My Three Yandere Wives

Chapter 63 Beautiful Fox!?

Under the night sky the Holy Kingdom was in an uproar throwing flowers onto the street holding candles to the sky and dancing like lunatics.

Alcohol was being tossed in the air like a sprinkler as the cold liquids fell onto the people.

Tens of thousands of cheers echo throughout the lands as they gaze at their savior who rode on a beautiful horse holding his head high and waving his hand.

To the side of their savior were beautiful women who were mysterious with the veil covering their faces but no doubt that they were beyond flowers.

Thousands of women who were commoners squealed as they gazed upon the man who saved their land.

"Look this way, savior!!!"

A woman screamed at the top of her lungs waving her hands like a crazy K-pop fan.

"Ignore her, look at me as my savior!!!"

Another woman pushed the other lady to the side while yelling toward the savior desperately trying to get his attention.

Their savior looked at them and waved his hand causing the two women to pass out while holding their chest.

'I have never gotten this much attention before...'

Arius thought to himself trying his hardest to wave at everyone.

At first he thought it was gonna be a simple but chill parade where they would thank him.

But of course thousands of women and even some men were trying to gain his attention by showing off their bodies trying to get him to take them as a lover or even a concubine or something even better like a wife.

Arius of course ignored them as he already has beautiful women as his spouses.

Looking to his left and right he noticed his spouses were nervously waving.

Besides Sally, Blank and Jasmin who all waved their hands elegantly looking left to right.

On the other hand Luna, Eva, Juna, Yua, and Violet were sweating buckets while they awkwardly waved their petite hands.

What was the most shocking was Violet being nervous.

Come on she is literally a goddess who has sent millions of souls to heaven and hell or even reincarnated some.

So she has been in the spotlight before.

Also when Arius died he swore he saw her acting all high and mighty but right now she was like a scared little pug.

'Violet are you ok?'

Arius looked over to Violet speaking through his mind to her.

Violet quickly looked at Arius and put up a fake smile while giving him a thumbs up.

'Ok a-as al- always!'

She responded while stuttering like crazy, her whole body was shaking and you could see sweat forming on her head.

Arius of course noticed this and laughed to himself.

'Who would have thought an alluring, appealing, charming, cute, dazzling, delicate, delightful, elegant, exquisite, divine, angelic, beautiful goddess like yourself would be so shy when it came to huge crowds.'

Violet's whole face erupted in steam and her whole body flushed to the point of volcanic red.

Hearing these words from her man caused her to become a little wet.

A matter of fact she was dripping right now...

Her eyes turned into hearts.

Just like magic the whole crowd of people who were on the sidewalks disappeared and all she could see was her husband.

Seeing he calmed his wife he patted himself on the back.

While Arius was patting himself on the back an arrow came out of nowhere like a speeding bullet.

Arius's eyes snapped onto the arrow and caught it with one hand.

Soon hundreds of arrows shot from every direction.


Arius only sighed thinking these people were the stupidest fucks he has ever seen.


The commoners on the sidewalks began screaming, running for cover in shops and buildings as another hundred arrows came flying toward the ground.

Arius lifted his right hand, hundreds of arrays began appearing in the sky and all of a sudden all of the arrows became dismantled.

Eight people who were all wearing a black robe and a fox mask appeared on the street holding small knives which had a venomous poison on the tips.

A tall slim man who had a fox mask on stepped forward and looked at Arius.

"I have to admit to stop my arrow barrage you are a stron-"

All of a sudden the man who was about to finish his sentence had his head chopped off.

"What the fuck!?"

The rest of the fox mask people yelled in order while they stepped backward and into fighting positions.

They were in pure shock seeing their comrade's head cut off out of nowhere.

Sweat began to form on their bodies and without them realizing it their bodies were shaking.

Arius jumped off his horse Star and began walking toward them in slow steps.

Every step he took sent shivers down their spines.

At this point they knew they couldn't win and decided to abort the mission.

All of the fox mask people took out a small crystal and were about to use it until a chilling voice resonated in their ears.

"Where do you think you're going?"

Ice began to appear from the ground.

The fox mask people's legs became covered in solid ice.

Arius arrived in front of them exploding with killing intent.

The fact that they ruined a parade that was meant for him was a crime that must be met with death!

"Please spare our lives!"

Each fox mask person began begging for their lives.

Arius simply ignored them and slashed their heads off with his hand.

"How about you come out as well and enjoy the party?"

He looked over to the alleyways which were pitch black.

Seeing they weren't coming out his eyes turned golden.

In the matter of seconds twelve women were dragged out of the alleyways by an unknown force.

His eyes turned back to red.

The twelve women fell to the ground but quickly stood up and looked at the man in fear.

"Who are you?"

Arius asked, clearly annoyed.


They didn't respond.

They couldn't.

Their mouths weren't opening even if they tried.

Seeing no response he shook his head in disappointment.

Looking over at his spouses he began to speak.

"Can you guys play with their bodies?"


"Of course master!"

Luna, Violet, Yua, Jasmin, Eva, Juna, and Blank all looked at their husband with dumbfounded expressions.

Besides one girl and that was Sally who immediately dashed at the twelve women and began groping them one by one.

"How dare you touch me!"

A woman muttered seeing Sally grope her chest.

Arius laughed seeing this scene.

"Hahaha, let the interrogation commence!"

"Yes master!"

Sally responded with a perverted expression.

She took out a spiky toy and was about to play with the woman in the middle of the street until a voice came from out of nowhere.

"Please stop what you are about to do please!"

A woman with long pink hair wearing a purple Japanese kimono who had a large beautiful orange fox tail appeared out of thin air.

Arius's eyes snapped onto her little fox ears that were placed on her head.

"God damn..."

He could only utter those two words.

For the first time in his life his nose began to bleed because of a woman.

Come on its a fox girl any man would get a nose bleed from this!

Arius coughed a couple of times, wiping his nose with his sleeve he looked at the fox woman ignoring the multiple gazes stabbing him in the back.

He looked back toward his spouses who all had a petrifying gaze.

"After this whole ordeal I'll take all of you on a date!"

He showed a charming smile.

All of their faces became flushed just thinking of a date with their man.

So for the greater good they all kept their mouths shut and stopped gazing at his back.

'If I can have a fox woman in my harem my life would be complete!'

Arius silently thought to himself, his eyes turned toward the fox lady whose whole body was shaking with his gaze on her body.

'Why is this man looking at my body? I am just an ugly fox...'

The fox woman thought to herself, feeling his gaze of desire.

She was confused, every male fox would look at her in disgust even humans looked at her in disgust, so why is this man gazing at her like he wanted to throw her to the ground and fuck her until she became numb and squirted everywhere!?

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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