My Succubus System

Chapter 107: Intervention (1)

Chapter 107: Intervention (1)

“Do it! Suck the fucking titty!” Shula shouted at Agni, who’s only reaction was to avert her mouth like a child denies food.

“N-No!” She stammered through pressed lips as a large breast brushed up against Agni’s cheek. Agni’s toes curled as she pressed her eyes shut in a vain attempt to conceal the color of her eyes.

*Resist!* Agni thought, much to the chagrin of a well vexed Shula.

————-1 hour earlier—————-

“Huh? What the hell?” Agni uttered, having woken up from a peaceful night’s sleep to a strange situation. Her face was covered in–something. If she had to guess, it was a pillowcase. She immediately noticed that her hands were bound, if she had to guess with rope. Likewise Agni was firmly seated in a chair, she could tell as much because the wood pushed into her shoulder blades at an uncomfortable angle. Even her ankles were bound to the chair.

“Oh? I see she’s awake.” It was Shula’s voice, much to the surprise of the Succubus.

*Shula? What the hell is going on here?* Agni used her telepathy in a panic.

*Did I get abducted overnight or something?*

“Eh, it’s nothing like that. Relax.” Shula said as she gently tugged at the fabric, pulling the pillowcase off and revealing — their living quarters at the Mystic Tower chapel.

Agni was even more surprised to find that she wasn’t in the room alone. There were quite a few familiar faces to be seen ; Bracha — her mentor from the Training Chapel, Zula — the proprietor and mama-san from the Silken Petal, several girls from the Silken Petal and even a few guys, and the dominatrix, the dark haired mature with a stern expression and fiery eyes.

Even more puzzling was the fact that each of them were dressed as nuns or priests. Extremely sexy nuns and priests.

“Shula what’s going on?” Agni asked, more confused than concerned at this point. Even Shula was dressed as a sister. She had a feeling that fuckery was afoot and her intuition was usually correct.

Instead of giving her an answer, Shula ignored her altogether and turned to face Zula as she gave the woman a nod.

Zula was surprisingly sexy in her slutty nun’s habit. Her long hair was covered by the headdress but her bust was exposed, reminding Agni of the fact that Zula was quite busty. Her DD cups were normally concealed by wrapping and a kimono or yukata, as were the curvature of her hips. Now, having been freed Zula’s breasts nearly burst from the dress which ran the length of her body down to the ankles. There were long slits along the front and sides of the dress which worked to reveal Zula’s legs and the sheer stockings which covered them. This outfit was complimented by a pair of black, open toed heels.

Zula walked forth, solemnly, her fuschia colored eyes fixed solely on Agni. She then knelt before the succubus and bowed her head, offering a silent prayer before she stood, leaned forward and gently gripped Agni by the cheek.

“You guys? What’s going on? I don’t underst–” Agni’s question was cut short by a sudden kiss from Zula. Agni felt the tension leave her body as Zula’s tongue began to explore her mouth. Zula’s advances rimmed Agni’s lips before slipping inside and gently sucking on the succubus’ tongue. Having been caught unaware, but also not adverse to the sensation filling her mind, Agni closed her eyes as a sense of relaxation began to wash over her. The kiss lasted for quite some time and ended stickly, forcing Zula to use her thumb to wipe away lingering saliva from Agni’s face. Then, without a word Zula stepped back and Shula stepped forward.

“We’ve gathered here today to host an intervention for one, Agni Heartfyre. All those present, bow your heads and say your prayers.” Shula commanded, causing Agni to once more feel extremely confused.

“Huh?” Agni said loudly in disbelief. The group of people in the room seemed to ignore her altogether and instead bowed their heads, as if offering prayers before they said in unison, “Latom.”

“Shula. What do you mean by intervention? And where’s Katrin?” Agni asked. Shula turned and pulled an aspergillum from her own nun habit. The outfit looked strange on the imp, her wings jutted out the back causing her to look like the demon she was. Shula then flicked the silver, rod shaped item causing water to fling outwards. Agni recoiled as the water hit her face before grimacing.

