My Secretary is a Little Sweet

Chapter 121 - Heart Disease

Chapter 121: Heart Disease

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Tang Yun’s eyes were full of tears. She shouted out aloud, “You are mine! You shouldn’t have married her. Don’t you dare forget, your life belongs to me. You are alive, thanks to me.”

Jing Yichen stiffened and his face turned pale. He just stood there, still, and didn’t say a word for a long time.

Rushes of the past ran across his eyes. He got to the moment where Tang Yun saved his life. For that, he would always be grateful to her. He opened his eyes and decided to take make some more effort to be nice to Tang Yun.

He turned around and said to Tang Yun calmly, “I am married. That is a fact and it can’t be changed. You will get married too, sometime in the future. Don’t you have a boyfriend in the USA? I can get him here too, or you could return to the USA, if you don’t like your life here.”

Hearing these words, Tang Yun went up to Jing Yichen and hugged him.

She cried, “I don’t like William! I like you! I don’t want to go anywhere. I want to marry you! I know that you don’t like your wife either. Why don’t you divorce her? Then we can be together!”

Jing Yichen tried hard to mask his discomfort. He did not like being touched by anyone. He had already mentioned it to Tang Yun, but clearly she was not willing to listen. He moved Tang Yun off him, slowly and firmly. “I will never divorce her.”

Realising that Jing Yichen had moved away her arm from his, Tang Yun was even more annoyed.

How was it that he was fine when Shangguan Ning kissed him, whilst she couldn’t even touch him? She wanted to hug him and kiss him too!

When she embraced him once more, Jing Yichen could no longer hide his discomfort. He gave her a strong push and she fell onto the ground whilst he started to vomit with one hand holding against the wall.

The saleswoman at the store didn’t dare to interfere, while they were quarrelling. Instead, she quietly packed up the purple tea-pot set, in silence. It was worth 200,000 yuan, so she was being extra cautious. She realised that Jing Yichen wasn’t feeling alright. She tried to help him but one look from him was enough to make her stop in her tracks.

Having said these words, he staggered out of the shop with hands covering his chest, his face completely devoid of colour.

Tang Yun was disappointed and annoyed. Jing Yichen hadn’t changed. He still hated it when someone touched him, but why was he so accepting of Shangguan Ning’s touch and even reciprocated to her kiss?

She stood up, dusted herself and was about to follow Jing Yichen, who had already left the store.

The saleswoman was able to stop her just in time. She said politely, “Miss, you haven’t paid for the vase you just broke. You may please leave after you have made the payment.”

Tang Yun slapped the saleswoman, when she tried to stop her from leaving. “Don’t you dare touch me. I am rich enough to buy you and your entire store.”

The saleswoman was aghast. She was shocked at this Tang Yun’s disgraceful behaviour. She thought to herself that the age old adage was true after all – Money could buy you a lot, but it couldn’t buy you class. She watched in shock, while Tang Yun ran out, after Jing Yichen.

The saleswoman gathered her wits and was about to call the police, to lodge a complaint.

Just then Jing Yichen’s loyal chauffeur Tiger, walked in. “Please give me the tea set that has been chosen by my Lady, I will make a payment for it. I will also pay for the vase that the impolite woman just broke. I apologise for all the inconvenience caused to you.”

Jing Yichen took some time to feel alright again. Leaning against his car, he took a few deep breaths, while his chest heaved.

Ever since he had been married to Shangguan Ning, his intimacy issues had almost ceased to bother him. He was also a cleanliness freak, so if someone grazed against him on an error, he felt the need to wash up. He had learnt to live with his quirks but Shangguan Ning’s presence in his life had somehow absolved him of all this.

He realised that things had gotten better when he felt no discomfort or repulsion when Shangguan Ning touched him.

When Tang Yun threw herself at him, he had felt extremely uneasy. Sometimes, he felt that his issues had more to do with what he felt for the person in question, rather than a generic disorder.

It could be on account of something that may have happened in his childhood or it could be because of the incident when Tang Yun saved his life.

He had tried not to think about all this but it was Tang Yun who brought it up, this afternoon.

He regained some of his strength in a while and was just about to leave, when Tang Yun came up to him.

Tang Yun looked extremely upset. In a sad voice, she asked Jing Yichen, “Do you hate me that much? Do I make you sick?”

Jing Yichen felt sympathetic towards Tang Yun. He said softly, “You know that it has nothing to do with you. I have never liked being touched by others, even if it’s on an error.”

Tang Yun’s voice suddenly turned livid. Her beautiful face was now distorted with anger. “Then how can you allow that woman to touch you?! You are a liar! You had said that you would never get married but look at you now! You are married and even have a wife! You are living a happy life but what about me?! I have done so much for you but I can’t even hug you!”

Jing Yichen didn’t like Tang Yun’s attitude. She was spoiled and she threw tantrums often enough, but this kind of behaviour was unbecoming of a lady.

He patiently explained to Tang Yun, “Shangguan Ning is different. Since I met her, a lot has changed. I had said earlier, that I wouldn’t get married because I hadn’t met the right person. Also, I have told you repeatedly that it would do you good to stay away from me. There can never be anything between us and you know that. It is you who keeps lying to yourself.”

“Hahahahaha, well said! So that bitch is different, right? Okay, then I will kill her right now, and you can kill me next! If I can’t have you, no one else can.” Tang Yun laughed like a lunatic. She turned around and ran towards the mall.

Jing Yichen’s dislike for Tang Yun increased by the minute. He started to feel that getting Tang Yun back to China, was a mistake.

Was it the last decade that turned Tang Yun into such a bitter person or was he so blind, ten years ago, that he didn’t notice these aspects of her personality?

He had thought that finding Tang Yun would bring an end to his restlessness, but this had turned out to be a nightmare, from which he was unable to wake up.

Seeing Tang Yun dash off to the mall, in search of Shangguan Ning, like a crazy psychopath, Jing Yichen pulled out his cell-phone and called Lee Yong, who was in charge of Tang Yun’s security.

“Ms. Tang is in an unstable state, right now. Take her back home right away and ensure that she does not hurt the Lady. Keep a close watch on her, wherever she goes. Don’t let her make any mistakes. Call me in case of anything.”

Lee Yong who had already sighted Tang Yun, replied in the positive, to all of Jing Yichen’s commands. He waved his hands to the rest of his team, gesturing that Tang Yun should be brought back immediately.

Two other men emerged from the crowd and caught hold of Tang Yun. They held her by her arms and started to walk towards the nearest exit. Tang Yun shouted and protested, but they did not pay heed to her.

Tang Yun had loved having her own entourage. She felt important when she walked into any place, with her team of bodyguards. At this moment though, she wouldn’t think twice before doing away with all of them.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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