My Upgrades Are Invincible

Chapter 26

Chapter 26

Despite the extremely eventful day the girls and I had, Bell only had to fight a group of escaped killer ants where as we got caught up in the whole Violas incident and apparently so was the Freya Familia as supposedly a whole colony burst out of the ground within the Freya Familia's grounds so I suppose that could be why there was so few monster that might have escaped if Freya was kept busy and the escaped monster's may just have been released by the violas themselves in the chaos.

Now no one and I do mean no one likes to be violently awoken from a fine sleep after happy to be alive sex and the whole building you're in is shaking like a house of cards.

Especially when your fucking underground...

Bell and I rushed outside with me just in some pants I threw on and carrying my sword to see what the hell was happening as Hestia was concentrating on fueling the barrier actively and Lili climbed onto the roof with her weapon.

"What the fuck is going on!" I roared but stopped as I could see a fading shadow in the air flying away from the church, so I blankly took in the surrounding's and saw a cocky Loki standing in front of the church's wards along with the blond beauty Ais Wallenstein.

"Oi we didnt order any to go food so please take it back and go home, thanks." I said and grabbed the stuttering Bell as he was a blushing mess at seeing his crush Ais in front of himself.

"We didnt even bring any food?" Ais said turning her head confused.

"Thats why you're not welcome. Who barges into someone's home and doesn't even bring snacks over?" I asked rhetorically as I pushed Bell back inside.

"So, you the spirit I suppose huh." Loki mussed. "But spirits can't join Familia's hmm?" She said making me stop and I grinned and decided to trick the trickster.

"Who says I couldn't be a half spirit like Ais there." I said cheerfully from the door and Loki lost her playful smile and I could see her open her eyes all the way and could see her slit pupils as she judged me.

"Join my Familia Jake." She replied as though it was already a forgone conclusion.

"Hestia is my woman and if I was willing to betray her so easily you would never trust me to begin with." I chuckled. 'It seems me playing on the knowledge she was keeping close to her chest put her on her guard.

But it seems I was wrong as Loki loudly laughed making Ais take a step away from her in irritation. "Brat I have hundreds of Familia members hell one of our executives Bete didnt even join till he was level three anyway and no one doubts his loyalties to me." She said smugly and continued. "But the fact that you pried open the legs of that prude virgin only makes me want to give you a spin if you're so interesting Haha."

"Fine I will speak clearly. I will not be joining your Familia so what happens now..." I said proudly and I could swear I could hear Hestia faintly cheering and calling Loki a flat chested bitch carrying through in the wind and if anything, it looked like Loki could hear it as well if the way she looked like she ate a sour grape was any indication.

Ais snickered but as we looked at her. Her face already spun back to her airheaded expression.

"Fine mutiny and seditions is everywhere I see. My only loyal lieutenant is first launched by the vile home defense system, and now my favorite girl is laughing at her goddess being made fun of how will I be able to look at myself having fallen so far..." She moaned out dramatically swooned and grabbed onto Ais's shoulder.

"Hehe." For a spilt moment I saw Loki's hand spear forward and grabbed a handful of blond boobs for a split second and then she got clocked over the head with Ais's pommel on the bottom of her sword and fell to the ground groaning in pain.

Bell on the other hand was squawking like a drowning bird as he saw the woman, he was interested get molested and till I sent a kick backwards and closed the door into his face as the Hestia Familia didnt need him saying stupid shit and getting a war game declared on us.

I reached into my back pocket and grabbed the metal flask I kept in there filled with Tears of the Sky Elixer. "So, Loki I suppose you want access to my weapons, correct?" I said nonchalantly walking to the edge of the ward's flask in hand.

"Yup but if I can't keep you in my Familia hmm honestly just don't sell your weapons to Ishtar, she is being an annoying upstart and those weapons won't allow us to dethrone Freya anyway, but they can help in the dungeon so let's talk business kid." She said after hopping to her feet none the worse showing this was probably a common occurrence and seeing how Ais looked to be only mildly irked, it likely was a common incident if she was so blaise about being groped in public.

