My Soul card is a Reaper

Chapter 162 Arthur And Excalibur

Excalibur's description of the nine generals made Azzy ponder about them for a while.

The first thing that surprised him the names of the generals of which some of them appeared to be different. Of them, the surname of the general named Triastal reminded him of Claire's home which shares the same name.

At first, he wondered whether he is the ancestor of Claire but then remembering the information from the book of death, he cut off the possibility as only Angel race people can have Life attribute.

The Book of Death also depicts the existence of Angels in the story of the Death clan's founder.

When such a thought occurred in his mind, suddenly, Azzy remembered the uniqueness of Claire's soul energy.

Until now, he assumed that it was because her light element is too powerful that makes her healing recovery very fast and at the same time, was also probably affecting the dark attribute within him. And that is why Vajra dislikes her.

Now he felt like she might have a life attribute which is the nemesis of Death attribute.

In between these important thoughts, a memory of Claire's sleep talking once again surfaced in his head, which made him quickly out away the matter and ponders on the next matter about the nine generals, which was forcing him to question the teachings of Avia.

More than the matter of a God was killed by the nine generals of Arthur, Azzy was shocked to hear that all of them were in the realm of demi-god, which couldn't be possible.

According to what Avia had taught him and what was recorded on the books is that once an Arcana Master crosses the threshold of rank-9 and increases his lifespan up to ten times, i.e. a hundred thousand years, they will be scouted by the kingdoms from the immortal realm.

And if they don't leave the earth voluntarily within 1 year, Gaia, the mother goddess who was the personification of the earth will no longer allow them to stay in its atmosphere, considering them as a threat to humanity.

The reason behind this is mainly because of their rapid absorption of natural energy from their surroundings, which causes the unbalance.

Avia told him that this is the reason Qridus is suppressing himself to not attempt for the next stage until he either reaches the limit of his life or his successor reaches the nine-star realm.

Back then, Azzy didn't feel anything amiss but now that Excalibur's statement goes opposite to what he was taught, he couldn't understand who is saying the truth.

"Which one is true?" Azzy asked the only person who he unconditionally trusts.

The Reaper who was listening to the conversation replied, "Both are true, Azrael. You will learn those complicated things when you enter into the advanced realm. For now, just listen to what he has to say."

Following the Reaper's suggestion, Azzy continued to listen.

"It was during the time Arthur was very little, I guess, around your age. Back then, he was studying hard under demi-god Merlin. At that time, the continent was still busy fighting with the invasion of demons that came from the far south.

One day, Uther Pendragon, Arthur's father was assassinated and Camelot's throne was captured by Arthur's half-sister.

Merlin then sent Arthur on a mission where he successfully managed to not only find me but also unsealed me from the boulder. As repayment of gratitude, I offered my allegiance to that teenager for a period of twenty years.

With my assistance, he roamed the Arcana world, slew beasts for several years, and even entered the realm of seven-star before he was twenty years old and eight-star just before his thirtieth birthday.

​ And my deal with him is about to end. At such a time, he returned to the earth and went on challenging the nobles, kings, and tribes across the world.

His condition was simple. Defeat him and they get to have the Excalibur and get defeat by him, they will send a part of their army with him in his conquest of taking back his throne.

The result was twenty-five thousand soldiers and five hundred Elite warriors above rank-7 following Arthur back to his homeland.

After he took back his throne, the soldiers stayed at Camelot and started their own families. Nobles and the Royal family members that followed him were added to the list of nobles of Camelot.

Within two years, Arthur managed to occupy the surrounding four kingdoms and allied with a few powerful kingdoms for peace to focus on the onslaught of the demons.

Now, two years passed and my debt with Arthur has been written off. It's time for me to part my ways.

After fighting several battles, I was a bit reluctant to part with Arthur but at the end of the day, I knew that I wasn't his Arcana spirit. The only one who could free me is either death or my creator.

Obviously, I chose the second option. Who in the right mind would choose the first option anyway…

Arthur also kept his side of the deal and decided to free me at the same place we met.

Maybe, he was also reluctant to part with me. That's why he was probably walking slowly through the streets even though he could just fly on his own. Well, it's obvious. After all, I'm the symbol of authority, a celestial grade Arcana. Hahaha…

*Cough* Anyway, as we are on our way towards the exit, a strange phenomenon occurred.

A small kid, just around eight or nine, was walking with his father. He had no sort of expression on his face and was just blankly staring at the people around him.

His father, who was of high noble status, greeted Arthur. The King stopped and started to converse with him while the kid was continuously staring at me while I was hanging around Arthur's waist.

He asked Arthur whether he could touch the sword. Arthur gave the permission too.

However, the moment I was touched by the kid, my consciousness was drifted away into his mindscape against my own will.

That endless barren land and the roaming countless skeletons scared me to death even though I was of Celestial grade.

Then, I heard a deep voice that probably belonged to the spirit of the Death scythe. It said that my destiny is linked with Arthur. Should I stay with him, one day, its host will unite the souls of Arthur and mine.

I took a chance and stayed with Arthur. And just ten years later, it happened. He managed to send my spirit into his soul card. Later, I consumed the existing gold grade spirit but that wasn't important, anyway."

Azzy was stunned as he remembered the scene of the Reaper turning Vajra into a black wolf, thereby, changing him from twin Arcana user to set Arcana user.

He muttered under his breath in shock, "So that kid was…"

The sword replied, "Yes. It was none other than General Garcia who possesses the Death Scythe. Fun fact that not only do both of you shares the same name, but also the same appearance.

The only difference is that you don't have a surname of Garcia but even possess the lightning wolf as an extra. During your battle with Vann of Hildegard before his demise, I saw your spirit possessed you. Even though it's been a hundred thousand years, I still remember its voice.

I'm convinced that you possess the celestial grade Death scythe and Hourglass but you don't need to worry. Your secret always stays secret with me and Leah. After all… Eh, Azrael? Hmm? Those black eyes…"

Excalibur and Leah found Azzy was no longer listening to his words and was just staring ahead like a statue.

Meanwhile, his eyes were now appeared to be pitch-black, covering his pupils. Excalibur realized that the kid was possessed by his Arcana. "Hello, little blade. How are you?"

"Eh? Little blade?" Leah was surprised by the voice change as well as how her Arcana spirit was being addressed. For her, it was indeed rude even if it is uttered by God. She knew that the short-tempered old sword might also throw the fit.

"Lord… Lord Tezca? It's you, right?" However, contrary to her expectations, Excalibur stuttered, displaying nervousness.

Leah was even more shocked to see this old man wasn't only the least a bit offended but even showed respect to Azzy's Arcana in return.

She glanced at Azzy, who then spoke, "That was something Rael called me, fool. Along with his death, that name has lost its meaning. Address me as Chronos just like how this child addresses me."

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