My Refrigerator Turned Into A Dungeon

Chapter 2:

Chapter 2:

Dungeon Capture Preparation

When I put my head into the refrigerator, my head is enveloped by the cold air peculiar to dungeons or caves. It was a large room, no different from the one I had seen before. After checking that there was nothing wrong with my head, I threw my boots and jacket into the blackness of the refrigerator.

Finally, I put on my helmet and dove into the blackness of the refrigerator.

"Phew, it's cool after all."

This large room connected to the refrigerator is the front room before entering the dungeon. So far, there is no sign of monsters in this room.

"Okay, then, let's start by investigating this room."

But first, I need to get my equipment ready. First, I took a magazine from my luggage, opened it halfway, and taped it to my chest with duct tape. Even though it's a magazine, if it's thick enough, it can take a knife thrust, so it should be sufficient as a simple protective gear.

It is poor protective gear, but I ride a road sport-type bike, not a motocross type. Therefore, the rider jacket was not enough to protect my chest and abdomen. That's where this reinforcement comes in. If I put on the rider's jacket with the magazine wrapped around my body, it would serve as a suit of armor with decent protection.

Then I put on leather gloves and boots, I'm ready to go. From the shins to the waist, I'll be wearing regular jeans, but for the time being. For now, I prioritize being able to run away from the monsters if I encounter them.

First, I walk around the large room, take receipts and other things I don't need from my wallet, and toss them into the four-room corners. That is to make sure that the things I put in this room will not be lost over time. I don't want to leave something in the room. And then it gets absorbed into the dungeon! I don't want that to happen.

And it would be great if I could freely use this large room without any problems because my six-mat apartment would suddenly become several times larger.

"Well, that's all right for the time being. There is nothing wrong with this room for the time being. Let's see"

On the blue wall of the dungeon, there is only one quaint double-opening rusted iron door.

I have no idea when this door was made. No screws or bolts are used at all, only thick rivets. The only thing I can see is that it is probably a Western-style door because I open it by pulling it toward me.

"Well, let's try to open it"

I put the bat under my arm, grabbed the handle on the heavy iron door, and slowly opened it.

[The sound of metal scraping against metal was unpleasant.]

The iron door opened with an unpleasant sound of metal scraping against metal. Beyond the slightly opened door are a straight passage with a pale blue ceiling, blue walls, and floor, just like in the room.

"I see. This one has the same construction. Then it looks like we won't need lights."

He tapped the light in the pocket of his rider jacket from above and stepped cautiously into the passageway.

He opened and closed the iron door several times, carefully checking to make sure it would not close on its own and lock him in. Hmm, there seems to be no problem. Then we should move on. I was afraid of what kind of monsters might appear, but at the same time, I was excited.

["Puru-puru-puruting ting ting"].

As I proceeded down the passageway for a while, I came across a mysterious blue, round creature. It was shaking and bouncing as it moved. What was it? It was the first time I had seen such a creature, yet I felt a sense of dj vu.

The monster I encountered for the first time was 100% slime.

"Mmmm a slime."

First, I observed the slime from a distance.

Even though it was in a visible position, it did not seem to attack unless I got close to it. It is slime. When its attacks, the slime transforms its spherical shape into an irregular form and attacks. There are no eyes, no mouth, and no nose. Yes, it is indeed a monster.

But there are slime-like creatures on earth as well.

The protozoan amoeba and slime fungus are examples. The difference is that the amoeba is a single organism, while the slime fungus is a collection of fungi. The common point is that they are all irregularly shaped. In light of this, the slime in front of me has a round object floating inside its body that resembles the cell nucleus of an amoeba, and I can faintly see it.

This leads me to the conclusion that the slime in front of me is not a slime of the slime fungus type but an amoeba-type slime. Then, can I destroy the slime by destroying its nucleus?

Well, I won't do it now.

It's obvious. It would be dumb for me to attack a monster I've never seen before. This is not a manga. If I guessed wrong, I would have to pay for that mistake with my own body.

So, after carefully recording a video of the slime with the camera of my communication terminal, I quietly withdrew from the scene without fighting. On my way home, I took measurements of the width and height of the dungeon's passageway, then returned to my apartment.

"Nggggggpah! First of all, congratulations on getting out of the dungeon alive!"

I'm going shopping now, so I toasted with soda water. I'm going to go shopping now, so I'm going to drink a soda.

["Puru-puru-puruting ting ting"].

I played back the recorded video and analyzed the slime closely. Its size is about the size of a basketball, has a bun-like shape, and has a blue color, transparent, and slippery body.

"Mmm, this size and this spherical shape. I don't think it could be this beautifully spherical no matter how viscous it is"

It was as if a small grain of water had just grown larger. But what kind of surface tension does it have? Does it not collapse even at this size?

"Oh well. Let's write down the strategy we came up with and go shopping at Home Center as soon as possible."

I went to the Home Center on my motorcycle, bought the things I thought I needed, and rented a light truck to transport them. Then he returned home again.

The first thing I bought was a knife. It was a reasonable price of 1980 yen. This is a camping knife, but I chose one with a strong brim. If I'm going to dive into a dungeon, I should have a knife for self-defense. I wanted to get a bigger knife, but it is dangerous because I might hurt myself if I'm not familiar with handling it. So, for the time being, I kept it to small knives.

Next, I bought eight long clotheslines and a bird net 4 meters wide by 30 meters long. The clothesline was 2980 yen per pole, and the bird net was 1480 yen for 4 meters wide and 10 meters long. The bird net was 1480 yen for 4 meters wide and 10 meters long.

I bought this intending to build a simple barricade in the passage of the dungeon. I don't know if it will work. But if I'm going to capture a dungeon solo. I don't want to get caught in between monsters. So I decided to buy a bird net, thinking that if the monsters were not intelligent or not interested in inorganic objects, it would be effective.

And a 2-meter thick, easy-to-grip steel pipe for 2,140 yen. This is also a weapon. The tip of this pipe is cut like a bamboo spear and used as a weapon. I have to process it, but fortunately, I have more tools than most households for tinkering with motorcycles. With a grinder! And I cut the tip sharply with a spark, and in no time at all, the steel bamboo spear is complete.

Similarly, I bought several kinds of PVC pipes. The cost of these pipes, including various diameters, glue, and urethane sponge, was about 8,000 yen. Well, it doesn't look good, but I thought of making armor to protect the lower half of my body by processing the PVC pipes. You see, there is no armor to cover the undercarriage now.

I'm going to have to grind this one up with a grinder! And I have to jiggle it with a saw, but if I don't have it, I have to make it yourself. I thought so and bought it, but thinking about it, I could use a motocross protector sold at a motorcycle store. I could have bought it if I had spent a little more on materials, but I was too concerned about my budget. Well, I can't help it. Everything is trial and error. If there is life, I can start over again and again.

Finally, I bought a blue and round trash can with a lid, chlorine bleach, and strong acid toilet cleaner. I think this all cost about 3,000 yen. I wanted to try something. Hmmm

I spent the whole day un-sealing and sorting out the things I had bought and processed the things that needed processing. Oh no

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