My Succubus System

Chapter 112: A Dragon's Story (1)

Chapter 112: A Dragon’s Story (1)

“Tedrin, this is a terrible idea! Anything could happen inside these shards!” The mahogany haired dragon-kin known as Dealla protested, and rather heatedly at that. Her slit-like eyes burned with anger as she pleaded her case.

The dark haired elf known as Tedrin sighed, partially because he was tired of Dealla’s reckless mouth. It was a constant thorn in his side which sought to undermine him at every turn. In fact, he was so annoyed by her at times that he considered kicking her out of the chapel. The only thing which prevented Tedrin from doing just that was her “obsession”.

“Listen, Dealla. You may not know this but, just like adventurers, shards have their own ratings as well.”

“I…I know–” An obvious lie, which Tedrin ignored, continuing his explanation.

“And all of the shards we investigate or explore are fit for first rankers or less. It doesn’t take twelve people to explore a single shard when half of them are second rankers with ample experience. Furthermore, we have more than enough supplies to get us through.”

Dealla heard the logic behind Tedrin’s words, in fact she knew it to be true. Yet she couldn’t shake the feeling of foreboding which lingered in the pit of her stomach.

*Is this just because I’m being separated from Chloe? It’s…always so hard to tell.* Dealla had an almost pained expression on her face as she considered this thought.

“At least put me in the same party as Chloe.” She said as she was forced to take a step back and gather her thoughts. No matter how hard she tried to push the sense of unease away from her mind it would not budge.

“Dealla..” The blonde haired, blue eyed woman known as Chloe drew attention to herself as she walked up to the distraught dragon-kin and grabbed her by the hands.

“If we switch you to this party it would create more trouble than it’s worth. Right now the parties are pretty balanced and it wouldn’t make sense to have two defensive types on the same team. Right?” Chloe’s words were gentle and careful, Dealla knew her request was foolish, at least at face value. There was no way for her to express the full gravity of her emotions, so all she could do was nod her head and sigh in agreement.

Chloe glanced over at Tedrin, nodding her head as the other members gathered around the heated exchange were finally able to relax a bit. Dealla on the other hand walked away towards a nearby tree and leaned against it. She was conscious of the frustration which lurked behind her gaze and she didn’t want to frighten anyone, dragons were fearsome when annoyed after all.

“Dealla. Hey. I know how important it is, how much of a hassle it must be, being separated from Chloe…” A deep voice boomed from behind Dealla. She turned to face the familiar voice of the tan skinned man known as Gedo. Gedo was easily 190 cm tall (about 6’1 inches) with black hair which was closely shaved to his scalp carrying many elaborate designs.

“I’ll make sure to watch out for her. You have my word.” Gedo continued, despite his imposing figure Dealla found his gaze and demeanor to be…reassuring.

“I know. I know you will. Thank you.” Dealla forced a smile, Gedo’s gesture made her feel somewhat better. After a few minutes of preparation, and allowing Dealla to vent a bit more the two parties decided to part ways. Each party was composed of the standard formation used by the Guiding Light chapel ; two Strikers generally an attacker and defender, One Caster, One Healer and the remaining two spots were filled with Utilities or Specialists.

Because of Dealla’s unique abilities as a Draken Knight she was considered a specialist class with highly defensive abilities. This was her current source of frustration. Her abilities could only truly be used in full when she was near the object of her affection, also known as her ‘Dragon’s Longing’. In this case it was the young woman known as Chloe, a beautiful and caring Healer class adventure who always treated Dealla well.

Dealla found herself feeling more demotivated by the second.

“Okay. We do this as usual. Stay together, help each other out and if worse comes to worse–don’t hesitate to escape.” Tedrin explained to both groups as they prepared to enter their targets, a pair of precariously close shards just a few meters away. Dealla glanced longingly at Chloe who smiled and offered a wave as she stepped into her group’s shard. Gedo bowed his head in respect and affirmation of his earlier promise as he headed in as well. Dealla had to admit the sheer size of the blade carried on Gedo’s back was enough to reassure her.

