My Reflector Is Invincible

Chapter 90

My Reflector Is Invincible 90

90. Who is the Warrior?

A warrior is a unique class.

Like the unique skill <Reflection>, only one exists in the world.

Of course, for Jooyoung, there were two warriors.

‘Ryujin’ and ‘Leo’.

In the game, two warriors would take turns appearing.

When one died, the other would come out on the next turn. That’s how the story of the game progressed.

That’s why I was sure of it.

‘Since it was Ryu Jin last time, it must be Leo this time.’

Ryu Jin and Leo were warriors of completely different types.

If Ryu Jin was the calm and composed moon, Leo was a hot-blooded warrior who represented the sun.

He was so passionate that he burned fiercely with heat.

But right at that moment.

The name that came out of Daedo’s mouth was not Leo’s.

“Ryu Jin… Are you really Ryu Jin?”

Even Daedo’s pupils were shaking violently.

Silver hair and golden eyes.

Eyes as cold as moonlight.

A long blue coat.

It was an appearance that could be called the symbol of the warrior Ryu Jin.

Jooin couldn’t believe his own eyes either.

Warrior Ryu Jin was really standing before his eyes.

‘But I’m sure… I buried him in Edmer’s dukedom after he turned into a skeleton?’

Just then, the warrior who resembled Ryu Jin opened his mouth.

“I am not Ryu Jin.”


Daedo exclaimed in surprise at the cold reply.

“Then who are you?”

“My name is Leo. A warrior.”


Daedo couldn’t believe it at all.

He looked and spoke exactly like Ryu Jin, but he wasn’t him.

However, Leo’s voice was cold.

“Whether you believe it or not is irrelevant. I am Leo. The one chosen as a warrior.”

“Do warriors even have similar faces? Or could you be Ryu Jin’s son?”

That’s how much he resembled the Ryu Jin in Daedo’s memory.

However, Jooin shook his head.

‘Warriors are not connected by bloodline.’

It was something that had been a big controversy among players in the past.

As a result of numerous playthroughs, it was confirmed that Ryu Jin and Leo were not related by blood.

None of the warriors were connected by family ties.

‘But to resemble him that much. It’s strange.’

Even Jooin was confused.

It was then that Warrior Leo spoke first.

“I don’t know who Ryu Jin is, but have you said all you need to say?”


Leo raised his sword without hesitation.

A clear battle stance.

Daeho couldn’t bring himself to raise his hidden weapon and froze.

It was because Leo spoke with the same face and voice as Ryu Jin, his former comrade.

Jooin, on the other hand, tilted his head.

‘He looks and acts like Ryu Jin, but his name is Leo?’

What in the world was going on?

Jooin had watched over countless warriors until now.

Ryu Jin and Leo were completely different in both appearance and ability.

He wasn’t cold-blooded enough to cut someone’s neck like that.

He had to check just in case.

Jooin ignored Leo’s blade pointed at him and pointed to the fallen fake warrior.

“Why did you kill that man? I was going to take him in as a prisoner of the Edmer Duchy.”

“Anyone who impersonates a warrior must die.”

“What… what!?”

Jooin and Daeho’s mouths fell open.

It was a statement that was unbelievable coming from a warrior.

Most of them were guys who respected life so much that you could call them tree-huggers.

But Leo’s voice was firm.

“The Demon King will appear soon. Fake warriors will only hinder the unity of the continent and cause chaos.”

Wow. That’s refreshing.

Jooin had had the same thought many times.

But until now, the warriors had never said such a thing.

-How can you say such things to people!

-If we work hard, they’re sure to understand our intentions.

-They are also people we must protect.

Even if they were turncoats, traitors who had betrayed humanity.

They would unconditionally spare the villains they had defeated.

There were even guys who refused to kill, saying that even among the demons there were those who could be reformed.

But then, later on, those guys would come back even stronger and block their path.

That was pretty much the identity of a warrior.

‘I used to think it was just an excuse to extend playtime.’

That’s why Jooin had tried to eliminate the warriors this time.

They were just getting in the way of clearing the achievements.

