My Triling System

Chapter 125

125 Chapter 125: The third shadow ring

The invisible alien beast was visible to only Sophia and Kevin and it was clutching hard on Kevin’s feet, preventing him from moving from that spot.

“Gosh, this shit has an enormous amount of strength, even at its half strength. Are all Aliens like this.” Kevin asked the system.

“Aliens are much more stronger than you think. You know, I once visited the Alien world, and to be honest, they are stronger and smarter than I thought they were. Our technology is no match to theirs. It is very, very much more advanced than humans and that is why humans are unable to defeat them.” The System said.

What the aliens wanted was the destruction and domination of the Earth planet, once they are able to dominate the earth planet, all its dwellers, including humans, elves, fairies, and wild and domestic animals may be killed or made to become slaves to the Aliens.

Even though the war concerned all creatures of the earth, Humans were the Aliens’ main focus. They eat the brains and fleshes of humans and they are very fast and skillful when hunting their prey. But their weaknesses are darkness and fire; they can’t see in darkness and fire petrifies their skin when in contact with it.

The Vampires have a high chance of defeating the Aliens but they chose not to interfere with human matter. Instead, they were preying on humans and sucking their blood. The rate of their killing was greater than that of the Aliens, but even to this time, humans do not know of the existence of the blood-sucking monsters called Vampires. Only the fairies and elves knew about the earth dweller who could defeat the Aliens but chose to kill the group that was fighting the Aliens rather.

A few, many years ago, there was a mighty war that occurred between Aliens and humans. The humans were on the verge of defeat, but the Elves and Fairies interfered and helped out by revealing their race to the whole world. The earth’s planet was saved due to the magical creatures’ interference.

A few months after, Magic was taught to all humans and they were able to use magic like other magical creatures until they got greedy and killed every fairy or elf they find in their world. All magical creatures were annoyed by humanity’s betrayal and vowed not to help out. That was why fairies and elves do not allow humans into their world.

They planned to steal all advanced technological devices humans own and bring them to the Sparkle City, which is the city of elves and fairies. That was why the fairies and elves were taken to the human world to help in the plot of stealing the items and devices by pretending to be one of them.


But not just anybody was picked. Only the smartest and strongest student who succeeds in the competition would be taken to join the spies in the human land.

“If the Aliens are as strong as you said, then it means I shouldn’t take this fight with Sophia so lightly. I need to get rid of this bugging Alien holding my feet.” Kevin said as he tilted his head to the back and saw the Alien slowly emerging out of the ground.

It had black-colored, slimy skin that looks as slippery as that of a toad. It was also huge and tall like a giant but not that tall.

“You do not smell human, but I’m made to kill you.” The Alien said in a deep masculine voice.

“Get the fuck out of here, you crazy Alien.” Kevin tried to push the Alien but its strength was unmatched and Kevin wasn’t able to move the Alien a foot from where it stood.

“Gosh, what the hell are you.”

Just at that moment, the Alien punched Kevin in the stomach and was sent flying backward.

Everyone watched as Kevin flew toward a side with nothing pushing him. Since they were unable to see what Kevin was facing, they thought something was wrong, and manstartertestarterg their Spiritual eyes to see what was happening.

Luckily they were able to see the aura of the Alien but none knew it was an Alien cause it has the same color of aura as beasts have. So they thought that it must have been Max’s doing.

The fight got more exciting as they learned of the new invisible beast that Max summoned to fight Kevin. Many were starting to bet on who would win and who would not and the majority were choosing Max to be the winner.

It was heartbreaking to Lexa and Jeri as they saw their husband fighting a very strong beast. With its hugeness and the wild glowing aura they spotted while using the spiritual eyes skill, they knew the beast was a very strong one and it would be extremely difficult for Kevin to win against it.

Not after seeing him get kicked and punched frequently by the beast.

The Alien was not giving him a breathing chance at all. It kept on attacking and attacking, preventing Kevin from concentrating on the shadow space activation.

Until the Alien kicked him over to Max’s side. Max was still healing his wounds with the Triling ring, his focus was on his wound, so he didn’t know about what was going on. Until Kevin fall to the ground beside him and he suddenly flinched with terror.

“W-W-What!” Max shouted as he saw Kevin grab his fingers and removed the ring that was in his hands.

“This belongs to me champ.” Kevin shrieked as he insert the ring on his finger and hid it away from the eyes of everyone so they won’t know about his secret.

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