My Three Yandere Wives

Chapter 86 Professional Ass Kisser

"Arius... that had to be the most boring meeting I have ever attended."

Violet muttered in a slouch position as she walked beside her husband and sisters. 

Arius chuckled hearing this and he truly could not blame her as the whole meeting was just himself speaking while all of the royals were not even uttering a word.

All he spoke in the meeting was just not fuck with him or do anything stupid and he won't fuck with you at all.

Simple, leave me alone and I'll leave you alone!

"Anyways... Does anyone know where Rena is? Last time I saw her was when we were about to leave for the divine festival."

Arius asked while looking around toward everyone genuinely wondering where that sexy innocent fox wife went.

Everyone put on their thinking caps as they all tried to think of where she could be.

'Master I know where she is!'

An energetic voice echoed in Arius's head.

'Oh, Fluffy thanks for earlier by the way, so, you know where Rena is?'

'Yes master, last time I saw her was about 8 hours ago she was sniffing your pillows and digging through your clothes!' 

'I see... I never knew Rena was that type of girl...'

Arius laughed a little out loud causing the rest of the girls to look at him funny. 

"What's so funny?" 

Eva asked while stretching her petite arms and hands out while yawning a little.

Arius shook his head left to right a little, looking at her he smiled and responded.

"Nothing much, it's just Fluffy told me Rena was sniffing my clothes and pillows."



Feeling the atmosphere turn cold and quiet Arius noticed all of his women stopped and had their eyes covered by their hair.

Tilting his head he was confused for a second but he kinda guessed what they were silent for so he decided to at least shoot his shot and see if he was correct on his guess.

"You girls couldn't happen to be jealous that Rena is sniffing my belongings, right?"


No response came from the girls and soon without speaking one by one they all disappeared in a flash leaving Arius all alone in the streets of the oasis empire which was deserted due to a silly goose who scared everyone.

Soon though after the girls disappeared Fluffy spoke inside his head.

'umm... master...'

'What's up?' 

'Well, your wives are in an all out war of who can steal the most of your things that still has your scent lingering...'

'I see... this is normal... this is normal... this is normal.... this is normal...'

While Arius was repeating this in his head an old man with long white hair wearing an black tuxedo appeared in front of him.

Snapping out of his head Arius looked up toward the old man and eyed him curiously wondering why an old man appeared out of nowhere in front of him.

"You are???"

Arius ushered the old man with a confused tone and expression.

The old man took a slight bow while putting his right hand across his chest and in a professional tone he spoke.

"Lord Fay, it is truly an honor to even breathe the same air as a supreme being such as yourself as I am merely a mortal who can be squashed underneath your mere presence alone, the way you conduct yourself is dignified and performed beautifully!"


Arius stood there in silence not knowing what to do or say as he was in a slump of confusion, rubbing his head he felt a headache appear.

'Who is this professional ass kisser?' 

Still standing there Arius couldn't help but feel this guy was a little sus... 

Raising his head a little the old man noticed the supreme being standing there in silence and took this as a dignified action and couldn't help but compliment. 

"It really is true! You truly are the most dignified man in this world as no other person could stand next to you!"

The old man showed a bright smile as he looked on happily, he then turned around and gave a fist bump to himself then turned back around.

Arius, still holding his head, looked at the old man.

"Who are you?"

"Ah! Where is my manners, I am Sir Jerry Rice Von Adolph Blaine Charles Earl III! I am the butler of Lady Lily, the princess of the beast-men!"

"Are you the butler of a beast man? You clearly are human."

The old man chuckled and soon his legs began to disappear and all of a sudden everything below his waist became a snake tail, his eyes turned to slits and soon his tongue turned skinny and his teeth turned to two sharp knives.

Arius's eyes went wide open when he saw this change and even the old man became a lot taller than him.

"I see... you are not a human, so why did you appear in front of me today?" 

Arius asked.

"I came... hiss... to tell you... hiss... that my lady would like... hiss... to meet you in the academy.... hiss." 

"I see, tell her I would be glad to meet her in the academy then if you excuse me I will be taking my leave."

With those words Arius without waiting disappeared back toward his home where a small war was going on between his wives over his belongings. 

. .

Appearing in his own room Arius was met with a destroyed messy room that was overall a cluster fuck of a room.

Moving his vision to the left he saw all of his wives passed out on the floor with teared up clothes while tightly holding onto his belongings like their life depended on it. 

Coughing a little Arius walked over to the passed out woman and crouched down.

"Wake up Wifey's."

At those words everyone's eyes popped open to see Arius's small smile and a small vein on his head.

"Hubby! We can explain!"

Yua spoke as she was the first one to shoot up from the ground while fixing her clothes and messy red hair, after she fixed herself she awkwardly laughed.

Not long after, everyone else got off the ground while doing the same thing Yua did, which was fixing their clothes and messy hair.

Soon all of the girls were sitting on the ground in front of Arius who looked down at them with a gaze of love but a slight annoyance, only a tiny though.

With their heads slumped over they could all tell that their husband was annoyed a little even if it was a small feeling they all felt sad and angry with themselves. 

"Girls... I love all of you to death but did you really have to destroy my room?" 


No one responded to Arius as they were all clenching their hands angry at themselves for damaging their beloved husband's room. 

With a sigh Arius spoke again.

"Listen, from now on if any of you want a shirt or whatever just ask me and I'll 99.9% of the time give it to you, got it? So don't do this type of thing again, please?"

"Yes husband..."

They all spoke in sync.

Nodding his head up and down Arius stood up and began walking toward the door but before he left he turned around toward his wives who were still on the ground sulking.

"You guys coming or not? It's dinner time! So lets eat." 

The sulkiness surrounding the girls disappeared immediately and soon they all jumped up and ran past Arius out of the door and toward the kitchen.

"Haha, what am I going to do with these girls?"

Arius sighed with a small smile on his face as he stared at the girls from behind with a gaze of affection.



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I appreciate the golden tickets and gifts which help a broke college student like myself!

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