But if they had such a personality, was there a need to eliminate them?

‘Maybe I should make him my ally instead.’

After all, the specs of a warrior were top-tier even among heroes.

Maybe it would be better to change the plan he had in place.

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‘Yeah, he might actually be useful.’

But at that moment. Leo pointed his sword at Jooyeon.

“You too. You’ve been impersonating the hero all this time.”


In an instant, an enormous murderous aura could be felt.

And the figure of Leo, who seemed like he would kill Jooyeon at any moment, disappeared.

Daedo shouted anxiously at the sight.

“Watch out! Wielder!”

Ryu Jin, who had disappeared a moment ago, was floating in the air.

He had leapt high into the sky and swung his sword at Jooyeon.


It was the pure white longsword that had cut down the neck of the fake hero just moments ago.

The longsword, which seemed to have absorbed the moonlight, was aiming for Jooyeon with an eerie chill.

[<Intuition> has been activated.]

All of Jooyeon’s senses screamed danger.

To dodge right away.

However, he did not meet the longsword flying towards him head-on.

‘He may have Leo’s name, but that guy is Ryu Jin.’

Ryu Jin was the hero of the moon.

That was why most of his techniques also had the power of the moon.

In that case, the one he was using now would be the same as before.

Jooyeon swung his sword down.


Sparks flew as the swords clashed below.

Ryu Jin, who had soared high into the sky, disappeared like a mirage.

The place where he revealed himself was in the darkness.

Ryu Jin’s eyes, as if hidden in the shadows, widened in vigilance.

“How did you know?”

“Well, how do you think I knew?”

In truth, Jooyeon knew most of Ryu Jin’s techniques.

Especially that one just now, it was a basic technique he had always used as his first attack.

[Moon Shadow]

Also known as the technique called ‘Shadow Reflected in the Moon’.

The moon reflects light.

That’s why it can show false illusions.

It was a technique that lured attacks with illusions that deceived the opponent, while the main body delivered a surefire blow from the opposite side.

That was the essence of this technique.

‘It’s a technique that you can’t help but get hit by the first time.’

That was why Jooyeon also always assigned <Moon Shadow> as his first attack.

Still, he hadn’t blocked it perfectly.

His reaction had been slightly delayed.

Leo’s dark sword was now at Jooin’s neck.

Clang, clang, clang.

The two swords fought fiercely in the air.

Jooin was pushing Leo’s sword back, albeit slightly.

‘I have a slight advantage in strength.’

It was thanks to inheriting the Sword King’s legacy.

Of course, he couldn’t be completely at ease.

The difference was so subtle, it was almost negligible.

Jooin pushed Leo back with all his might.


Leo’s body was pushed back violently.

Long skid marks were left on the floor.

He opened his mouth in surprise.

“You can see through my technique and laugh at me…?”

Just who are you?

Leo’s eyes glinted with killing intent, as if asking that question.

It was a killing intent so powerful that it could be considered playful until now.

Jooin was secretly impressed.

‘Is this almost at the Sword King level?’

Honestly, it was an absurd ability.

The hero at this point in time should be in the early stages of developing his strength. But how could he have this much power?

‘It’s like Ryu Jin and Leo combined.’

Ordinary players usually distinguished between Ryu Jin and Leo as follows:

Leo of <Strength>.

Ryu Jin of <Technique>.

Leo’s physical abilities were far superior, while Ryu Jin’s skill in handling techniques was overwhelmingly better.

Depending on their preferences, players often had a hard time choosing their hero.

Jooin had always been a Ryu Jin man.

‘No matter how strong you are, if you lack technique, you’re nothing more than a strong ox.’

But what if Ryu Jin had Leo’s physique?

His technique would be perfect, and he would be powerful.

Furthermore, he had gained a killing intent and decisiveness that he never had before.

“You’re a dangerous man. I’ll eliminate you for real, starting now.”

[<Crisis Detection> has been activated.]

His senses screamed that he was in grave danger.

If he didn’t use <Reflection>, he could be in real trouble.

The clear weather was also a problem.

