My Refrigerator Turned Into A Dungeon

Chapter 99:

Chapter 99:


[Uwaan! Machi-chan. What should I do!!]"

As Sera Machi, who was about to go to sleep, pondered what was happening when the intercom rang, the screen displayed the image of Ruu in the dark, crying her heart out.

"Eh, Ruu?! Weren't you supposed to have a date today!?"

"[Byeeeeen! Machii-chan! Machii-chan!!]"

She was sobbing uncontrollably, making no sense at all. Machi, worried, decided to let Ruu into her room and calm her down to hear the situation.


"Uu! I don't want to be thought of as smelly! I didn't want to be thought of as smelly because of garlic~! Uwaaaahhh!!"

"Okay, okay I get it now."

While wiping her tears, Ruu explained that during their date, she had eaten a garlic-loaded plate of Aglio Olio Peperoncino for lunch, and she couldn't kiss because of the garlic smell, which made Coach angry, and he left.

(What's that all about?)

However, that was Machi's genuine reaction. If it were Ezuki, a man who could devour a garlic-loaded bowl of ramen with no issues, he wouldn't mind a little garlic odor during a kiss. That seemed to be more of an issue with Ruu being overly sensitive to garlic smell.

"You see, Ruu Master doesn't care at all about garlic odor. Besides, he's the one who recommended Aglio Olio Peperoncino in the first place, isn't he!?"

"Huff! But still!!"

(Oh, goodness. That's a complete disaster.)

Machii inwardly marveled.

Ruu was usually a quiet and well-behaved person.

However, once her emotions exploded, she turned into a troublesome and annoying child.


And the morning came with the rising sun.

"Come on, Ruu. Get up, we're going to school!"

"Ugh Machi-chan, I want to skip university today"

"No way! You can't do that. Come on, get up!"

Machi grabbed Ruu's hand, which was curled up under the blanket on her bed, and pulled her up.

Last night, Machi had to endure Ruu's endless complaints. She even made a call to Ruu's house. She thought Ruu's mother worried that her beloved daughter hadn't returned, and explained that she would stay over.

Ruu's mother persistently asked if Ruu was okay, but Machi, who was overwhelmed by Ruu's crying, could only offer a vague reassurance.

(Sigh What am I doing, really?)

She managed to bring the sulking Ruu to the university and attend her lectures. However, when Ruu expressed her reluctance to return home again today, Machi returned to her own home.

"Come on, stop crying with swollen eyes like that. Go take a bath already."

She urged her as if patting her butt. Finally, she saw Ruu dawdle into the bathroom and let out a sigh, shoulders slumping.

(Hmm, is pasta okay for dinner? Oh, but will Ruu remember and get upset again? But it's not her fault. I couldn't go shopping because of her.)

Today, Ruu has been receiving continuous calls and messages from Ezuki since morning. Ruu thought her relationship was probably ending. She was too scared to look, so Machi checked the messages on her behalf, and they were all messages from Ezuki expressing concern for Ruu's well-being. Similarly, messages that arrived for Machii asked, [Do you know anything about Ruu?]

(Ugh, Ezuki-san is so worried about Ruu, and here I am, being silly!)

She should respond to Ezuki there's no need to worry. However, just like him, Machi, who was frustrated with her stubborn behavior, also decided not to respond.

This decision hinted a mischief and was also a way of getting back at Ruu for the trouble she had caused.

"(Soap Gacha!) Machi-chan! I want to get better at kissing! Teach me, Machi-chan!!"


Ruu, who had become a troublesome child, suddenly emerged from the bathroom completely naked and abruptly asked Machi to teach her how to kiss.



I clenched my phone in my room, waiting for a response that never came, feeling dumbfounded. The air seemed to thicken as if an army of dark spirits had been summoned. There was a movie like that.

It's my first date at the theme park with Ruu. I hate to admit it, but I think I did well.

Ruu seemed really happy, too.

But the result was like this

As it got dark and the parade music and lights surrounded us, I tried to kiss Ruu, and she shockingly rejected me. I genuinely thought, [How foolish!] because we had spent the entire day having fun, and it was the perfect time for a kiss, as other couples took advantage of the darkness to get affectionate. I thought it would be fine for us to share a kiss, too.

But instead of a kiss, I was met with a firm rejection, and Ruu fled as if chased by a pack of wolves.

Of course, I immediately tried to chase after her, but I couldn't keep up with her petite form as she weaved through the crowd. With my larger build, I couldn't navigate the crowd as swiftly as she could. While I was being polite, trying to make my way through the crowd saying, "Sorry, please let me through!" to embracing couples, I completely lost sight of Ruu.

So, I took out my phone and attempted to contact Ruu. However, my phone had run out of battery because I had been meticulously reviewing our date course the night before. Unable to do anything, I ended up leaving the theme park alone when it closed. After my device finished charging, I tried to contact both Ruu and Serai-san, but there was no response from either of them

I wondered if there was something wrong with my phone, so I tested it by sending a message to Shark that said [Are you okay?] and received a swift and concise reply, [Yeah!].

So, it seemed that the issue wasn't with my phone.

(Huh! Is it possible? I got dumped!? But, that's just!?)

We had spent the day so harmoniously during our date. We seemed to be having so much fun, and then, when I tried to kiss her?

I was in turmoil, trying to compose a message to ask Nana-san for advice but stopped myself from sending it.

[Hey, you Some things are just understood. If you're not getting a response from a girl, it's over. To pester her friends for information is just pathetic, you know]

I was greeted with a mocking smile from the imagined Nina-san in my mind.

(Damn it! I can't even make a sound!)

In the end, Brain Nina-san was right.

Whether I tried to contact Ruu or Serai-san and I reached out to Nina-san for advice, it would only further highlight my patheticness.

(So, I've been dumped.)


Two days had passed since then.

Sigh, I can't find any motivation to do anything.

It's often said, but it's as if there's a huge hole in my chest, and the cold wind is blowing right through it.

However, I know I can't stay like this. But even though I know that my heart, now left without a job or a girlfriend, remains unhealed.

[Huh Fkyyuun! Shta Fkyyuun!]

That's when I entered the pitch-black dungeon from the refrigerator and put on the Bug King Suit. What did I do wrong? What went wrong? No matter how much I ask myself, I can't find the answer.

But, it's as if I'm trying to fill the hole in my chest, and now, a murky, dark anger wells up within me.

(Was the love I saw just an illusion? Was the happiness I saw also an illusion?!)

That was an illusion, and this is an illusion. Everything is just an illusion, and the world remains unchanged, my enemy forever. In that case, I'm done.

The me who had expectations was a fool.

(That's right, I'll become strong in the dungeon! I'll become strong in the dungeon and show them who looked down on me! Power is everything! That's all that matters! I need to be strong!)

[Fkyyukyyun! (Bikoooon!!)]

The eyes of the fully equipped Bug King Suit glow ominously red.

Without a job and a girlfriend.

There is nothing left to bind me.

Wait, dungeon monsters! I will show you the power of me, who has fallen into darkness and become just like you, to the fullest!

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