My Second Life in Another World

Chapter 386: Disasters?

Chapter 386: Disasters?

"Mhm!" Jin-ah stretched her body with a satisfied expression.

Whatever happened in the toilet was great and she couldn't ask for something better.

"You should tone this down a little in the current situation Jin-ah," Haru sighed, and Jin-ah looked back at him.

"Don't act like you weren't waiting for it, you were quite enthusiastic," Jin-ah winked as she pointed at her ass.

"Ahem, well you know, it would only devolve further if Hae-in knows, she doesn't know when to stop," Haru coughed with a little blush, he knew why Jin-ah was pointing at her ass, it had turned a little red because he got a little too excited with his movements.

But he was serious about what he said about Hae-in, if she knew that Jin-ah and he had sex she won't leave him alone, then that would lead to Kanae knowing what happened, and then what would happen next wasn't hard to figure out.

"Then how about we keep it a secret between us?" Jin-ah walked over and wrapped her hands around Haru's neck.

"Will you be able to do that?" Haru asked since Jin-ah was quite the loose-tongued individual, she wouldn't be able to keep a secret, especially from someone like Hae-in who had ways of getting them out.

"You'll just need to seal my loose mouth at repeated intervals then, what do you say?" Jin-ah grinned and Haru sighed.

"I guess I have no choice," Haru said as Jin-ah grinned before giving him a quick kiss.

"I love you so much," Jin-ah then placed her head on his chest and hugged him tightly.

"I love you too," Haru smiled caressing Jin-ah's back making her lean on him more.

The two left the toilet after 10 minutes and…

[Several Constellations are curious about what transpired inside the Toilet in those 5 hours.]

[The Constellation 'Noble Child Of The Sun' is extremely curious as well.]

[The Constellation 'Prisoner Of The Golden Headband' is wriggling his eyebrows with a thumbs up.]

[The Constellation 'I Like Feet' has been rendered speechless.]

[The Constellation 'Goddess Of Love And Beauty' is showing a charming smile.]

[The Constellation 'Ghost of Tosa' is giving you a thumbs-up with a big grin.]

[The Constellation 'One Who Hates Food' is showing you double thumbs up.]

[The Constellation 'Demonic Judge Of Fire' is happy that you are deepening your bonds with your comrades.]

[The Constellation 'Abyssal Black Flame Dragon' is looking around confused.]

[The Constellation who likes 'Harem' is rubbing his hands in anticipation.]

[10,000 coins have been sponsored.]

'They're here again,' Haru looked at the beings who were the reason behind his abstaining from doing something with his lovers.

He really didn't want to become a spectacle for these sickos, no it isn't that he himself minded being seen naked. He just didn't want his lovers to be seen naked by others, it was as simple as that.

'Only I am allowed to see that, so fuck off!!!' Haru huffed as the extra cheerful Jin-ah and him searched the surroundings for food and a place to rest for the night.

They cleared out a considerable amount of monsters in the surroundings and even found some food from a nearby convenience store. This place was half ransacked but it still had enough food for two people to last a few days.

The next morning, just as Haru and Jin-ah were about to leave he got a message.

Zenobia - Haru I found him, the guy who betrayed your group.

'She already found Dok-ja?' Haru thought as he saw more messages.

Zenobia - He is related to the leader of the group I contacted about the information, she went and met him in Seol-cho District on the farm owned by werewolves who were cannibalizing.

-I see, so where is he now?

Zenobia - He is still in Seol-cho, I have used my device to keep an eye on him through a remote-controlled drone but I can't go too close because of the being that is with him right now. He looks like a seasoned combatant and has good senses, but I will know if they leave the area.

-Who is the being you are talking about?

Haru asked since that is what caught his attention the most, not another person, but a 'being'.

Zenobia - It is a werewolf but unlike the coin farm guys, he came out of the meteorite that fell from the sky at the end of the third Scenario.

-Were there meteorites?

Haru didn't have knowledge of it and it seemed Queresha also didn't know.

Zenobia - I was only able to see them through the drones that I sent out to search the surroundings, I didn't know it was something like this till now.


Haru already understood why Zenobia mentioned it now.

Zenobia - I got information regarding the following scenario from the group that is from Seo-daemun Prison. She said there will be five disasters that will be unleashed in Seoul, which is why she contacted me, to take care of the one in the east, The one she called the Disaster of Questions.

'Hmm, five disasters huh,' Haru thought before asking his next question.

-What about the other Disasters?

Zenobia - She said her group will take care of the Disaster of the Frost from the North, then there is the Disaster of Questions in the East which is entrusted to me now. And she told me not to worry about the Disaster of the South.


Zenobia - She said it was already defeated.

'What? No wait, that makes sense if you find them before the Scenario, breaking the scenario becomes easy this way,' Haru thought as he waited for Zenobia to say more, he knew she already had her own thoughts on this.

-So, going with that logic there should be a Disaster in every cardinal direction but the one in the South has been defeated.

'Did that woman defeat it with her group?' Haru thought since the only major groups in the south were Zenobia's and the group from the prison.

Zenobia didn't do anything so that pointed at only one group.

Zenobia - She didn't say anything more about the rest of the Disasters, no it was like she was 'trying' to make me believe she didn't know about them.

-Do you think…

Zenobia - Yes, I am 70% sure, the King of the Prison Group knows information that normal Incarnations don't.

-So, now there are two of them, no I guess that makes it three.

Zenobia - Yes and they know each other as well or so it seems, I don't know what their relationship is till now since I didn't have the opportunity to check through the database, but I can make assumptions based on their age. I'd say they are Mother and Son or she might be his aunt.

-I see, well did you find anything more about the Meteorites?

Zenobia - I heard from another one of the Groups I was in contact with that they had a Meteorite as well.

-Did something happen to their group?

Zenobia - I don't know they haven't replied to any of my attempts to contact them, not to mention the area under their control has encountered a weird phenomenon just recently.


Zenobia- …It would be better if you see it for yourself

-Ok, You are at the Apgu-jeong right?

Zenobia- Yes, and I want to ask you something Haru.

-Hmm, What is it?

Haru already had an idea of what Zenobia was going to ask about…

Zenobia - Should I deal with him now? The man named Kim Dok-ja, I can do it through the venom from Queresha's army, he won't even know.

-No, now isn't the time for that, just watch him from a distance, I need to confirm some things.

Zenobia- Alright, I'll be waiting for your and Jin-ah's arrival.

-Keep some ice cream for me, I have been craving some for a while.

Zenobia - I have already prepared some chocolate ones.

Haru laughed and placed the phone in his pocket.

"So, to Zenobia Unnie now?" Jin-ah asked as she had also read the messages in the group chat.

"Yeah, let's go quickly," Haru said and the two set off to east in order to meet with Zenobia's group who were in Apgu-jeong.

They set out in the morning and fought monsters along the way earning a good amount of Coins.

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