*This is a freaking hp potion!* Agni thought with a scowl as she licked some of the concoction from her lips. The real reason she was annoyed is that the potion was staining her ‘Kuma!’ t-shirt. Ever since Agni received it from Ariadna she wore it as much as possible, particularly to sleep. In fact it was the only other garment she wore to bed, besides panties for maximum comfort. Thus, she was tied to a chair in her underwear and a t-shirt.

“Stop it!” Agni growled, causing the onlookers to gasp and whisper among themselves. This in turn made Agni feel as if something was wrong with her. Shula, undaunted by the atmosphere, continued flinging ‘holy water’ several more times, this time purposely aiming for Agni’s shirt.

“I said stop it you little psycho. You’re taking things too far.” Agni warned as her eyes began to glow with pink energy. Shula smirked, something visible only to Agni which in turn caused Agni’s temple veins to throb.

“Fine. I asked nicely.” Agni said, her voice taking on a low, serious quality as she closed her eyes and began to focus. Unfortunately…nothing happened. Agni intended to conjure flames and turn through her bindings. Instead — nothing.

*Huh? I have enough mana. What’s going on?* Agni thought, then as she examined her status she noticed a small icon in the upper left corner of the viewport.

*Mana Seal?!* Agni’s expression gave away her current train of thought, for Shula smiled devilishly, with a particular gleam in her eyes as she finally put aside the religious tool and turned to face the rest of the people gathered. Upon reading the description of the status ailment Agni realized that all of her options had been sealed. Mana Seal was a status ailment that both prevented mana use or activation of skills for as long as it was in effect.

*I can’t even use ‘Whisper’!* Agni thought inwardly.

“Let the ritual begin.” Shula said as she lifted her hands towards the sky and stepped aside. Zula then motioned for one of the other women to step forth.

“Shula. You’re pissing me off. Let me go. Now.” Agni grunted as she tried her best to loosen the ropes that bound her. Shula stepped around to Agni’s rear, taking a place just behind the succubus as she placed her hands on Agni’s shoulders. She then leaned in and whispered, “Shh. Just let it happen.” Shula said as she patted Agni on the shoulders.

The lone nun stepped forward, dressed in the same outfit as Zula. The only difference was the length, instead of reaching down to her ankles the dress stopped short around mid thigh length. That and her bust size, she didn’t fill it out nearly as well in the breast department. No, where this particular slutty nun excelled was definitely the hips, particularly her round ass. In fact, as the woman drew closer she locked eyes with Agni and lifted her modified habit ever so slightly. This revealed the fact that she was lacking panties and also showed the edge of her stockings which rose almost completely the length of her thighs.

Agni could feel her hear thumping in her chest as the woman moved, now just centimeters away as she gyrated her hips then began rocking them rhythmically back and forth. Agni felt the heat within her body beginning to rise as her eyes were drawn to the melodic movements of the dancer who used the edge of her clothing as an invitation to paradise. The nameless nun had Agni straddled, she could feel the warmth and softness of the woman’s body pressing against her own as the sensation of flesh against flesh tingled against Agni’s thighs. The woman wrapped her arms around Agni’s neck and drew her inward, resting Agni’s face against her bosom as she continued giving her lap dance.

Agni could feel the familiar flames of lust kindling within, yet she struggled to keep them in check. She couldn’t help but remember what happened the last time she allowed herself to be overcome. In Agni’s mind she replayed the event of pouncing on Abeni and having her way with the shocked adventurer.

* liked it didn’t you? And so did she..* Shula’s voice chimed into Agni’s mind.

*No!* Agni tried to deny it but she quickly realized she was lying to herself as well as Shula. Shula could do more than read thoughts, it was also emotions she could discern. In fact, Agni had also come to realize that the moment Shula was summoned this bond had amplified several times over. It suddenly occurred to her why an “intervention” was being held now, of all times.

*Face it. You have a complex. And we’re going to get to the bottom of it!* Shula’s voice echoed in her mind as Agni began to fidget nervously. Still, the woman grinding on her seemed undaunted as she lifted Agni’s chin and began to nibble gently at Agni’s lips. Agni clenched her hands and released a deep, heavy breath as the sensation slowly began to chip away at her own resolve.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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