My Succubus System

Chapter 105: Contract (2)

Chapter 105: Contract (2)

“I’m so glad you came.” Cyn said as she walked closely beside Glint. The trio of adventurers were now making their way deeper inside of the Memento Mori chapel. Glint was surprised to find that the lounge area was merely one aspect of the building. Behind it there were many rooms, largely emptied or unoccupied. There were also many more people. The small group of people continued to walk and talk about various things with Atru at the lead.

Cyn and Atru ignored everyone else altogether but Ashe couldn’t help but notice — his senses were on edge. Nagging doubts had begun to take shape in his mind and with the scurrying of footsteps and averted gazes Ashe was feeling justified by his sense of phantom apprehension.

*What do I really have to fear? Maybe being robbed or something? It’s not like they can steal experience or second death us. We’ll just respawn at the tabernacle. Anything we lose, we can get back with our own hands.* This was the logic Ashe tried to use to calm his foreboding heart.

*So why do I still feel so….*

Ashe’s class, Deftblade, functioned as a mix between melee and scout. By briefing using light magic to turn invisible or to misdirect his foes he could slip behind enemy lines. Along with this came a keen danger sense. It was more than just a feeling, for Ashe his skills as an adventurer were firing off ceaselessly — telling him that something was afoot.

*There’s a strange intent which permeates this place. I can’t put my finger on it.* Ashe was so rapt in his own thoughts that he didn’t even hear Glint call his name.

“Ashe. Are you okay?” Glint asked. To anyone but Fargo and Glint, it would seem as if Glint was showing concern for his comrade but Fargo also took special interest in Ashe’s answer.

“Yea. Peachy.” Ashe responded with a forced smile.

At this Fargo furled his brow in confusion, for he thought everything was going well.

*This is…the signal for ‘take caution’. But…where’s the threat?* Fargo thought inwardly. Glint was also having the same conversation in his mind, though his train of thought was entirely different. He’d known Ashe slightly longer than Fargo and in that time Ashe had never been wrong about an ambush, attack or even so much as a person with ill intent. This response put Glint on full guard.

*We’re in a chapel, so the number of things that could happen are pretty low. Still.. Ashe is never wrong.* Glint cast a glance towards Cyn who seemed to be genuinely enjoying her time with him.

“Keen.” Glint responded with the slightest of nods. Ashe then glanced towards Fargo, awaiting some kind of confirmation from him as well. He gave one reluctantly before cursing inwardly, *Damn Ashe and his hunches. Well, I suppose this did sound a little too good to be true.*

Rather than breaking rank to flee, the trio followed their hosts further into the chapel as they searched for a good excuse to detach themselves. Just a minute or two later they reached what Glint assumed to be the inner hall of the chapel. The area was grand and decadent. Beautiful hardwood floors, exquisite architecture and even large photos adorning the walls. There was a large fountain at the center of the room and on the far western wall, a bar with hundreds of bottles of liquor. On the eastern wall a row of lounge style couches were positioned to create a semi circle with several smaller glass tables near them. The room was a mix of polished hardwood and gold trimming. Behind the fountain was a semi spiraling staircase which lead up to the second floor of the building.

“Ah. Welcome. Cyn, Atru I see you have guests.”

This was Glint’s first time meeting Gaines.

“Gaines! What are you doing here? I thought for sure you’d be out on business. Keeping a chapel afloat is never easy! Fargo, I’d like to introduce you to the leader of Memento Mori, Enzo Gaines.” Atru said as he extended his open hand towards a tall, rotund man with thick limbs. Glint, being 185 cm himself (6’1) was not used to looking up to anyone. Still, Enzo dwarfed the dark-skinned Fighter by several centimeters at 205 cm (6’9).

Gaines was impeccably dressed, with a mostly black and white pinstripe vest over a long sleeved, white dress shirt. His pleated dress pants matched the vest, complemented by checkerboard fine leather dress shoes. He also sported a fur coat which made his broad shoulders seem a bit more regal.

Gaines sported peppered hair, deep brown with grey tones. His hair was impeccably combed over and his mustache was just as well groomed.

*Mario.* Glint immediately thought as he took note of Gaines distinct curved mustache. The most distinct feature of the imposing man, despite how well dressed or groomed, was a gold trimmed monocle placed over his left eye.

Suddenly Glint found his observation of Gaines shattered as an extended hand reached out to him.

“Gaines. I’m the leader of Memento Mori.” His deep voice was gruff, leading Glint to feel that Gaines was a man with a large presence. Glint accepted the handshake with a head nod as Gaines introduced himself to each of the trio. Only Ashe seemed reluctant to go along with the flow and he simply bowed his head while declining the handshake.

Gaines smiled before motioning for them to join him on a nearby couch.

“It’s simple really. My unique ability allows me to share experience between party, alliance or chapel members. Sadly it’s not good for much else. I’m a mid rank two and I’ve never even stepped foot onto a serious battlefield.” Gaines said as he sipped on some tea set out by an attendant.

Having been blinded by the amount of wealth and Gaines’ appearance, Glint failed to check his status at first glance.

[Enzo Gaines, Synergist Rank 2]

“However, this ability allows me to get by. By making a chapel, I’m able to share this ability with others. I only gain a fraction of the experience you all would receive but it’s enough to eliminate my need to partake in direct conflict. Instead I can focus on business.” Gaines explained further.

“By becoming a member of Memento Mori, you’ll accept the seal and you’re free to go about your life as you see fit. All I ask in return is that you visit the chapel occasionally if you find new or interesting business opportunities. Money makes the world go round–of course. Ha ha ha.” Gaines chuckled heartily as he continued to sip on his tea.

Glint once more glanced over at Ashe, hoping that his friend had discerned any hidden dangers by this point. He was met with a shrug and a look of uncertainty. It was true that Ashe was also beginning to doubt his own intuition. By all accounts Gaines’ story was on the level.

“Well, I’m interested. And you’re sure the only terms of the contract is that I can quit when I desire?” Fargo asked.

“Of course. I’ll go a step further and tell you something most chapel leaders would never share. Use the command Systema : Contract Summary to view any contract presented to you in its entirety.” Gaines raised his hand, causing the systema mark there to shimmer with energy as the trio of party mates received a prompt.

[Enzo Gaines has invited you to join the ‘Memento Mori’ Chapel as a Temporary Contract holder. Do you accept? Y/N]

“Feel free to use the command to check out the contract terms before you decide.”

All three men did as suggested and the terms of the contract read only one line.

“To end your contract at any time, simply say the words ‘Release Me From This Contract.’ ” Fargo read the line out loud for all to hear.

Of the three adventurers only one seemed to be having misgivings, still Fargo quickly accepted. Glint, although he still felt Ashe’s intuition was never wrong, saw no issues and thus accepted as well. Only Ashe was left. In the end his lingered over the alert and his deciding thought was this, “Whatever it is, we’ll just deal with it together like we always do. I can’t leave Glint to his own devices.”

Ashe accepted the terms of the contract and at that moment he felt a burning sensation against his skin. The feeling originated in his chest and lasted for only the briefest of moments. Still the pain was enough to bring him to the point of shouting.

“W-what the hell was that?” Fargo asked, having felt the same searing pain. An answer never came, instead Gaines answered them with a devious smile — his eyes glowing with purple energy as he glared at them.

Glint could feel a shift in the atmosphere as a clear sense of aggression filled the room. The only thing that stopped him from drawing his blade was the prompt which appeared near Gaines’ now imposing visage.

[Enzo Gaines, Slave Master Rank 2]

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