My Succubus System

Chapter 177: Lover's Pact (2)

Chapter 177: Lover’s Pact (2)

Chapter 177 : Lover’s Pact (2)

The shadowy man stepped into the meager light cast about the room, revealing a tall and slender figure. His eyes held a dangerous intent, one that was obvious with just one gaze. He tossed the hilt of the blade upwards, catching it despite the precarious way the blade fell in response.

“The Baron has a message for you and that wench behind you.” The man said as he stepped closer.

“Watch your mouth, knave!” The young man shouted, his eyes growing wild with fury. Rather than deter the slender man, he simply smiled wildly, the corners of his thin lips curving upwards unnaturally. The smile revealed teeth which were thick with yellow and brown butter, or perhaps scale — it was hard to tell. The young woman could feel her stomach turning, she could catch a faint whiff of the man’s breath, it hung about the room like a lingering cloud.

Outside the sounds of footfall and voices began to echo. The pursuers had caught up, and from the sound of things, surrounding the hut on all sides.

“Boss? Ye’ in there?” A hoarse male’s voice pierced the evening.

“Aye. I’m here. And so is the runt and his wench. Hold tight boys.”

“Timely. Ha. The message is..” The yellow toothed man cleared his throat and prepared his best regal voice before continuing.

“I have no need for a useless son, one who would squander his inheritance and all he stands to gain. Over a woman no less, but not just any woman. A peasant. So, to you I give you a choice. If you’re truly keen on severing ties, survive the night. However, if you wish to end this foolishness now, before it’s too late for you — there is one thing you must do.”

The imposing man’s demented smile once again surfaced as his eyes glinted in the candlelight. The young man watched as his gaze fixed itself upon his beloved.

“Abandon the wench girl. You can find hundreds of them and have as many as you like. Do this, and you will be welcomed back with open arms. Fail to do this…” The thin man snickered even as he recalled the correct words to say.

“And both of you will die tonight.”

For a moment that seemed way too long, the young man simply gazed towards his ambusher.

“And if I go back with you, what happens to her?”

The man began to chuckle, his voice echoing through the piercing dim of the hut.

“She’s mine. Well…me…and his….and my friends outside…and then when I suppose we’re finished… then we’ll put her out of her misery. Ha ha ha!”

There was a sordidly demented sense of delight in the man’s words, as if he was practically feening to get his hands on the one known as Adena.

“That’s madness. What made you or my father think I would ever agree to this?” They said, stepping towards the slender man. This was a mistake, as a flicker of movement caused a slow response. The slender man bought up his leg and caught the young man against his cheek. The blow was enough to rattle his brain, sending him to the floor with a single strike.

“I figured ye would never go along with it. Young, dumb and full ‘o cum you are.” The slender man said as he gazed down at the young man through dirty matted hair.

“But the thing is…he told me to kill you if you refuse. The only problem is…I really…really love hearing little wimps like ye’ squeal. So…I was going to kill you whether ye’ agreed or not. Ha. Ha Ha ha.” The slender man erupted into a fit of laughter as he clenched his blade and flailed it just as wildly.

“I’ll never let you do that.” The young man said, getting to his feet, slowly and surely.

“That’s not part of the deal. The Baron said he would double the amount if we bring back his boy–” The sound of the carriage man’s protest was cut short by a noise of chortling. Blood sprayed from his neck, his artery severed with one swift slice. The slender man killed him with a flick of his arm, to him it was as easy as cutting bread. The young girl gasped, recoiling at the sight while the young man gritted his teeth, struggling to avoid going into shock.

The carriage man’s eyes locked upon the young man as the life force began to ebb away. The blood continued to spurt without reserve, dying the floor and wooden walls in a deep crimson which looked more black than anything. As if he was a man possessed with revenge, the dying man reached out and gripped at his killer’s ankle. He apparently regarded this as little more than a dying man’s desperation. The young man saw it as an opportunity. He half dashed, half threw himself forward into a tackle.

He sent the entire weight of his body against the slender man, who attempted to side step the move. However, the dying man’s death grip was absolute, refusing to budge even a centimeter. The young man barreled into the slender one head on, both rocking from the impact but only one felt the true cost of it.

“Boy. Yer in a hurry to die aren’t you?” The slender man said as he began to giggle feverishly. The young man glanced down towards the blade tip piercing his abdomen.

“No!! Bernard!” The young woman shouted, her face etched in concern and horror. She moved to run towards him, only to be greeted with aggression herself. The slender man shrugged, pushing the young man’s body towards his incoming lover. The two smashed into each other, knocking her down with him on top.

The impact was so swift, so sudden that she saw stars , even as she laid on the floor. She could feel something warm against her chest, followed by the bloom of red against her dirty clothing. She shouted in dismay once more, this time hysterical at the sight of blood covering her abdomen and chest.

“I’m fine. I’m fine.” The young man known as Bernard whispered.

“No, no you’re not fine! This is way too much blood!” She shouted as she attempted to find the puncture wound. Bernard got to his feet, turning to face his aggressor once more as he fiercely clenched his side.

“Give it up boy. Yer gonna die here tonight and no one will be the wiser. Then, we’ll take our time making yer girl into a proper woman.” The man edged closer, licking the blood from the top of his stiletto blade.

Bernard’s eyes flashed with anger, he gritted his teeth as he launched himself forward once more. This time the slender man reacted by simply pointing his dagger at the incoming boy. Bernard held up his hand at the last moment, taking the blade as he drew in close, close enough so that he would not miss. Pain shot through his palm, followed by crimson red as the blade easily slipped between bone and tendon. Yet he held his resolve firmly until he was within striking reach.

Bernard swung his free fist, he anticipated that it would be evaded altogether — he did not anticipate being counter punched in the stomach. He felt the blow sink inwards, cracking one of his ribs. It was down to the wire, but close enough. Bernard pursed his lips and spewed a purplish mist outwards and directly into the face of the nearby slender man.

The liquid covered his face completely, even getting into his eyes. Almost immediately the slender man took a step backwards and began to rub on his eyes with one free arm. This final clash was a mistake, one that would prove deadly for all parties involved..

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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