My Second Life in Another World

Chapter 408: 408 In Earnest

Chapter 408: 408 In Earnest

'So, we are using the bridge where it all started, huh,' Dok-ja was feeling nostalgic while walking on the tracks since this is where the Scenarios started.

It wasn't that he was happy with what happened as it has been nothing but one hell after another but…

'Being positive is better than being negative,' Dok-ja sighed as he had more things to do than mule over what had already passed.

Right now the future was more important and….

"This gap is even bigger than before," Dok-ja sighed looking at the 180-foot gap in front of them, not to mention the ichthyosaurs that were out in the water.

They could just hope that any Sea commanders aren't around at the moment, but even then crossing this place would be tough.

'Come to think of it, How did Sang-ah and Hae-in-ssi crossover?' Dok-ja thought but he didn't ask, the reason was that he couldn't ask about that at the moment.

"Yeah, the ichthyosaurs have been destroying all of the bridges completely, but we have somehow been able to keep this one from being broken further," Haru sighed as this was tough considering how many things loops he had to jump just to make sure that this whole operation is feasible within the rules of the Scenario.

"Haru, Alea is ready," Jin-ah said making them look to the front and they could see her on the other side of the gap waving at them.

"It is time to start," Haru said and Jin-ah nodded.

"Phew, this one is going to be a pain," Jin-ah muttered as her hands touched the rails, and with swift control, she built a three-meter tall that was tilting forward.

And then it started to move forward horizontally, its objective was to reach the other side but...

"It won't reach like this," Soo-young muttered since the weight of the ice would make it collapse alongside the now somewhat damaged bridge on their end but...

"That's crazy," Dok-ja's eyes widened as he saw dark green vines growing alongside the metal arc falling to wrap around the ice sheet that was spreading, what it was supposed to do was easy to guess.

But even then this whole operation wasn't easy, if anything it seemed outrageous.

"The ichthyosaurs are coming up," Gil-young who was still scouting notified them, the ones who will be the biggest nuisances to this have come.

Even then no one seemed to panic.

"There were still some of them hiding," Hae-in just complained a little before jumping into action.

Yes, she literally jumped off the bridge and kicked the ichthyosaur's face to annoy it.

'What is happening?' Dok-ja was wide-eyed looking at Hae-in casually jumping on top of the monsters while avoiding them so easily.

'This is what I was testing last night,' Hae-in thought while stabbing of the Ichthyosaur in the eye before jumping onto the other, 'It won't look as suspicious as when I kill them all slowly.'

But even if she was doing a good job, she alone wouldn't be able to keep every monster at bay.

Even while they were thinking some of the monsters were moving towards the ice bridge wanting to break it.

"Guide, it is your turn to help," Haru turned to Lycaon who was carrying the meteorite.

Yeah, Lycaon was a key member of this plan to a degree, and if he helps like he is supposed to then there won't be much of an issue.

"Ok, but I can only protect the structure," Lycaon said and Haru nodded on the spot.

"That will be more than enough," Haru said and Lycaon placed the meteorite down.

He used his skill to surround the bridge with the wind to knock off the Ichthyosaurs that tried to attack the area.

Dok-ja sighed in relief since he had told Lycaon in advance to help Haru without asking him any questions since it would be very weird if this guide kept on looking at him for approval every time.

And even without this reason, it was the best option to have Lycaon listen to Haru because…..

'He and his group are going through so much trouble to move the base,' Dok-ja gulped, this was something he couldn't do, no it was impossible even for Jung-hyuk.

"Then I'll also go down and deal with some monsters as well," Before Dok-ja could even think Haru had already jumped down into the sea as well.

"….Crazy," Soo-young muttered and Dok-ja had to agree, the way Haru and Hae-in were distracting the ichthyosaurs without falling into the water was indeed crazy.

Dok-ja didn't think he had the skills or the guts to do that, but the two did it, and Hae-in did it so nicely that it looked like a rehearsed show.

"Everyone with ranged attacks get ready, we need to assist them as much as possible and prevent multiple monsters from attacking them at once," Seol-hwa immediately took action and gathered people near the edge to attack the Ichthyosaurs around Haru and Hae-in.

This plan was working as they were able to catch these monsters off guard when they were focused on the other two.

But there was another issue with this as there were currently 30 of these monsters around here. Which wasn't a lot considering how many of them should be in the Han River.

"They are really crazy…." Soo-young felt like this was too much because she made a guess that seemed too ridiculous.

"We attracted a large amount of them beforehand and moved them away in the morning, That is why it took us so much time," Sang-ah said with a smile, "But it was worth it as now we can deal with a low number here as the other groups deal with them in the distance."

'So that's why they were gone in the morning?' Dok-ja felt like things fell into place perfectly.

If the Ichthyosaurs were lured away from here and left to engage with the groups they had set up before in the distance, then it would lessen the burden on the team that will have to defend the impromptu bridge here.

This may look easy to do but it wasn't.

The only reason this was possible here was because Haru had gotten the people who could bring this task to success.

Not to mention that they had enough leeway to do that, if Haru wasn't strong enough and hadn't managed his group properly this wouldn't be possible.

And that management skill was something that Jung-hyuk lacked because of his detached and lone wolf-like nature.

While Haru on the other hand was good with planning and could actually see the bigger picture not to mention that he was indeed kind, these were the major reasons why he had been able to get this far.

'His group is also a huge contributor,' Dok-ja knew that Haru was also massively aided by the group he had built, that trust allowed him to pull off such a thing while impressing many.

'They have planned so much?' Baek Ho-sik was shocked to see how much thought went into this mission of moving their base, 'They can easily defeat our forces with just these people here.' Not to mention that he was blown away by the combat power of this group, he was someone who helped the combat teams so he knew of their capabilities.

And he could see no way for their group to win, Which is why…

'I should tell them to hurry up and send the next group,' Baek Ho-sik took out his phone and sent the message straight to their main group.

Ho-sik: Send as many ranged attackers as you can along with the next batch, and if possible send in Pil-du-nim, we need him here.

This message caused Zenobia's group to rush because Ho-sik was the one who was the most opposed to this plan of merging with Haru's group internally.

But after just looking at what they had pulled off right here, he had no issues with supporting this, because even if their group could do well on its own.

Haru's group was something else if he was basing off their capabilities with just this.

'I'll need to trust in the Leader's decision, but…' Do-sik knew that he had doubted her a little but he still had a major concern and that was, 'How will our group be treated?'

Even if this was the driving factor that caused others in the group to be opposed to this proposal, and it wasn't like this was a baseless worry.

Since they would basically be joining another group and would be under them, so how would the original group members treat them and their people?

Although there are chances that they'd be treated nicely but there is also the chance that their group members would get the short end of the stick.

'The world has really gone to shit since the scenario started,' Ho-sik shook his head just at how much he had to think of possible betrayal when they were just teaming up with other humans.

'Let's just hope that this goes well,' Ho-sik thought, and just that the moving mission of Zenobia's group started in earnest.

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