My Second Life in Another World

Chapter 420: Hae-In Named This

Chapter 420: Hae-In Named This

"The thought is much appreciated," Queresha nodded and it made this guy happy, a lot happier than what those words should have.

'Yes, need to do better!!' Min-hyuk silently punched the air discreetly.

'He's quite…. No, I guess he is completely gone,' Mi-na shook her head but she didn't blame him, anyone who had met Queresha face to face wouldn't blame this guy either, 'Even I feel weird hearing her speak sometimes.' But she quickly shook her head, before the genre of her story changed midway.

"That is how you will get your group, and work on getting as much information as possible from the territory," Queresha knew that these guys would work, because of the coins that were promised, and as soon as they get a taste of the easy money at first, "we'll be able to put them to work where we need, and squeeze out all that they had eaten before."

This will also help in case some real spies come into the group, these types of guys would definitely go to the broke-looking people, and offer them coins for the information.

But as soon as the group has control over these types of people, such a thing will not work, even if it did work. These spies would be brought to the office by the guys who will deceive them for their own profits.

This will take some time setting up, which is why she was starting now.

"I understand, I'll put my life on the line," Min-hyuk said and still got no reaction from Queresha.

'You don't need to put your life on the line anyway,' Mi-na knew that this guy had high stats, he was a leader of a group after all, and he was working within the territory anyway, so there was no danger.

But he was just trying to sound dramatic, 'I hope so,' Mi-na sighed since given this guy's personality, he might really do something stupid.

"As long as you understand," To Queresha it seemed normal, as long as the plan was completed and helped Haru, she didn't care about anything else in between, "I expect no mistakes."

"Yes ma'am," Both Mi-na and Min-hyuk nodded, they'll carry this out properly, as it was important for the group, and for them as well.


"Ma'am there any way for you to change the name of my sector?" Mi-na asked after much deliberation, no matter how she thought about it, "It is quite a... troublesome name." she didn't know what else to say.

Queresha checked the name of her sector and what she saw was, Helping People and Doing a Good Deed Reward Yes, that was the name of the sector, not the description.

"Who named your area?" Queresha asked, even though she could already figure out who did it.

"…It was Hae-in-ssi," Mi-na said with a complicated look.

Mi-na and the other people assigned to this area were planning on writing the name ideas on pieces of paper, and then doing a raffle to choose the name, but then they had an unexpected guest.

"Hae-in got interested, and added a name?" Queresha asked after hearing the story.

"Yes, and she won… three times in a row," Mi-na nodded while sighing, there was no way she could tell Hae-in that they couldn't use that name.

After all, they planned it to begin with, and she won three times. So, there was no refuting it.

"I see …Mi-na I will ask you a few questions," Queresha on the other hand spoke up after understanding what happened.

"Ah, yes!" Mi-na came out of her previous thoughts and nodded.

"Was Hae-in the one who wrote all of the names on the papers?"


"Was she the one who drew the lot every time?"


"....Did you look at the papers after she left?"

"No... she left with them.... Ma'am!" Mi-na finally understood what happened, and Queresha shook her head.

"I can't help you with this since it has already happened," All Mi-na could do was drink her tears after those words were spoken, "Take this as a lesson, and don't be tricked in the future."

"...Understood," Mi-na couldn't say anything, since Queresha closed the topic so quickly.

"Then both of you may take your leave," Queresha said before putting her attention back to the laptop in front of her.

'Ah!! NO!!! it is too soon!!' Min-hyuk wanted to stay a bit longer but he didn't want to disobey the order, so he left.

And as soon as the two quietly left the room, they saw someone walking towards them, or towards the office more precisely.

'She's the leader of the new group,' Mi-na immediately recognized the woman in front of her, she had met her when they arrived before.

"Is Queresha inside?" Zenobia asked looking at the closed door behind them.

"Ah, Yes," Mi-na quickly came out of her thoughts, and nodded stepping aside, "There is no one else inside."

"Thank you, hope you have a nice day… or night," Zenobia said smiling politely before opening the door, without even knocking.

"Y-You too ma'am," Mi-na said and Zenobia nodded her head once before entering.

"Don't you think she is pretty?" Mi-na asked Min-hyuk who didn't even look at Zenobia, she was surely someone who could make men stare at her just by walking around.

"Queresha-ssi is prettier," Min-hyuk was not interested in anyone else, besides he wasn't worried about getting in trouble for not greeting Zenobia either.

"Damn kid, I didn't know you were off the deep end already," Mi-na looked surprised, and Min-hyuk didn't take kindly to that comment.

"Who is a kid? I am 20! I am an adult." He didn't like being called a kid because it made him self-conscious, which is why he acted like an adult most of the time.

And given his height and build, people really thought he was someone in his mid or late twenties.

"And I am 29, you are like a kid to me anyway," Mi-na said shaking her head, she was older so she had the right to call him a kid.

But this privilege came with a drawback.

"Damn, you're old! I need to call you Ajumma from now on," Min-hyuk didn't seem to know that she was that old because of how young she looked, and the way he said it just pricked her even more.

"Do you want to die?" She asked in a scary tone but…

"Isn't it you who needs to worry about dying? One of your feet is already in the grave," Min-hyuk said without fearing the consequences that this could bring to him.

'Yeah, I'll kill him~, no one will know or care….' Mi-na thought with a sweet smile, and that was a terrifying night for Min-hyuk.

Leaving that aside, Zenobia entered the Office and immediately got Queresha's attention.

"It is good to see you again," Queresha said as Zenobia smiled in response.

"Yes I feel the same, so how is everything?"

"Everything is going smoothly for now, but we still need to be careful about using outside forces," Queresha voiced her concern, and Zenobia understood her point.

"But there is a limit to what we can do at the moment, so we have no choice," Zenobia knew that if there was another way, Haru and Queresha would've used it already, "hopefully this works out properly."

"This has to work," Queresha said sternly, but there was no other choice, "we would be in trouble if it doesn't." there were too many things that could pose a problem, if these plans of theirs fail.

"That is why we have no time to waste, we should immediately eliminate anything that can get in the way of the plan," Queresha said and Zenobia nodded in understanding.

"So, our first project is going to be working on the generators," Zenobia knew that this was the first problem, this was the component that provided a lot of conveniences for this group, and it was an important factor that kept these people together as well.

And it would be problematic if it isn't worked out quickly. There was a limit to how much they could use their existing facilities, so it was time to improve…

"Yes, we need to do that as soon as possible," Queresha stood up from the chair, she was ready to get to work immediately.

In a way, she was just waiting for Zenobia to come back before starting, but there was a problem right now.

"Shouldn't you rest for the day?" Zenobia asked pointing at the time and Queresha shook her head.

"I can do that later," She said flatly as this was important, more important than her getting rest.

"We can't do that," Zenobia on the other hand shook her head.

"Zenobia…" Queresha's brow furrowed just a little, it was such a minimal movement that many would not even catch it, but it was noticeable to the people, who had known her enough.

And Zenobia was one of the closest people to her, thanks to their similar interests.

"What I mean is that I still need to set up my area, and unload all of the equipment," Zenobia smiled slightly while presenting her reason, "That is why you should rest in the meantime."


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