My Upgrades Are Invincible

Chapter 29 Loki Pov

Chapter 29 Loki Pov


'Well, isn't this interesting.' Loki thought as a number of people were hiding within the shadows atop the neighboring roofs watching the duo of elves escort there goddess back home.

"Lady Loki why are there so many people watching us!" Lefiya Verdis muttered obviously very nervous as she clutched her staff and Loki could tell she was only a few more peeping shadows away from sending a volley of spells at them.

"Hehe who knows who they are, but I can tell they don't want us meeting up with Hestia's little prize."

Riveria nodded her assent "This is clearly a message and seeing as its not Amazons doing this. The only other Familia strong enough to have this many Adventurers past the third level casually standing on the roof in perfect discipline is Freya..."

"Thud! 'Ah here comes the king' Loki thought sardonically as even if he was cloaked the sheer size and pressure the 'King' Ottar let off was unmistakable, but she had her own cards in place as Ottar confidently walked forward with his large dual blades drawn.

"Haah. a roar came and with a might explosion Ottar was forced to stop as Gareth leaped from a neighboring building and swung his massive axe into the Boaz making him grunt and with a higher pitch yell's a duo of amazons attacked him from his back on his left and right making him disengage and leap over them and land on another roof.

"Come on out Freya I know your there!" Loki grinned as like she guessed no deity would dare miss the confrontation of the two strongest Familia's especially a war goddess like Freya.

As Loki called out her rival the rest of the upper members of the Loki Familia walked out of the shadows including Finn her Familia captain casually strolling up behind her with his spear dripping with human blood probably having dealt with some of the people in the shadows.

With a soft thud noise, the Loki Familia watched as a cat-eared man wearing a mask carry a bundle in his arms princess style land on the ground and respectfully put her down on her feet.

The cloaked woman threw back her hood showing off the peerless beauty of the Goddess Freya, but her face was no longer held a gentle or even teasing smile no she was no longer Freya the goddess of Beauty or Love now she was the Freya the war goddess that slaughtered her way to prominence back in the heavenly realm.

"Well, seeing you like that brings back memories Huh Freya?" Loki asked cheerfully and making her scowl and her snap her fingers.

"Thip, Boom!" Several archers shot at the goddess Loki under her signal and Finn's spear danced a deadly symphony as he protected his goddess. It was so fast the air started to heat up from the pure friction and the several dozen plus arrows were destroyed in midair and didnt even take a couple second for all the arrows to be destroyed as he jumped over his goddess and spun his spear in a circle around Loki.

Freya obviously didnt expect the move to do anything of worth as her ice-cold expression didnt change in the slightest.

Several of Loki's level fours positioned themselves around Loki that way Finn and the rest of the higher leveled adventurers would be able to directly take action against Freya and her higher-level adventurers as even though Freya had Ottar a level seven, Loki had more level sixes and could keep him busy while the level fives fought with the others.

"Now what Freya?" Loki cheekily asked making Riveria sigh at how nonchalant her goddess was being, but she was clearly ready to shoot the prepared spells within her new staff straight at Freya which with her death would take the backing out of the Freya's Falna's and render even Ottar barely stronger than the average level one.

Freya's stone expression twitched at seeing the new staff the strongest mage of the world was carrying and Loki's thoughts of Freya somehow knowing that brat Jakes's ability was proven. "Ottar, Allen kill that elf and bring that bitches staff to me now. The rest of you kill Loki and her adventurers!" She said with a growl hardly hidden within her smooth voice.

The streets shattered as the strongest adventurer sprinted towards the target of his most beloved person's hatred and Allen the cat-eared man who was a level six went around to obviously strike when Loki's other adventurers were busy blocking Ottar but at an unseen signal Finn instead of protecting Riveria dashed towards Allen and started to cleanly suppress him.

Ottar didnt care for the level fours standing in his path and either cleanly bisected them killing them instantly or bashed them aside through the neighboring buildings with his backhanded swings of his massive dual blades leaving there fates unknown.