“Let’s get a move on. The sooner we clear the shard, the sooner lovebird here can be reunited with her longing.” The leader of group B, an elven woman by the name of Lee’ahn’dra said in a manner that annoyed Dealla to no end. Lee’ahn’dra’s hair was long, reaching down her lower back, and baby blue in color. It complimented her pale skin which was covered in Elven runes of magic. As an Archer class she had access to a long bow and magically enchanted arrows — truly a force to be reckoned with.

Dealla nodded while cursing in her mind as she followed the remainder of her group into one of her least favorite places in the world — a shard.

Instantly the world faded away as if the group of adventurers were walking through a black, swirling mist. When they came out on the other side all was grey within their view. It was something Dealla simply couldn’t get used to — the sheer grimness of it all.

*I wonder if that’s why they call the monsters from this realm Grimlock?* She dismissed this thought as the feeling of gloom began to settle in. Dealla used her Mana Cloak ability almost instantly to counteract the natural effect of the shard world’s miasma and stepped forward, making sure to move so that others could step in comfortably.

While she scanned the environs and simultaneously inspected her own status Dealla’s annoyance began to grow.

*I knew it would happen… still I don’t feel any better about it.* The mahogany haired dragon-kin thought to herself as she inspected the negative status ailment currently affecting her.

[Drake’s Tears – Being separated more than ten meters from your Longing negatively affects your mental state, well being and ability to function. Reunite within a set duration or you will suffer temporary debuffs. 17:59:03]

Dealla grumbled as she picked the best target for using one of her Draken Knight’s skills. Ultimately she settled on Lee’ahn’dra since she would keep at the rear and was the most experienced.

*It doesn’t matter that much anyway, I suppose.* Dealla thought as she walked over to the blue haired elf and lifted her right hand, touching her on the shoulder.

“Oh? I get the honor this time? I’m truly touched, temperamental drake.” Lee’ahn’dra couldn’t resist taking a shot (she was an Archer after all) as Dealla’s palm was enveloped in golden energy which flowed forward into the Elf.

*Fleeting Fancy.* Dealla activated the skill by thinking it’s name and within a few seconds the timer for Drake’s Tears halted and a second status ailment appeared.

[Fleeting Fancy – Temporarily bless another being or object as your Dragon’s Longing. Only half as effective as your actual obsession. 3:59:58]

Despite feeling sick at the notion of obsession over the snarky elf, mentally Dealla felt much better.

*Ten percent increase in stats is better than nothing..I guess.* Dealla sighed as she thought about how wonderful it would be to be partied with Chloe. Still, she pushed the thought out of her mind and followed suit as the Strikers of the party led the way. The melee warrior, a Fighter class armed with a spear led the way while Dealla took up second and Lee’ahn’dra was further back bringing up the rear.

The party was quickly alerted by Archer Lee’ahn’dra that they were no longer alone. After marking their retreat path with a few well placed arrows, Lee’ahn’dra gave the signal to strike. The battle had now begun in earnest.

Dealla regretted not paying attention during the briefing as she realized she had no idea what type of Grimlock she would be battling against. As such she allowed the Fighter to wade in first while she unsheathed the long sword strapped to her back, preparing for battle in the process.

*Hmph. I’ll just vent my frustrations on these things.* Dealla thought as her normally brown and salmon speckled eyes began to glow golden with magical energy. The creature which stumbled forth was unlike any she’d ever seen before.

Short, not even 60 cm tall. It’s skin looked hard, almost petrified like dried mud or rock. Several jagged protrusions jutted forth from its unnaturally large head which paled only in comparison to its arms. Each of the creature’s arms were almost as tall as its body, reaching up just above it’s shoulders. This made the creature look awkward and unnatural due to its stubby, thick legs. Though Dealla wasn’t close enough to see any other features, the creature’s red eyes shone vividly through the misty area within the shard world.

“Be on your guard. This Grimlock type isn’t native to this area, it’s not what we were prepared for.” Lee’ahn’dra warned as she pointed her drawn bow at the strange looking creature. Dealla felt somewhat intimidated hearing this, partially because ill feelings had been gnawing at her all along.

*Something’s already gone wrong.* She thought as she lifted her longsword and prepared for battle.

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