radiated an aura of an experienced warrior.

Ben found it difficult to take her seriously when he heard her nasally Portuguese accent which he found super sexy, but did his best.

Meanwhile, Fariq and all the other students in the gym were watching with rapt attention. They’d noticed the unusual strained atmosphere as Ben and Valentina faced off. It was like a wild west shootout. So as the two stared at each other, waiting for an opportunity, neither one willing to make a careless first move, this only further increased the tension with every passing second. At any moment, the air between them could ignite, bursting from a spark into a blazing flame. They only needed a chance, a signal.


As something hit the mats, both Ben and Valentina looked down. Near Ben’s leg, there, was a metal weight... It had dropped from inside his green gi pants...striking the ground with a heavy impact.

"What the hell is that?" She pointed to it.

His eyes flashing, Ben snorted. "It’s time to get I took off my ankle weights I wore for training. Prepare to be defeated."

However, Valentina grimaced. "Ankle weights? Then why’d they drop from your groin?"


Ben gulped. ’She’s good...’ It’s true he’d been wearing weights for training but they were the type that hung off his penis to lengthen it.


It still upset him that he didn’t get a second dick dan pill and was doing his best for a homemade solution...

Yet, now it led to this misunderstanding. Even here though, Ben knew how to resolve it with a few simple words. "I have long ankles."


"Enough bullshit!" Valentina lunged at him!

’Tch, why couldn’t my moment be cool like Rock Lee’s?’ However, Ben soon focused on his instructor, knowing he needed to get serious as she attacked him.

Their current position was standup grappling. Although BJJ practitioners often started on their knees during practice, they sometimes fought from standing positions too, to mimic how fights began in real life. From there, they’d combine Judo and wrestling techniques to perform takedowns on their opponents, bringing them to the ground. Once down, the BJJ fighters would have the edge in grappling. As such, they’d use their skills to secure a submission, or if it was within an MMA match or street fight, to land strikes from above.

During the prior weeks, Ben also became adept at some of these moves. So at the moment, although he wasn’t as technical as Valentina, he was ready. Hence, as she threw herself at him recklessly due to suffering his terrible excuse...he saw an opportunity to counter!

While Valentina grasped onto his arm and gi, her weight leaning into him, Ben grabbed her as well. Yet, instead of fighting her, he exploited her momentum to pull her backward! Using her force against her, his butt soon hit the mat, and as he rounded his back and rolled on it, he put his feet on Valentina’s hips, and lifted her off the ground!

Eyes bulging, her grip loosened as she realized she wasn’t in control of her body! But that wasn’t the end!

Utilizing the force of her momentum and his roll, Ben added even more power, by using his legs, to kick upwards! Letting go of her and sending her flying! He’d thrown her over him!

Smirking, he watched in slow motion as Valentina flew. Except his smirk soon morphed into a frown, because wasn’t she flying a little high? She almost hit the 10-foot ceiling!

As she whizzed by it though, her feet missing it by a narrow margin, Ben’s face relaxed. Yet, Valentina’s didn’t, because the world was spinning!

He’d thrown her into an unintentional front flip! And since she was no longer rising, that meant, she could only fall back down! From ten feet up into the ground!




Laying down, Ben looked up at the spot where Valentina landed. Her back hit the ground so hard that she even bounced once like an anime character...

He was speechless, having forgotten how strong he was... Now, the evidence was right in front of him though. Valentina laid there, unmoving, as the entire gym was aghast, staring at her body...or was it a corpse?


Gulping, Ben was the first to speak. "Is she dead?"


He couldn’t believe it. Weren’t women supposed to be invincible in stories? A 90 lb girl beating up dozens of trained large men? Why is it that as soon as Ben did anything but technical grappling, she went flying?!?


He cursed in his mind. Why’d his story always have to take such a realistic approach? What’s worse was, he hadn’t even waifu’d her yet! It was too early to get arrested for domestic violence!


*Cough* However, Valentina soon moved, leaning forward as she rubbed her lower back, and the entire gym released a collective sigh of relief.

At that moment, Ben’s tensions also eased, except he soon realized something. ’Tch...I missed an opportunity to perform CPR...’

He was slipping...

Yet, Valentina only became angrier at this development, as she turned and pointed at Ben. "You! Come here! We’re going again!" Being thrown like that by a white belt in front of all her students, it was the most embarrassing thing that’s ever happened to her in this gym! How could she let things end like that?

So soon, they started grappling again. This time though, when they made contact standing, she jumped up and wrapped her legs around Ben’s waist, pulling him to the ground. She wouldn’t risk him throwing her to Timbuktu again...

From there, the two grappled, as time passed.

Five minutes...

Ten minutes...

Fifteen minutes...

It wasn’t until twenty minutes later that they took a break. At the moment, Valentina’s expression was horrible! Because she’d failed to submit him!

Although she possessed the upper hand on Ben in technique, his technical level was good enough to avoid giving up an easy submission. Then, he applied his power to break out of every troublesome spot! It led to a situation where a brown belt instructor failed to finish a white belt! Glancing around at many of her students who were also watching in shock at this point, she’d never been more ashamed!

For Ben, it wasn’t that surprising though. After taking a mid-level multiplier, he’d crammed in about 2 years of technique training into the previous week, which on top of the other mid level and low level multipliers he’d used while doing jiu-jitsu, was enough for his skills to reach purple belt! It was true that his technical ability was still far worse than Valentina who was a brown belt, but Ben compensated for that difference in other areas...and that wasn’t a d*ck joke...

In simple terms, he used his many physical advantages! Strength, speed, endurance; he surpassed her by far in all aspects! In reality, this was even somewhat of a rule of thumb in the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu community. A significant edge in size or strength often made up for the technique difference of one belt color. So while Ben didn’t have a size advantage, his body was at a peak athlete’s level! There was no comparison between the two!

In fact, Valentina’s disadvantages didn’t stop there. The previous guideline about the significance of physiques applied to men, but Valentina—was a woman! The physical discrepancy was even greater!

In fact, a similar principle existed for men and women, that the natural physiques of males could also lead them to defeat females with higher belt colors. The only reasons Valentina didn’t show a worse result was she was a high level brown belt and very strong for a woman. Those thick thighs weren’t just for show...

Even so, she was still much weaker than Ben, and that, was what frustrated her most. "Damn it!" She slammed her fist into the ground...

There was nothing that made her angrier than this...being at a physical disadvantage which she could do nothing about. She couldn’t accept it! Gnashing her teeth, she glanced at Ben, wanting to challenge him again. Yet, she stopped herself because she knew, there was no time. A new class would start soon and free practice would be over here. It was pointless.

Thus, she could only glare at Ben, as she got up and walked to the female locker room, stamping her feet in rage the whole way...

Ben watched this, wishing she’d get even more furious because each of her powered steps shook the booty...

He didn’t know everything going through Valentina’s head but he could guess. Even so, he had his own important concerns. So he stood up and left to the locker room too. It was enough BJJ for today. The next class wasn’t for him and he’d gotten sufficient training. The most important thing though, was it was still the afternoon and he had an important appointment soon—a meeting in the park with his favorite model, Charlotte

Today, Ben planned to use the photography skills he’d been developing to take photos he’d submit into the competition tomorrow. It was important they came out well, not so much for him and Charlotte, but for Darryl. The better the photos turned out, the louder his slap would be...

To Ben, that was basic web novel physics...

On top of that, he believed Darryl had also been doing his part, washing his face every day for this moment...putting on moisturizer and everything...

So how could Ben disappoint him? Ben’s hand had a date with Darryl’s face tomorrow, and the hand planned to show up on time and looking sharp.

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