My Pick Up Artist System

Chapter 304 David and Goliath

Chapter 304 David and Goliath

In the middle of the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu dojo, a green-gi’d Ben faced off against a black-gi’d Nick. It was a tense atmosphere, one that didn’t at all have the air of a friendly roll.

Observing on the side, Valentina was looking forward to this showdown as well, though she didn’t expect it to last long. She knew one of them lacked understanding of his opponent and would thus lose. At the same time, the other students in the gym also looked over, their eyes enlarging at the sight of such a jarring physical mismatch.

It was no surprise though. These two grappling together, was a classic example of David and Goliath, with Nick dwarfing the much smaller Ben. Yet, that didn’t discourage the self-titled MC. ’We all know how that biblical story ende—’


Ben didn’t even get to finish his thought as the world went sideways and he smashed against the mat. Using his long legs, Nick had executed a trip, grabbing Ben and pulling him off balance onto the ground. Now, the big man was on top of him in a dominant position.

Watching this, Valentina shook her head. The one she knew who didn’t understand his opponent wasn’t Nick, but Ben! She knew both of the competitors well, and as an experienced grappler, she comprehended the dynamics of what factors in a BJJ matchup would lead to what result. It was unfortunate for Ben, but in his case, this was one aspect he still lacked experience in. Against her, he was effective due to his physical advantages, but against someone like Nick...

Ben didn’t panic despite the poor situation. ’It’s nothing much. He just caught me trippin...’

Ben believed that although he was much smaller, he could still use his immense power to fight back. Yet, when he tried to push Nick off of him, Ben blinked in confusion...because the giant didn’t budge!

Nick’s eyes gleamed as he felt Ben’s unexpected strength. However, that’s all there was to it. Resisting Ben’s push, he instead used it to his advantage, securing his position as Ben struggled to no result. The only good point was that as Nick continued to dominate him, Ben at least began to realize what the problem was.

He was able to hold his own against Valentina because of his crushing physical aptitude, but against this guy, that advantage was non-existent. In fact, Nick was even stronger than him due to his enormous size! It was true that Ben was very powerful, but that was only relative to his weight. Meanwhile, Nick was a heavyweight, tipping the scales at almost twice Ben’s weight. The big man even rolled with Valentina on many occasions and also experienced no problems. In fact, he’d submitted her before!

So when combined with both Ben and him being purple belts, Ben’s advantage was now reversed! He cursed in his mind as Nick shrugged off his escape attempts. ’Damn! What did this fool eat to get so huge? Horse meat?’

That was a euphemism for steroids...

Ben soon realized something though. Why was he cursing in his head, if he could just curse directly! As such, he smirked as he turned on his Poison Dragon title and glared at his opponent. Then, as he prepared to launch a soul attack...


Nick shifted his humongous body so his chest covered Ben’s head, the massive weight smothering him. This was an attack on Ben’s endurance. At times, Nick even kept a hand on Ben’s mouth, making it difficult for him to breathe let alone talk, which meant his soul attack--was nullified!

Ben complained in his head. ’What a despicable move to use in practice!’

Was cursing at people’s mothers not despicable? In his opinion, not if you were the protagonist...

However, that wasn’t what made him the angriest. ’Why didn’t I think of that?’

Ben was ashamed of his incompetence at failing to come up with such a perfect technique first...

Still, the situation remained dire. Ben had never been in such a disadvantageous position, unable to leverage his natural power or poisonous tongue. So instead of throwing Nick off with his soul attacks, the one who ended up off guard—was Ben!

Unable to breathe or escape, he was helpless. In the meantime, laying on top of him, Nick spread a malicious smile, and decided to put Ben out of his misery. As he wrapped his thick arms around Ben’s left forearm, in relative comparison, it made Ben’s bicep look like SpongeBob’s... So when the big guy used his leverage to twist that arm in an unnatural direction, there was even less Ben could do about it.

’Damn it!’ He wasn’t willing to quit against muscles marinara here...

Yet, as Ben felt the pain from Nick torquing his arm, applying grievous pressure to his shoulder, he knew there was no other option.

*Tap* *Tap* He gave up, tapping on the mat.

Yet, this time, things didn’t go as planned. As if pretending he didn’t hear Ben tap, Nick continued to crank the submission, his eyes glowing with malevolence.

*Tap* *Tap* Ben kept tapping, but this bastard wouldn’t stop!

"Ah!" He felt his shoulder about to dislocate! But Nick only yanked harder! At this rate, his shoulder would get destroyed!

"That’s enough." Valentina’s voice came from the side. She was standing over Nick now, glaring at him with cold eyes.

The big man glanced up at her, and sneered...but a moment later, he let go of the submission. Standing up from Ben, he looked down at the defeated opponent like he was nothing, a piece of garbage; and even worse--it was the non-recyclable kind, that would end up in the Earth’s oceans with its only utility being smothering a seal...

