My Soul card is a Reaper

Chapter 518 First Day As A Teacher (Part-4)

The students were stunned by the sudden announcement from their new homeroom teacher, followed by the attack from the Decarune seal, which Azzy developed to the extent that he can seal multiple targets at the same time.

Within no time, everyone lost connection to their respective soul energies and the students weren't pleased in any way.

Either they were afraid of this new teacher or they developed hatred toward him.

Even Serestia found Azzy crossed the line by doing such a thing. However, she kept her mouth shut when she heard Azzy's next sentence. "I don't care how will you behave in other classes but in my class, all of you will follow my rules."

As the whole classroom was filled with silence with no one daring to speak up, Azzy went on to say, "Now that our introductions are over, you can continue with your studying."

Amid mixed gazes from everyone, he then sat down on his seat without caring about what the students thought about his first meeting with them and took out a novel from his storage ring and started reading it.

"Uncle appears to be stricter than mom. Is he really like this?" Serestia couldn't help but wonder.

The next 30 minutes passed away in a blink of an eye. Azzy's period was over and he immediately unsealed the soul orbs of the students before leaving the room.

"Man that was so nerve-wracking"

"These 30 minutes were the worst 30 minutes of my life"

"This is why people say one shouldn't judge a book by its cover. His personality and his looks don't have any relation"

"I wonder what his true age was"

"I'll make sure to complain to the principal" "

"I'll talk to my dad to dismiss him. I don't like this bastard"

"How dare he seal our soul orbs like that?"

"Phew, I thought I became a mortal all of a sudden. It was a scary experience to lose one's soul energy"

"Does he think he is a big shot because he can bully us? If my ancestor comes here, this bastard would be on his knees"

Azzy's ears perked up as the students murmured upon his exit. But, he ignored them and just continued to walk in the corridor.

At the same time, Flora stepped out of her classroom and spotted Azzy. Her expression changed instantly. "You are quite reckless, you know that?" She commented as they neared each other.

Azzy widened his lips as he replied, "Appearances can be quite deceiving, Ms. Flora."

"Yeah, I'm beginning to understand your personality too," nodded Flora with a frown on her face. She was clearly not pleased by his earlier actions either.

Azzy continued to smile, "it won't take you long."

Flora left downstairs while Azzy proceeded to class 10-B. The initial reactions from the students upon witnessing his teenage appearance are almost the same as before but he didn't place any rules for them.

Instead, he maintained his fake smile and introduced himself, "Hello, my name is Gary and I'm your new theoretical combat instructor for the rest of your semester. Please sit down."

As the students sat down in confusion, Azzy took out the textbook given by the receptionist and placed it on his desk.

Taking his seat, he asked, "Who is the CR, here?"

"CR?" The students looked at each other, not knowing what that means. Azzy felt the urge to slap his forehead but he managed to control himself and then clarified, "I mean class representative."

A blonde-haired boy got up from his seat and answered, "Sir, I'm the class monitor here. My name is Julius."

It was then Azzy understood why they didn't understand the abbreviation and proceeded to ask, "Okay Julius, tell me how much portion has been covered by Mr. Alder."

The boy answered, "Sir, our syllabus was already completed."

Followed by his words, there were peals of laughter escaped from a few while the girls stifled a giggle.

"Is that so? Then, it is good. Sit down." Azzy didn't feel embarrassed but instead, he felt a lot relieved as he doesn't need to follow the textbook anymore. He rose to his feet while grabbing a marker.

As the students behaved themselves and became silent, Azzy walked to the whiteboard and wrote, "Q&A."

"Let's start our class with a Q&A session," said Azzy as he turned around to look at them.

Some of the students stiffened in nervousness while some of them quickly opened the textbooks in reflex.

They didn't know that Azzy has no idea what is in the textbook. He just wants to test their knowledge.

Azzy wrote the name of a beast on the whiteboard. "Espurr"

"Imagine you went on a trip to a level-2 region where you were lost and got ambushed by a pack of Espurrs. You were alone there. How do you deal with the situation?" Azzy casually pointed at a tall girl sitting in the back. "You over there…"

The short-haired girl answered slowly, "I run."


A few students couldn't hold back their laughter as they heard their answer. As the girl's face turned beet red in embarrassment, Azzy came to her rescue stating, "Running away is also a strategy. So, Miss… what's your name by the way?"

"Talia," replied the girl.

"So, Talia, please step forward," Azzy asked her to stand beside him.

She did as she was told without any complaints.

It was at that moment Azzy realized that she is really tall as she appeared. He is 6 foot but even then, the girl's head just crossed his ears.

Throwing away his unnecessary thoughts quickly, he then addressed the students, "Now, let's assume Talia here was the one who got lost and she decided to run away from the beasts to save herself.

Naturally, they would chase after her. Each of them only has a maximum running speed of 30 km/hr. With her rank-5 soul realm, she will be able to outrun them.

But, the problem here is that a pack of Espurrs will have a leader which usually has to display its dominance from time to time in order to keep them under its control. The monster will most likely use one of its abilities the moment it sees you running away.

Now, do any of you know what will be its move?"

As a couple of students raised their hands, Talia also did the same. Azzy gave her the chance first. "What is it?"

The girl turned her head to look straight into Azzy's eyes before looking away with a blush on her cheeks and said, "Uhh… The Lightning Beam?"

"The strongest move of the Espurr beast but it takes 12 seconds to charge up. An intelligent creature will not make such a move," commented Azzy almost immediately before pointing his finger at the boy who earlier raised his hand, "You over there."

The boy named Edward spoke, "Sir, it has the ability of illusion with three seconds of casting time. It might not be able to fool advanced Arcana Masters like you but we could easily fall into its trap."

"Good answer, although I'm looking for a creative one. Sit down." Azzy further said, "Espurr beast is said to have an IQ of over 195 in human terms. The leader will not be a young one and would have lived for quite a while. That gives it a certain amount of wisdom. You cannot expect it to follow just one pattern.

A wrong judgment will cost you dire consequences. So, all of you must see this from a different angle."

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