My Upgrades Are Invincible

Chapter 4

Chapter 4

After a brief conversation with Eina we decided to sell the Jack Bird egg for a little over a million Valis so we were no longer in dire needs for funds for the next while and I refused to allow Bell to take our money back to Hestia and instead we just deposited it in the Guild Bank.

Also on the way back we picked up some good quality smoked ham and cheese that came directly from the Demeter Familia's farms to celebrate because frankly I had zero interest in living off leftover stuffed fried potatoes.

"Bell I know you want to show off the money you got but just think what if some criminal level twos hear about it. It's like we could protect it could we?" I hissed at him making him deflate and lose his pout at my adamant refusal to bring our destruction onto our heads like seriously even if a million Valis wont nearly get you top of the line weapon or gear its still more than enough for even a level threes or a desperate level four to come kill us in our sleep.

I just sighed at the kids naivety showing his inexperience. "It will be alright Bell, Hestia will be just as happy seeing as she will know we are telling the truth about the money and if anything with it stuck in the bank it will keep her from spending it on alcohol or something."

"I get it Jake... Just I wanted to make our Goddess proud you know?" I nodded and just patted his shoulder in agreement before I got into the meat of things.

"So now that our Familia has a million plus in the bank what should we spend a good bit of it on and remember I can combine a lot of shit stuff into something good. Hmm or maybe we should just buy a new place to live?"

Bell just hmmed and seemed to be in thought so I added "Maybe we should just wait till we get back that way Hestia can weigh in."

Bell shrugged "Alright I guess but that doesn't mean we cant discuss what we should work towards right?"

I obviously agreed and thus for the rest of the way home we debated/argued about which was better fixing up the old church or simply buy a newer home even if that would wipe out most of our funds.

"Hestia we are home!" I called out as we walked through the front door and entered the main hall and we saw the goddess in question sitting on the newer pew I made the night before lightly dozing and perked up at my call and started running towards us.

"Bell, Jake! Your back so early did something happen!?" Hestia questioned hopping around us both, probably to make sure we were both in one piece and seeing we both were Hestia jumped up grabbed us both in a tight hug and pulled us together. "You two scared me for a moment. Bell you never come back so early and its barely past noon so what happened?"

Bell pulled himself off my shoulder and seeing as he was only 5'4 feet tall in comparison to my, just over 6 feet tall and, Hestia was only 4'7 feet tall so she was literally pushing her face into my abs and pulling me down a bit with her hard hug.

"Well for one I completed that goblin hunting mission so I wanted to see what happens when my falna updated and we got a large influx of cash so we wanted to let you know the good news." I told her and with a mischievous smile I stood up straight back up from her hug and Hestia let go of Bell and had to wrap her other arm around my neck and I helped her get comfortable by grabbing her waist and pulled her flush against me making her blush and squawk in mortification but low and behold the dense black hole said something stupid.

"Thanks for picking up the Goddess, Jake she was hurting my shoulders with how we had to bend over to hug." He said stretching with an innocent smile...

Dude I can't be sure if you were complaining about her height and basically calling her a shrimp is one of her pet peeves not to mention that could also be a dig at her weight and in that case there's not a single woman who would accept that...

Feeling the 'Fun Sized' Goddess in my arms tense and a stony expression take over I moved one of my hands off her waist and just patted her back to get her attention. "Hey Hestia guess what we pulled today." I said with a grin

Hestia still looking conflicted and hurt at Bells disregard played along with what I asked though she didn't look at all that excited. "What happened today then?" She said dourly and I couldn't tell if she was subtly telling me to put her down but she was becoming more of a dealfish in my arms and not even bothering to hold on just resting her arms over my shoulder and letting gravity and the angle of my arms holding her press her chest into my own but hopefully this would perk her up.

Bell's excitement burst out before I could say anything and he blurted out the whole story not letting us get in a word in. "Jake killed a Jack Bird!" Seeing Hestia's look of confusion he further explained "Jack Birds are super rare monster only on the first floor and when they are killed they are guaranteed to drop an egg that's worth at least a million Valis!" He shouted towards the end.