The other executives of Loki were copying Ottar in slaughtering the lover levels of the Freya Familia with Ais taking a prominent role as her wind blades turned the level fours and below into nothing more than chunky salsa and just as Freya was about to call this off as both Familia's were going to be destroyed tonight doing this, she saw Loki's frown turn into a vicious snarling grin and she too remembered who she was attempting to overthrow. The Trickster.

"Ottar stop!" She screamed but it was too late the Boaz had reached Riveria and just as he was about to spilt her in half from top to bottom one of the glowing gems on her staff bloomed into a bright moon of silver light and instantly a thin ray of silver light pierced Ottar's chest...

The whole battle stopped as the strongest man alive staggered back and held his chest as a silver light the size of a cup pierced his chest and remained in his chest. "My lady...." He called reaching for Freya, but the silver light started expanding within his chest and within seconds the light completely encased the Boaz's body.

Everyone watched as the light faded leaving a work of art as Ottar including his gear had turned into a solid ice statue and it was unmistakably Ottar as the only thing about Ottar that didnt become Ice was his Falna.

"Ottar!" Freya cried out in agony as her greatest pillar and symbol of strength died as she could feel his falna fail and soul fade.

Allen sprinted backwards and disengaged from Finn but not before the Pallum was able to heave with all his strength and throw his spear cleanly through the stomach of the Cat-Boy but the man disregarded his potentially lethal wound as he shouted to his fellow Familia members. "Retreat!" He clearly having lost his prior speed took hold of Freya and threw the struggling Goddess over his shoulder and took off leaving the rest of his Familia as bait to slow down the encroaching elites of Loki.

"Enough!" Loki yelled making her adventurers pause as she let the Freya Familia flee.

"Why the hell are we letting those bastards go!" Bete screamed as he rushed back and started healing the members, he could with the elixir's he had on hand.

Likewise, all the other executive's agreed as they had them literally fleeing the battle but Loki surprising sighed. "I let them go because the guild is already going to be on our heads about this public battle and with us letting them go, we will not be punished at all. More importantly we will be able to save as many of our wounded as possible whereas them..." She pointed out the bodies of the wounded Freya members clearly left for dead as they were either laying on the grounded too wounded to flee or trying desperately to stagger if not crawl away from the clearly murderous Loki members.

Finn snorted. "They don't matter with Ottar dead, and Allen basically crippled with my spear destroying his innards they only have the Gulliver Brothers to keep the Familia afloat, but I wouldn't be surprised if Ishtar won't destroy her within the week with how much, she hates her."

"Not our problem anymore." Ais said coolly and the more hotheaded members finally agreed and devoted all there attentions to helping there Familia members and not sparing any expense as they were officially the strongest Familia in Orario now.

For a moment Loki considered betraying Jake and trying to lock him up as that staff literally won the fight but a sudden shock made her grimace and body shake as the contract sternly warned her that if she does anything it will kill her without mercy making her huff and give up... For now.

Within the next twenty minutes they saved all the members they could and Riveria literally froze parts back to there places as they loaded there wounded into carts and sent them rushing towards the Dian Chech Familia for emergency healing as they could heal any frostbite easily, but reattaching limbs somehow was outside there specialty. Bah probably so that money grubber god could sell his prosthetics.

"Well, well, well, I was wondering when the guild would get here!" Loki said cheerfully as a short fat elf close to passing out started screaming orders to secure the perimeter to a number of subordinates and marched straight to Loki turning bright red.

"Loki what the fuck is wrong with you fighting in bright day light..." He cut off strangled by his surprise as he stood stalk still and if you followed his beady eyes, you would see him transfixed by the statue of Ottar. He then woodenly turned back to the goddess Loki and whispered "Is that Ottar..."

Loki gleefully nodded making the fat elf faint falling onto his back in sheer fright at how much chaos is going to come to Orario.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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