My Pick Up Artist System

Chapter 301 A true worshipper

Chapter 301 A true worshipper

As the beginner’s competition in the Photography Club was coming to a close, Charlotte was sneaking glances at Ben, because he’d done it again--he made a miracle happen...

More important than that though, he complimented her. As such, for the first time in a long time, a man had made her happy...

For Charlotte, it was unimaginable. So she couldn’t help having a certain thought pop into her head. ’Maybe...not all men are bad.’

As for Ben, since he considered her a little sister, he’d always treated her in the appropriate manner. Therefore, just as he’d never open the system’s statuses for his mom or any female relative, by blood that is...he never peeked at Charlotte’s status. Yet, if he did, he would’ve seen...that they were not at all what he expected.

[Target’s current attraction level: attracted]

[Target’s current comfort level: close]

That’s right. To her surprise, Charlotte was developing feelings for Ben! However, to be fair, how could she not?

He was handsome, tall and ok... So he wasn’t any of those things...

Still, he was good at cursing! And if they added faceslapping to the Olympics, he might even represent his country!

In any case though, for Charlotte, none of that mattered as much as one simple fact—she felt she could trust him, and to her, that was the most meaningful thing in the world.

Meanwhile, as she was lost in thought, Ben had been looking at something. Then, not long after, he excused himself. "I’m going to the bathroom. Be right back."

At the same time, on the other side of the room, Darryl was still sitting there, unmoving, shocked by the competition’s outcome. He couldn’t wrap his head around his loss. He’d spent all his money to invite his true love Stacy from he could serenade her with his photos and his victory. Yet, all that happened was he lost in embarrassing fashion, leading to her walking away without even acknowledging him. The result....was his worst nightmare.

So now, he just sat there, staring at the ground, as people came and went around him, until 10 minutes later, someone tapped his shoulder. Jolting to the side, the redhead looked over in that direction and everywhere around him. He realized there was no one remaining in the room, with the exception of himself and one other person.

Yet, as romantic as this setup was, and despite the fact that it was a woman, Darryl twitched as he buried the idea deep down in his forgotten place...because the person who tapped him, was the elderly judge--Narcoleptic Nancy...

With a stony expression, she gazed down at Darryl with her turbid eyes. "Not bad, boy..."


Her high raspy voice floated into his ear. "Not bad at all, but I better not catch you pretending to fall asleep again..." She chastised him as a responsible elder should. "Because...that’s my move!"


It turned out to be a copyright issue.


A short while later, Darryl’s nerves recovered somewhat. So he walked out of the Photography Club room, as Nancy glared at him with a pleasant smile and narrowed eyes...having taught the youth the dangers of using forbidden techniques...

Once he got far enough away from her though, the redhead’s emotional state became somewhat better. ’I lost once, but so what? I’m young. I’ve still got my whole future ahead of me, and also one chance to DM Stacy as part of my subscription... Which means, I still have a chance to make her fall in love with me!

A few seconds later though, as Darryl strolled through the light blue hallway on his way out of the building, he stopped in place, because he heard muffled chatter. ’That voice..."

"Here? Haha."

The redhead squinted. ’I know that voice...’

"You’re just...haha..."

"That’s..." He gasped, because that voice played on his ringtone and often, in his dreams, a rare free perk when it came to her! ’It’s Stacy!’

His eyes lit up. ’She waited for me! She must’ve forgiven me after she realized how hard I worked!’ Spreading a cheerful smile, Darryl’s spirits had been rejuvenated, as he stood up straight and walked towards a dark room to his left; the place where he heard his angel’s choice.

Yet, when he stepped inside with a bright smile and a hopeful heart, he soon wished his parents left him in that orphanage...

Because there, against the wall, was his goddess. Except, she wasn’t alone. With the expression of a man who was watching all his dreams slip away before him, Darryl’s eyes traced a hand, but, not Stacy’s hand. It was a man’s hand...a thick horrible f*cking hand that grasped and a place it had no business! In a forbidden area! A divine zone! In other words, there was a man grabbing Stacy’s ass!


