My Upgrades Are Invincible

Chapter 17

Chapter 17

When I bent over to pick up the monster stone, I saw the infant dragon dropped a tooth larger than my biggest finger and was very glad that those chompers didnt get a chance to sink into one of us.

Bell was likewise stuffing his monster stone into Lili's bag, so I waved at Bell to get his attention because I could hear a loud thudding noise approaching in the distance and I knew it was almost certainly another infant dragon.

"Bell come over here me and you will get its attention and Lili you need to try to debilitate it if you can't guarantee a quick kill."

I announced and both nodded, Lili jogged to the side and swiftly climbed into a tree to get a good sideways angle.

As the stomping finally reached us and we could see what or better who was coming through the fog I was dismayed at my stupidity or confidence and not getting the fuck out of here as it wasn't just an infant dragon it was a monster party chasing a woman...

The monster party had easily five infant dragon's that I could see at minimum three dozen orcs and worse of all there was three Blue Papillo's the flying moths that would heal things by dropping their magical dust off their wings

The woman was wearing a black and purple tight body glove that hugged around her body and was using a large, conjoined chain with nails attached at the ends, which she used to attach to the trees and swing herself around to avoid the Infant Dragons flames.

I grimaced meeting the bland expression of the woman as she noticed us in front of the tunnel and the fact that she was going to basically pass parade us and I knew although we would lose the orcs after going to the next floor because the roofs were too short, the infant dragons on the other hand...

"Lili go up the stairs now and start picking them off! Bell help me brace this shield!" I roared and with all my strength I slammed my shield into the ground burying it a couple inches into the stone floors and then the woman I was convinced was Medusa jumped over my shield but then hesitated at seeing us brace for the monster's quickly following her.

She sighed. "Very well it seems like a pretty good day to die."

Bruh fuck you, and your defeatist attitude the only reason I am doing this is I know for the damn fact the dungeon loves to spawn little parties of monsters in front of a group already fleeing a group.

"Use you chains to trip them up as we block them off. Lili make sure you get the Blue Papillo's." I ordered seeing the monster party climbing up the first few steps and most importantly consolidate into a neat line which fit perfectly into my next plan.

As the first Infant dragon made its way up the stairs it started blowing a constant stream of fire at us. Thankfully I had my shield already set up and although it's status didnt say it, the charge blade was literally fireproof from the addition of Hestia's blood.

The infant dragon was only a couple meters from us, and I could feel Bell was about to bolt so I pushed at least half my mind into the shield to make a huge fireball explode in the front.

"Boom. the large explosion threw the infant dragon back an forced it to collide with the monsters behind them making it a domino effect of monster's collapsing as their feet were taken out from beneath them.

"Now!" I roared and Lili shoot her bolts taking down two of the Blue Papillo's, the last one dodged or Lili just missed her shot but thankfully the Medusa look alike sent a nail flying through the air which collided with it and although it didnt instantly kill it like Lil's bolts it was crippled upon the ground.

Meanwhile me and Bell leaped into the collapsed pile of monsters and as quick as we could started hitting all the weak points we could before the monsters could stand up. Honestly, we weren't all that efficient in our attacks Bell would slit the throats of the fallen orcs but the cuts weren't deep enough to kill just drown them in their own blood while I was pretend to treat monster's as wood logs to split as I brought my axe repeatedly down in powerful overhead strikes that would shatter the heads of the orcs and in cave in their chest's if I couldn't reach the head or neck.

Seeing the monster's getting back to their feet I called out "Reset." and went back to implant my shield and this time the Medusa look alike was able to use her chains like a whip and sent them over the shield to harass the monster and as I peeked around to check the situation I saw there was still three infant dragons as my improvised bomb killed one and it looked like the fatass orcs killed it when they all collapsed and fell down the stairs a bit I guess.

"Crack. her nail managed to lodge itself within the throat of one of the orcs and with a twirl she somehow managed to get her chain to encircle the orc and then like a puppeteer she started pulling the lead orc around making it smash into the stair ways walls and against the infant dragon right behind it.

Unfortunately, the panicking orc wasn't able to kill any of the monsters behind it before it exploded into smoke and the infant dragon behind it certainly seemed enraged with how quickly it pushed up the stairs and it didnt even bother to blowing at flames it had one goal in it's mind, It was going to run us over.

"Boom. Hehe I felt a little loopy as I used another quarter of my mind and blasted the infant dragon ass over tea kettle through the monsters behind them. "Go Bell." I coughed through the smoke of dead monster's and the hot dry air.

Once again me and Bell rushed to the downed monsters, and I especially took care to kill the last couple infant dragons which thankfully one was basically crippled when an orc fell over the legs on one of its sides and the other was still too disoriented to really put up a fight.

Bell and as I looked up the new woman were dancing around the fallen exhausted monster's now going to for kill shots with there being no infant dragons threatening us.

For a moment I was curious to what Lili was doing but at that moment she managed an amazing shot where she nailed the head of the orc which was going for me that I didnt notice with it being on its hand and knee's I didnt register it a threat in comparison to its brethren that had already stood back on their legs when the half downed orc sent a swift swipe of its arm at me and only her shot kept me from a debilitating blow as her shot made the orc instantly explode into ash.

"Ok guys last couple left." I said to raise morale as there truly was only a paltry half dozen orcs crawling to their feet with the rest of the monster's ash or crippled.

For the next couple minute's, it was an exhausting dance as me and Bell staggered up and down the stairs as both of us were plainly too exhausted for me to use the fire anymore or him to swiftly kill them, so we had to get in the thick of it.

As we finished the last monster's I saw the woman staring back down into the floor and I remembered the scream we heard, making me sigh. "We need to move away or more monsters will come."

"No, you all can go ahead I want to fight more."

I tensed at the pure stupidity coming out of her mouth until I looked at her face and her eyes were blank of emotions or thoughts and looking back, I saw the same expression as she approached us.

Bell cut her off from leaving as I was thinking. "You will die if you keep going. Look your legs and hands are shaking in exhaustion!" He pointed out exasperated.

Not only that, but her body suit was sticking to her voluptuous form not only due to the tightness but also the sweat soaking it as she stood there blankly,

"Look just throwing you're self to die won't help anyone or whoever that was screaming earlier..." I said making her twitch.

"I would love if that person died a thousand times over."

Do I need to spank her too...?

"Look what's your name." I asked the purple haired beauty making her raise her head and look at me blankly.

"Medusa." Fuck I knew it...

"Ok look Medusa I'm not at all that great at anti-suicide speech's but if you truly with all your heart hate that person so much wouldn't living on to spite him be better than just up and dying. Oh, and more importantly if you die so soon what if you have to stand beside him in the heaven's waiting line to get judged for years wouldn't that be awkward..."

My first line didnt seem to matter a damn but then the realization that she would have too possibly be beside someone she hated for literally gods know how long made her shake in pure revulsion.

"Do you mind if I follow you three back up to the surface..." She whispered submissively lowering her head at me.

I could see Lili being the voice of reason frantically shaking her head in denial, but I couldn't help but ponder Medusa's origins. Was she a native to this world? Or could she possibly be from the Nasuverse and is having mana problems and that is why she is so weak right now.

"I will do you one better. Come up with us and we will help take you home so your Familia can help you out."

Medusa paused for a moment and slowly nodded but I could see her looking conflicted about something.

Either way my curiosity will be cured in due time.

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