My Refrigerator Turned Into A Dungeon

Chapter 223:

Chapter 223:

Dungeon Stampede 2.0 Gunfire




A gunshot rings out loudly, sending a sharp and intense impact through my right side. In that instant, a myriad of thoughts flash through my mind.

‘Oh no, I've finally been shot by the JSDF', or ‘This hurts more than when the police shot me', or ‘Whoa, seriously? Don't just shoot out of nowhere!'—that kind of stuff.

A few seconds earlier.

Having finished collecting the carapace of the giant red scorpion, Serai-san and I headed toward Shark's High School. We looked right, then left, and used aura detection to ensure no monsters were around before stepping out of the shrine surrounded by stone walls.

Despite our precautions, the moment we left the shrine, we were hit by a fierce gunshot from the right.

[Buh! Buhbuhbuh!]


Having been shot before, I instinctively tried to return to the shrine, but Seira, who was experiencing gunfire for the first time, panicked and stumbled forward.

So, I couldn't flee and leave her exposed, resulting in more bullets raining down on us.

[Babachi! Bisbisbis!]


The armor on my upper body protected me from the JSDF's automatic rifle bullets. However, the relatively less protected area from my waist to my hips allowed scorching bullets to pierce through the gaps in the suit.

"Egetsu-san, are you okay!?"

"Don't look back! Run with all your might!"

There's no time to think. The only strategy is to run away. Whether it's a Type 89 or Type 20, we just need to escape beyond the bullets' range.


"Wait, Serai-san! Head east! Towards the river!"

"Huh, why…?"

We ran south for about 500 meters, sprinting all the way. In the alleys lined with houses, I directed Seira who was running ahead.

"The enemy is the JSDF. They're probably advancing in a line to avoid flanking attacks. If we keep going like this, we'll run into another squad!"

"What, really…!?"

"Let's head east and escape to the river! I'll figure out the rest once we get there!"

"Seriously!? But if it's the JSDF, shouldn't they understand if we talk to them??"

Even JSDF soldiers are human.

They must have been fighting a relentless battle against monsters spilling out of the dungeon during the second Dungeon Stampede.

Given that, it's not surprising if they're on edge and trigger-happy. If they see us looking like monsters, we can't blame them for shooting without question.

"But in this situation, we'll get shot multiple times before we can get close enough to talk…"

"Ahhh! What's going on!?"

[[[Bang! Bam bam!]]]

Amidst our conversation, more gunshots and bullets hit the ground at our feet. We have no choice but to keep running.

The mucus armor covering Seira's back and my entire body takes more hits from the JSDF bullets. Damn, they must be superhuman JSDF soldiers enhanced by the dungeon if they can keep up with our sprint.

I absolutely don't want to engage in combat with them.

We dash through alleys, jump over walls, and run across rooftops, moving like parkour athletes, though the sticky mucus slows us down. So, we try to stay low and run over the tile roofs like old-timey thieves.

"We're almost at the river! What now!?"

"Jump! I'll catch up with you!"

As we run on the rooftops, I tell the hesitant Serai-san to jump into the river.

"Alright! You better do something…here I go!"

"Leave it to me… Tooh!"

I leap towards Seira as she falls into the river, grabbing her waist and diving together.



The height from which we jumped into the river was over 20 meters.

The splash from jumping off a roof into the river must have been huge. But we couldn't see it from underwater.


[Glug glug glug!]

As soon as we submerge, I extend the mucus armor covering us, creating a mucus ball that two adults can fit inside. The Pixie Queen assists with the air inside.

[Glug glug glug!]

The result is a makeshift escape capsule floating just above the riverbed.

It's quite unsteady, but for a quick makeshift solution, it works well.

"What is this? Are we underwater…?"

"Yes, we are. This is an improvised escape capsule made of mucus."

[Glug glug glug!]

Underwater, bullets are effectively neutralized.

Most bullets lose their lethality within a meter underwater. Even superhuman JSDF soldiers enhanced by the dungeon won't pursue us underwater unless they have special skills.

The mucus surface ripples with the river's flow, making visibility poor. Seira looks up in awe.

"Amazing…you can even do this."

"Well, with the Pixie Queen's help. Ouch…"

"Oh, you got shot earlier, didn't you? Are you okay, Egetsu-san?"

"It’s more like a burn from the bullets' heat. Most of the bullets were stopped by the Bug King Suit's armor and the lubrication mucus."

"Are you really okay…?"

In the cramped spherical space, Seira reaches out to check my waist.

It's hard to see for myself, but based on the pain, it's mostly burns. Only a few bullets penetrated the armor deeply enough to cause significant damage. Still, I took about ten hits.

"Are you alright, Seira? You look fine on the outside."

"Yes, I'm fine. I was really surprised when they suddenly shot at us, but the Queen's armor protected me."

She shows off the glossy, gunmetal suit, indeed unscathed.

"Wow, it's really tough… As expected of a boss-level monster's carapace from the 10th underground layer. The Bug King Suit, made from a 5th layer boss, doesn't compare."

"Hehe, how do I look? Great, right?"

She proudly puffs out her chest, displaying her ample bosom. It's not intentional, but it's impressive enough to admire.

"Phew… But I'm glad we're not hurt. I was really scared when I realized we were under attack by the JSDF."

"Yeah, it's really shocking to be shot at by the JSDF."

The distance was about 100 meters. But there were humanoid monsters like kobolds around, so it's understandable we got shot.

""…Pff! Hahaha…!""

We both burst into laughter.

Being shot at with automatic rifles is no laughing matter. But we couldn't help finding it funny that we both survived unscathed.

"It's amazing we're still alive…"


"So, what now?"

"Well, we've drifted quite a bit… Let's go back to my apartment. I need to treat my wounds and drop off our gear to lighten our load."

"Yeah, that sounds good. We don't need to hurry to Shark High School. The construction workers will be there, so it's fine."

"Alright, let's just float along with the river a bit more."

"Is that a reference to Momotaro…? If a bug-man like you came out of the peach, the old man and woman would faint!"

"What… How rude! I'm all shiny and divine!"

"You're the only one who thinks that! Oh, do you know the African version of Momotaro?"

"No, what's that?"

"A giant coconut floats down the river, singing ‘Zunbibiu-baba, Zunbibiu-baba.'"


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