My Second Life in Another World

Chapter 352: Boring Side Characters

Chapter 352: Boring Side Characters

"Did they all run away or something?" The guy with the bandana said with a frown since they couldn't even see the monsters that came this way. The platform looked cleaner than when Seoul was normal.

"Delusional Demon Kim Nam-woon is here, That battle-crazed fucker isn't one to run," The third guy numbered four shook his head, there seemed to be something going on in Chung-muro but it didn't change much since...

"Find the Flagpole," They all had no choice since their leader had spoken.

But even after searching the platform, they didn't find it. so they ended up climbing the stairs to search the second basement floor…

"Is this place really abandoned?" The girl said that they hadn't found anyone yet, and the others were also getting disappointed.

"Look ahead," The leader said making the others look in the direction he pointed and they saw a man sitting on a chair in the middle of the floor.

He was the first person they had come across in the station and he seemed to have spotted them as well.

But rather than panicking or getting ready to fight, this guy smiled at the sight. I don't think we need to introduce him.

"Are you here for the delivery?" Haru asked looking at the five in front of him.

"Who is this side character?" The Fat guy laughed as he looked around to see where the others were hiding.

"Well, he is right we are here to deliver death and take this station as the payment," The guy with the number four cape said with a smile as well.

"That was a dope line," The fat guy laughed loudly.

'He is too calm given the situation, and he has the flag with him as well, I have no information on this guy,' The leader of the five was observing Haru trying to find out what was going on.

He thought that they might be ambushed by people, but it wasn't an issue since there weren't that many strong people there and the flagpole was also right next to Haru's chair, so this should be easy.

"This isn't as fun as I thought it would be," Haru sighed while looking at the five.

"What the fuck do you mean?" The long-haired guy asked with a frown, he thought that Haru was going mad because of fear right now.

"It means that I am cutting your screen time short, Everyone it is your turn," Haru leaned back in the chair as the five people found themselves surrounded by people.


"Is this some kind of illusion?"

This had the girl and the long-haired guy panic a little since nearly 100 people were surrounding them and they also saw Nam-woon standing near Haru.

There was no way a group this big has been formed here, in the original the Chung-muro group only had like 12 or so people on the station, and in reality that was pretty much the normal size for a group to be around the start of the Fourth Scenario.

This size was ridiculous and surely wasn't real according to what they knew, because you wouldn't find such a big group in the entire Seoul at this time.

"He is using an illusion to boost the numbers, keep your eyes on Nam-woon the rest aren't a threat," The leader said as they all got ready to attack taking out their weapons.

"To think that someone else can see the power I had kept hidden so deeply, You have potential," Nam-woon seemed impressed by the leader and smiled in anticipation.

This already weirded out the other team, and it wasn't because of his chunni behavior since they knew he would be that way, but the fact that he wasn't rushing at them head-on like they thought he would, was unnerving.

"Queresha can I get a cup of Coffee, I feel really sleepy right now," Haru looked at Queresha since his super plan of making a great first impression was ruined because of these people.

[The Constellation 'Prisoner of the Golden Headband' is waiting for the fight to start.]

[100 Coins have been sponsored.]

[The Constellation 'Secretive Plotter' is massaging his forehead.]

[200 coins have been sponsored.]

[The Constellation 'Dessert For Days' is loading a shotgun with religious intent because he doesn't see enough sugar.]

[400 coins have been sponsored.]

"Here," Queresha gave Haru a cup of coffee that she had in her hands for some reason.

"Look at these try-hards," The guy with the number 4 cape laughed, they really didn't feel any fear here.

"Oh!! I was a bit sad about that throwaway heroine not being here but I guess it doesn't matter now, I can have much better fun," The fat guy licked his lips looking at Queresha.

His own group members looked at the fat guy with a disgusted look, but whatever he did wasn't something that mattered to them. They were only banded together because of their interests and to increase their chances for survival.

But they didn't expect someone to flare up because of this, in reality, that was the last person they thought would get angry at this statement.

"So, Noonim can I take out that waste of oxygen right there?" Nam-woon asked Queresha who looked at Haru since she wasn't didnt even register the fat guy's existence, he was that insignificant for her.

"As long as they can talk it is fine," Haru waved his hand and Nam-woon turned back.

"What bullshit is th-Urk*," Before the fat guy could speak any further he was smashed into the floor before any of the five people could even move.

"Attack him," The leader shouted as he swung his dagger at Nam-woon but…

"What?" They were shocked to see that the attack was easily dodged even if he was attacked from his blind spot, Nam-woon even dragged the fat guy by his leg as he moved away.

"I know you are eager to fight me, I am the same but we would have to wait. So, make sure to survive and reach me, do not disappoint me, warrior," Nam-woon said smugly as he dodged the axe heading for his face and kicked the fat guy straight down to the platform before jumping down to beat the guy up.

"When are you guys going to attack?" Haru asked Hee-won and the others who were enjoying the show, they actually seemed to be enjoying Nam-woon's antics.

"Don't worry Your Majesty we won't let their disrespect for the queen pass," Hee-won bowed deeply making Haru sigh before rushing forward drawing her katana, she went straight for the attack which was barely stopped by the leader using a mana shield on his right hand.

"I wonder what happened to us being weak?" Hee-won smirked and swung her katana again pushing the leader on defense.

'Where did they pop out from? There was no information on her as well,' The guy thought looking at Hee-won he looked around and the other three were also being pushed back by Alea and Sang-ah while Jin-ah attacked from near Haru.

"Shit, Is she using a homing skill?" The guy with the number 4 cape cursed out since it didn't matter if he dodged or deflected them, the icicles just kept coming back to attack him. The fight hadn't even been going for 3 minutes and these guys were already getting beaten up.


The leader blocked Hee-won's katana barely but he was kicked in the stomach making him fly into the wall in the back.

"Well, this is disappointing; we thought you apostles would put up more of a fight," Hee-won sighed as it seemed that they just got a lot stronger, she didn't find any problem with it since this was way better than having a close fight risking her life.

'So, they knew that we would be coming for the station after all, Did Jung-hyuk make a counter plan for this because he got information from the other prophets?' The leader was thinking as he looked at Hee-won's mocking look.

He could see that she was doing that on purpose to egg him on, Even Haru looking at him while drinking a cup of coffee with a relaxed look, this was all on purpose. But even while that...

"Let's see how long you guys can keep that attitude," With an evil smirk the leader of the apostles took out glowing spheres and threw them toward Haru's direction, He didn't think that he'll need to use these, and if he had to he was planning on only using one. But because he was pissed off at the disrespect shown to him, The guy ended up using all of them.

[Mass Destruction Magic Bullet]

That was the name of the item he threw after activating the sphere, it was something that would cause a lot of damage and two to three of them can possibly put Jung-hyuk out of battle if he is hit directly, but it wasn't easy to hit someone like him with this back to back, But Haru seemed like an easy target because…

"This is interesting, I'll keep this," Haru picked up the spheres with a smile.


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