Meanwhile, Ben laid on the ground, holding his sore shoulder as he narrowed his eyes at Nick. It had been a while since someone humiliated him like that. Yet, his first instinct was no longer to run away, but to run forward, holding out his arm in a clothesline...

"Not bad for a white belt." Nick gave him a thumbs up with a sarcastic expression as he turned and left without a second glance.

Ben watched Nick’s back as he walked away, a fire building within his eyes to get savage revenge on this bastard. Hitting him with a truck wasn’t enough? Hooking up with his girlfriend wasn’t enough? Well, Ben would just have to destroy him in more thorough ways.

"Are you all right?" Valentina kneeled down to look at him.

He raised an eyebrow, having never seen her show a positive attribute until now. ’Heel-face turn?’

Still, he didn’t mind a little love from this thick beauty, who consoled him. "Don’t let it get to you. Nick’s got a bad temper and is a loose cannon, but there’s no way you could’ve won. Weight, strength, skill, experience—he was ahead of you everywhere."

Hearing that, Ben frowned. He found it difficult to accept. He’d been working so hard and there was still a guy so far ahead of him in every category? It stoked an urge inside of him—to beat this guy! To prove her wrong! To f*ck both Nick’s girlfriend and Valentina!


Well, that was a perpetual urge...

Seeing Ben’s dissatisfied expression though, she understood what he was thinking, at least the beginning of it... "Well, if you want to get better, only training in class isn’t enough. You should consider joining some tournaments. There’s one this weekend in the gym."

At that moment, Ben received a system prompt.

[Challenge conditions met]

[Optional Challenge initiated]

[Special Optional Challenge: Tourney Time, Not Horny Time - Win a BJJ tournament at Barbosa MMA Gym]

[Reward: 5000 PUA Points, signs of recognition or permission to train in more advanced classes]

[Punishment: Extended period without permission to train in more advanced classes]

[Do you wish to accept the challenge?]

Ben almost replied yes right away but then recalled something, as he rubbed his shoulder. "Is Nick going to be in it?"

Valentina furrowed her eyebrows as she gazed at Ben. "He’s a purple belt so he’ll be in the purple belt tournament."

Ben’s narrowed his eyes, as his face became serious. "Then, that’s the one I need to be in."

However, Valentina shook her head. "I admit you’re good enough, but a white belt can’t just join a purple belt tournament. It’s not allow--"

"Let him do it." A low, authoritative voice came from their side. Valentina squinted as she looked at the man who spoke. Ben, on the other hand, was reading his system screen.

[Dojo Master detected]

’Finally, this bastard can’t do a Batman disappearing act...’ Ben gazed at the middle-aged muscular man in front of him, recalling his visage from the photos he’d seen on the gym’s walls. The man’s face was strict, but his eyes showed a glint of interest as they studied Ben, like he was searching his body for a secret, trying to understand the source of his talent.

Noticing that, with both hands, Ben covered his balls.


He frowned. ’Why do these perverted ancestors always try to look at people like that?’

However, at his side, Valentina didn’t understand why her father would say that. "Allow him into the purple belt tournament? Forget the fact that he’s not a purple belt, he’s not even in the purple belt class."

The Dojo Master turned to her. "So put him in the class..."

Valentina grimaced.

Her father chuckled. "What? You don’t think he’s good enough to compete with them?"

"That..." She had no response. In terms of ability, it was true most of them wouldn’t outmatch Ben.

Then, Ricardo pointed at him. "Kid, you do well in that tournament, and I’ll move you up to the purple belt class."

Ben gasped, realizing it was his opportunity. "Could I get my blue belt, too?"

"No." It seemed the rules were indeed strict in this gym. Even so, this development was more than Ben had expected. Now, wouldn’t he have the perfect stage to get revenge on Nick? What more could he ask for?

A minute later, after Ben left for the locker room, Ricardo observed Valentina staring at the white belt’s back with an unwilling expression, which made the Dojo master sigh. "Frustrated you couldn’t defeat him?"

In response, she sneered, but didn’t deny it.

"Dear, what do I always tell you? Women and men have separate divisions for a reason."

"Don’t call me dear." Then, Valentina walked away herself, not wanting to think about it anymore, leaving her father there with a helpless expression.

’Why doesn’t she let me call her cute names anymore?’

He didn’t realize it was inappropriate because he hadn’t been following Pornhub trends.


*Author’s Note: I’ll be reserving 1 day off per month to avoid burnout. This month, that day will be today. Yes, even this writing slave gets a day off to gaze through the bars of his cell’s window.

*Smiles lonesomely*

Daily releases will continue on Sunday.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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