Hestia whirled back on me and even if she knew for a fact with being a Goddess that we were telling the truth she seemed to need another confirmation of the fact to prove its veracity.

I nodded and Hestia limp grip became steel and she even wrapped her legs around me as she started bouncing on me and inevitably grinded her core and breasts against me while crying out in excitement. "You really got that much all at once, really!" She leaned back a bit and almost yelled in my face after her arousing celebration.

I gently put the goddess back on her feet before she made me "accidently grab her ass and pin her against a wall" She lost a bit of her excitement with me putting her down and letting her go and she then started blushing when she realized her actions a few seconds ago and noticing me already being half chub brought a look of guilt which briefly passed her face and made her look at Bell and seeing his oblivious face she turned back to me with a more neutral expression, I honestly couldn't tell what she was thinking at the moment.

"Hmm hmm." I cleared my throat. "Yes we got that much in a few hours of wandering so we wanted to come back and discuss what the next best course of actions were too be."

I gestured around at the decrepit church as an example. "Should we just rebuild this place or should we look to buy a better place or hell just heavily invest in our own equipment with the money and buy a couple wagons worth of junk I could combine into gems?" I questioned the Goddess who likewise seemed torn on what too do.

Bell threw his own choice in almost too quietly to hear. "I would like to stay here though.I met my goddess here and its already grown on me." We both heard him and I could understand his feelings a bit after living in several apartments in my last life that even the shitty ones would eventually grow on you.

Hestia seemed to agree with a nod and she turned back to me the person who would likely end up doing most of the work because of my fusing skill.

"Fine I guess we are sticking here." I said neutrally because for one a part of me dreaded the coming days of hard labor of moving stuff around to fix the building but a part of me wanted to see if I could do crazy stuff like set up wards or something. 'Hey if Apollo is literally unable to blow up the church does that mean we wouldn't even have a rating game later haha.' I thought and laughed at the end.

"Ok so Bell here's what I think should happen you should go down to the south western parts of the city every morning and bring a large cart full of building material's along with some miscellaneous stuff back to the church so I can build for the day while you go to the dungeon as I work here. Will that work?" I need to work here and get this done and its not like I wont get stats doing it though I think I could probably kill a few goblins or something just as easy on my own without him at this point.

Not to mention fixing the building will increase my strength, magic, and, endurance when I am using my skill seeing as I need to move the material in question for strength and the spell itself uses my stamina and magic so I will be in a much better place in like a week to help Bell kill things like Killer Ants.

Bell seemed be dismayed at the added morning church work so I grinned and decided to make the choice for him. "Oh by the Hestia you may want to go back into the basement and make us some sandwiches for lunch. I brought us some good food to celebrate." I then picked up the canvas bag full of food I accidently dropped when Hestia glomped us and handed it too her knowing she would want to feel like she has contributed to our success today.

She smiled and I was right about her wanting to feel included as she took the food and ran downstairs leaving me and Bell alone for a second.

I saw Bell frowning at me basically giving him orders so I gave him an evil smile "Heya Bell how about you just do the morning supplies run without complaining and I don't tell Hestia about you abandoning me and then being held so tightly by another woman as, 'Punishment' after being caught." I giggled sinisterly imagining the diminutive goddess yelling at the kid and him screaming sorry repeatedly.

Bell folded like a castle of cards in the face of hurricane Hestia and I could see him gulp in fear and he gave a weak smile in response. "Ok Jake you win Eina was already enough."

I gave him a little pat on the back. "Alright man I wont hold it over you after this, just make sure to get a lot of different stuff other than building material's and honestly the most important reason I am sending you is that I am not the captain so I cant sign for Familia expenses." I then stuck my tongue out at the poor kid who just seemed to realize he was going to be stuck doing paperwork as well.

Hestia's arrival covered up Bells groans of despair of future boring paperwork with a plate full of cut in half sandwich's which I happily took one and bit into. Fuck there's no mayo...

I grimaced and gamely continued eating and recalled that mayo wasn't even invented till the mid 1700's so unless I wanted to try and recreate it and a lot of the other recipe's I knew from YouTube I was going to have to get used to there more dry meals.

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