At the same time, that villain held her lower back as he pulled her into him, licking her neck.

"Ahh~" She moaned in pleasure.

She even moaned in pleasure!

She f*cking moaned in pleasure?!?

Watching this, it was like Darryl’s world was spinning in all directions...

He didn’t know how things could get any worse, until a moment later...when he saw the man shift from her neck to kissing her lips, before pulling back and exposing his face. That moment--was when Darryl’s world shattered completely!

Because this person, this miscreant who was defiling the love of his life...was also his worst enemy! The man who humiliated him only minutes ago! For f*ck’s sake, it was Ben! Ben the bastard!

That is to say, this was the battle of the bastards!


Darryl wanted to shout but he couldn’t speak the words, only managing to release spittle that dripped down onto his jacket.

Like That was going to help.


Instead, the only thing he did was reach out his hand to Stacy on the opposite side of the room, as he mumbled a few words of simp sorcery... "Muh...queen!"


Yet, on this occasion, Ben and Stacy heard him and turned their heads, peering through the dim light to recognize Darryl’s firetruck hair. As such, Ben realized who was interrupting them and sneered."Take it easy, Ser Jorah Mormont of House Friendzone."


The girl also chuckled, ignoring the redhead as she turned back to Ben. "You’ll call me about taking my photos, right?"

He nodded. "Of course."

Then, she whispered into his ear. "I’ll be waiting. But I have to go. I don’t wanna offend my best customer too much. It’s good to leave them wanting to see more." So after giving Ben a kiss goodbye, she walked out, past a frozen Darryl who still hadn’t recovered from the second-hand ass squeeze.


However, as her footsteps began fading into the distance, he ran out of the room and shouted. "Can’t I take you to dinner?!?"

Stacy didn’t even bother glancing back. "Sorry. Gotta go! We’ll chat online!"

Meanwhile, stepping out from behind Darryl, Ben shook his head at the behavior of this redhead and other guys like him. He found it pitiful. After all, every girl these guys paid to show them photos and chat with them, was giving it to some guy with game for free. That was the reality of the world. Only now, Ben had developed himself enough that he was on the winning side of it.

Earlier, when he left the Photography Club’s room, it was because he noticed Stacy exiting. So after following her, he used a divine line and opened her with success. He also turned on his new title, experiencing the effects for the first time.

[Straight A’ss Student(rare): When speaking with members of your university, social status +1]

Since Stacy was a fellow student, the title worked on her, which when combined with the fact he just won a Photography Competition she was a competing model in, raised his temporary value in her eyes. As a result, Ben did well with her, until this doofus walked in...

Yet, Ben didn’t mind too much. In fact, he preferred it this way. After all, there was no shortage of women in his life. However, faces to slap were a seasonal resource...

On that note, Ben looked to the side, noticing Darryl had slipped back into his zombie state, leaning against the wall, sliding onto the ground, because he understood he’d blown his chance.

Seeing him so miserable, Ben started to feel bad for him. As a result, he approached the redhead, bent down to look at him, and decided to help Darryl out. "How much would you pay for me to take a private video of her? You down to go full cuck?"


The redhead winced. ’Never go full cuck...never!’


It was a promise he’d made to himself, but if he had no other choice... ’No!’

He had to fight free of this evil idea! Yet, his body was still out of his control, since his balls had been obliterated into cosmic dust...

Due to that, when he tried to escape from Ben, he only managed to crawl away...

Still, what did it matter? The love of his life had left... What did he need legs for if it wasn’t doing errands for her?

Watching, Ben sighed. ’Did I push too hard?’ He felt even worse now. He tried to help the guy, but it ended up paralyzing him.


However, Ben wasn’t a person without sympathy, and he could see Darryl was suffering. So, he decided to cheer him up, having come up with the perfect method.

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