‘Ryu Jin is a hero chosen by the Moon Goddess. He can exert even greater power under the moonlight.’

There was a crescent moon out tonight.

It wasn’t as good as a full moon, but it was still an environment where Ryu Jin’s power could be maximized.

Indeed, even now, the moonlight was increasing his power.


Leo’s head took in the moonlight and began to shine brightly.

As if it would cut everything, the cool moonlight spread out in all directions.

Those with weak mental strength collapsed on the spot.


Only Jooyeon and his party were able to withstand the power.

Jooyeon quickly used .

When Jooyeon didn’t move, Leo narrowed his brow as if surprised.

However, it was not yet time for Jooyeon to rest assured.

‘<Moonlight>’s sleep-inducing effect is only a symptom of a certain skill.’

The <Moonlight> that gathered power creates a huge tragedy that destroys everything.

At that moment, the Great Mage glared at Leo.

“Stop it, Ryujin! No, Leo. If you’re a real hero, this guy isn’t the fake you think he is.”

“What are you talking about?”

“How could someone who isn’t a hero in the world defeat the Demon King’s heart and bring Ryujin’s remains?”


Leo’s sword, which seemed like it would cut Jooyeon at any moment, stopped.

Jooyeon looked at the Great Mage in surprise.

Oh. I didn’t know that guy would take my side?

However, Leo aimed his sword again.

“Anyone with enough power can defeat the Demon King’s heart.”

“Power that strong is impossible unless you’re on par with the Saintess. Is there any other strong person in this world besides the hero who has as much power as the Saintess?”

“If it’s the Pope, it’s enough…”


The Great Mage snorted.

Jooyeon nodded as if he had done well at that reaction.

Yes, yes, former colleague. You’re doing very well. You’re taking care of everything while pretending not to.

Yes, with that momentum, hit that guy…

“If that’s the Pope, then I’m God, you bastard!”

…What the hell?

“There’s no way a Pope can do a fake hero’s job! God will never forgive you!”

“That doesn’t prove that he’s a hero.”

“It’s not proof that he’s not! You son of a b*tch!”

Jooyeon burst out laughing at the sight.

It was because he was reminded of the old days.

‘Those two always fought.’

– Ryujin! We have to kill that guy! It’s dangerous to leave him alive!

– Even so, we must trust people. Anyone can change. Is there a logical reason for wanting to save someone?

– Ugh! It’s frustrating! Just leave him!

‘I miss her, but at this rate, the whole night will pass by.’

If things went on like this, there was nothing I could do.

It was nice to see Ryujin, but I had no choice but to make that bastard into a honey-tongued fool.

Soon, Jooyeon stepped forward.

“I have something I’m curious about.”

Unlike before, Leo was wary of Jooyeon as if he were a strong opponent.

“What is it?”

“It seems like this old man has said a lot about the evidence of me being a warrior. Then, can you show me your evidence of being a warrior?”


Leo’s head turned slightly.

“You want me to show you proof of being a warrior?”

“Yes. I’m curious as to what gives you the right to go around killing people.”

“Can’t you see my emblem?”

Leo pointed to his neck.

There, the warrior’s emblem was clearly imprinted.

Jooyeon gave a sly smile.

“Oh, that? I have it too.”

He put on the circlet that the fake warrior had used earlier.

Then, an emblem appeared on his neck.

Leo’s eyes grew icy.

“You must have a death wish. You’re trying to deceive me with such a toy.”

“Deceive? Well, how about this?”

Jooyeon raised his hand.

Then, a slender sword appeared in the air.

He grabbed the sword and stabbed it into the ground.


“Does this look like a deception?”

“That’s…… By any chance. The holy sword?”

“Yes. It’s the symbol of a warrior, and the proof that I am a warrior.”

Jooyeon looked at Leo, who was bewildered, and his eyes sparkled.

“Only a warrior can wield the holy sword. So, what about you? What kind of sword do you have?”


Leo’s hand slowly lowered.

In his hand was a longsword commonly seen around.

It was not a proper holy sword.

“So. Who’s the warrior now?”

The corners of Jooyeon’s mouth curled up.

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