Honestly, I had zero plans at all about helping Ishtar when she plans on literally destroying someone's soul and putting them in eternal torture, but I refused too just fold as to I could interact with. "Don't dictate to me where I take my business Loki." I said clearly and then smiled disarmingly. "But who say's weapon's is all I can offer the one of the strongest Familia's in the world. No Loki help me and my familia to grow strong and in turn I will make Ais strong enough to kill the One-Eyed Black Dragon."

Loki's eyes widened dramatically as she knew I was telling the truth and I honestly was telling the truth because like seriously if someone gave me hundred's, thousand's, tens of thousands Crozzo magic swords and were fused into one mega nuke sword....

So, I was speaking truly from the core of my heart that I was sure I could do it, and no deity would be able to gain say me or cry that I was only speaking from my opinion and not the truth.

"Do you swear on your life Jake Barris that is true." Ais whispered, and I could feel the weight of her gaze clearly shouting in opposition of her quiet demeanor I would not be able to walk for a few months if I just yelled 'Hehe just kidding'.

"Ais Wallenstein daughter of Albert Weinstein." I looked her straight in the eye and spoke solemnly. "I will help you finish your father's work and kill the dragon." I wasn't just saying this to open the Ais route so to speak no it was because I wanted to be ready for the damn dragon to make a pass at Orario even if it was terrified of Ouranos bitch smacking it to death I wanted to be able to nuke it if it became an issue.

We were all quiet as Ais nodded and kept her head down so we couldn't see her expression.

"No idea how you know such details kid, but I can see you want to help Ais. were you a friend of Albert or something?" I just shrugged giving her a smug grin making her huff. "Fine whatever I will get your secrets eventually. Anyway, now what do you bring to the table?" She said all business.

I simply handed her my flask in response making her twerk an eyebrow. "Now I said weapons not a drink unless this is supposed to be poison or something." We heard Hestia snort in the wind, and I blushed as it certainly could be called a poison in regard to the divine to an extent.

"No this is an original Elixer I made that can help people drastically increases mind regeneration for five hours, increases ease of water-based magic, and most importantly it permanently increases water affinity." I explained but didnt mention that the water affinity was only slight.

Both Loki and Ais gawked, and I could almost feel like someone was hanging over my shoulder watching my every move, so I knew for a damn fact Freya was being a nosy bitch already.

Loki hurriedly popped open the flask and poured a little puddle into Ais's hand and both looked at as though they could figure out the recipe just by staring hard enough at it. "I do have a slight warning though." They looked up at me almost relieved that such an elixir had a caveat, but Ais scowled at me, and Loki grinned as I explained. "It messes with divinities, and it made Hestia uhh needy." I said weakly and Loki gave Ais a pervy look making her raise her sheath at her threateningly cowing the goddess into submission but before Ais could do anything Loki took a chug out of the flask.

Ais swipped the flask out of her hand, but Loki just smiled already feeling the effects of the elixir making her go to happy land.

"Hehe Ais I luv youuu..." She drawled and slowly reached her arms at her "Gimmie huggies and take us home I sleepy, Hehe." She giggled falling forward and Ais wasn't so cruel as to let her obviously blitzed Goddess faceplant onto the pavement facefirst.

Seeing Ais stand there obviously conflicted at what to do now I gave the airheaded girl some direction. "Ais just take her home and give the elixir to Riveria to test and Loki can discuss business with my Goddess and I about the specifics of how you will patron the Hestia Familia."

She nodded. "See you soon Jake." She said softly carrying her goddess on her back and started to leave.

I could faintly hear shouting in the distance as the duo walked down the road, so I am guessing whoever was launched previously finally made their way back and met up with the leaving duo, I thought blandly readying for the upcoming discussion with the Familia about our next move.

As I turned to come back inside, I saw a flash of Bell's hair as pulled his head back in and close the door before I could notice him making me shake my head at his antics.

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