My Soul card is a Reaper

Chapter 543 The Might Of Fenrir (Part-3)


As Azzy was screaming in pain while watching the Fenrir's clone motioning its head to swing away the teenager, the Reaper's words echoed in his head. 

"Soul skill: Regeneration"

Without waiting for Azzy's approval, the Reaper activated the first soul skill of Vajra. His hand became as good as new within no time but that also means that he cannot get injured like this once again as there is a cooldown timer.

As soon as he was healed, Azzy just ignored the wolf and rushed to the injured student. 

Normally, he wouldn't care about someone who wasn't even a proper acquaintance, but despite being a fake teacher, he felt that the responsibility for the safety of the students still lies upon him.

Upon reaching him, Azzy realized that Raydon is still alive and didn't lose consciousness. With a blood-filled mouth, the latter apologized, "Sorry for being… reckless…"

"Shut up. Let me heal you first." Azzy scolded him in return and quickly took out a 7-star healing card and applied it to the fellow. The injury was closed up and Raydon escaped with his life.

As Raydon didn't lose consciousness, he sat up and thanked his teacher. Azzy sighed in relief and rose to his feet before helping the student to stand up on his feet too.

"Since you are already here, follow my orders," said Azzy in a stern tone before turning around and looking at the wolf that was crackling in laughter. "Ke ke keke ke. As if you have any control over this battle. How about we make this more interesting then?"

Fenrir raised one of its paws and snapped its toes just like how humans do with their fingers. 

The two clones on Fenrir's left, which were slowly walking toward the barrier, sped up all of a sudden.

They reached the translucent barrier in no time and attacked it with their claws. A part of the barrier was torn like paper but its self-healing feature closed it up rather quicker than the last time.

"So, the physical damages have instant healing while the energy damages will take a long time to heal, huh?" The Fenrir realized the barrier's specialty within a second and ordered the third clone, which was on standby, to attack the barrier with an energy beam.

Meanwhile, Azzy gave a quick order to the student beside him, "Listen Raydon. I want you to use your shadow mode or whatever that is and protect yourself. Don't engage the enemy you are no match for."

"Well, I wish you to follow the same advice you have given to the kid." A response came from the Reaper, almost in a fraction of a second.

Azzy clenched his fist and tightly gripped the handle of the death scythe, "I can still do this."

"Soul skill: Rise of the Undead"

"Come out, everyone."

He summoned every undead that is roaming on the barren lands of his mindscape.

Small to big ones, more than two hundred of them suddenly swarmed the place, taking Fenrir by surprise. In the sea of undead, he couldn't even see Azzy and Raydon with naked sight.

He closed his eyes for a second and the unicorn horn lookalike protruded from his forehead and energy once again started gathering at its tip. The fourth clone, which has the blood of Raydon on its horn, was also doing the same.

But, Azzy didn't intend to give them a chance to retaliate very soon.

He closed his eyes and mumbled, "Fusion."

Every skeleton detached as they crashed into one another, forming a giant pile of bones at one spot. All of it happened in a matter of a second.

Azzy quickly stood before the pile as a guard as Fenrir and his clone were about to fire energy beams. Fenrir changed its aim toward him now that he is visible.

Just as the two were about to strike him, Azzy poured a tiny bit of his soul energy into an activated skill card that he took out of his storage card within time.

These types of skill cards merely need soul energy to come out of their hibernate state. They don't even consume one's soul power as they were already in a pre-activated state.

However, Azzy's was even more special. It's not exactly a skill card that is available out there. It's a skill card that activates a certain sage technique automatically and within the past three years, he managed to create only two such types of cards. He called the sage cards.

One contains his greatest offensive sage technique, the Divine Palm. And the other is this.

"Sage card: Dome of Fearlessness, activate."

As the card disappeared into nothingness, it filled his body with the maximum natural energy it can hold, and then, the translucent energy was pushed out to form a dome-shaped barrier around him.

Unfortunately, even that wasn't enough to block the attack of a demigod realm beast. The beams of energy broke through its defenses without any trouble and deflected their paths slightly, striking Azzy's upper right arm and chest respectively. A hole was made in one of the lungs.


As the blood started oozing out from two different locations, Azzy fell onto his knees. He felt like his consciousness was fading away. His vision became blurrier with each second.

"Indeed, I'm way overconfident," thought Azzy as his eyes were struggling to keep open. At that moment, he neither thought of his loved ones nor about keeping himself alive. The safety of the students, whom he barely knew, was the only thing that came to his mind.

He spoke in his head, "Chronos, I'll leave the safety of my students to you."

Everything became blank for Azzy as he collapsed onto the ground. His remaining soul energy automatically rushed to the lungs to save his life, dismissing Numen and Ruby in the process. His lung was recovered but his chest wasn't completely healed. The blood continued to seep out of his body from his chest and arm.

Meanwhile, the grand barrier conjured by Azzy at the beginning had been breached by three clones of Fenrir. They used the combination of energy beams and biting and claw attacks to form a huge hole and successfully jumped to the other side where a giant rocky wall was successfully erected.

The students who were working on the third layer saw the disappearance of the jinn. Some of the students panicked for a moment, thinking something happened to their teacher.

Julius kept them motivated, "Everyone, concentrate here. Worrying will not solve anything."

One of the reasons why he instructed everyone to erect a barrier is because the earth wall would block their vision. The students were quite distracted by either Azzy's awesome moves or his failure to defend against the wolf.

He can't do anything against such a powerful beast that can even draw them into its own dimension. All he can do is keep his fellow classmates from losing courage and hope that his teacher would defeat the monster.

But his efforts were soon gone in vain as the three Fenrir clones destroyed a large part of the earth barrier and restored the vision of the users, who are keeping up the water wall.


Of the eight water users, who coincidentally happened to be female students, five of them quickly left their positions and ran back to the crowd as they saw the wolves.

The joint water wall fell and the students saw Azzy on the ground with Fenrir walking slowly to him while Raydon was trying to shield him by standing in front of the barrier that repaired itself.

"No, teacher Gary has fallen" "What's going to happen to us?"

Everyone's face turned pale in an instant. 

"Don't be distracted. Everyone, let's fight." roared Ace as he brandished the wand like a whip.

Someone powerful like their teacher is no match for the monster. What could they do?  What's the use of resistance? Almost, everyone lost their willpower to fight.

Even their low-grade Arcana got scared and returned to their respective owners' mindscape as they could sense how powerful those clones of Fenrir are.

Raydon might have been standing in front of the dome that covered the unconscious Azzy but his entire body was uncontrollably shivering in fear. He couldn't even think straight with his body refusing to move as the Fenrir was slowly walking toward him, feeling amused by the weakling.

It was at that moment three black-colored chains erupted from the ground and pierced the three clones of Fenrir at the same time, shocking Fenrir and the students.

The Dome of Fearlessness disappeared as Azzy's body slowly rose into the air. One could three chains come out of his stomach and went to underground.

His body is then rotated and he slowly landed on the ground. As his eyes opened, they turned pitch-black with no visible pupils.  He spoke in a deep voice, different from his usual tone, "Let's start round 2."

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