My Upgrades Are Invincible

Chapter 8

Chapter 8

I awoke the following morning to Bell lacing up his boots to go to the dungeon and humming merrily.

Curse that early morning riser but, I need to get back into the dungeon anyway if I want to keep up with him. "Haaa Bell slow down give me a minute to wake up Hestia and get my falna updated then we can both go to the dungeon together." I said yawning

Hestia on the other hand seemed to be dead to the world in her deep sleep even with me gently shaking her shoulders so I upgraded to poking her sides which made her groan and rollover away from me. "Hestia we are about to leave can you update my falna real quick." I asked seeing her groggily open her eyes.

Strength 35 I

Endurance 55 I

Dexterity 14 I

Agility 16 I

Magic 54 I

Hmm pretty good progress so far. Thump! Aaaand the goddess went back to sleep...

Hopping to my feet I hurriedly gather my gear and made sure to bring the magic glasses because I had a strong feeling Hestia would do something stupid like take them to work and just spend the whole day gawking at other peoples gear.

"Excuse me I believe you dropped this!" A voice rang out making Bell me and several of the other adventures nearby turn back and saw a pretty woman with silver hair jogging towards us till she stopped right in front of us and seeing she was talking to us the flow of traffic continued.

"I saw you drop this out of one of your bags yesterday I just wanted to give this to you." The pretty lady said as I amusedly just watched Bell blush at how the girl took his hand and put a magic stone in and the funny thing is that I knew for a fact we didnt lose that stone because for one Bell didnt bring any stones back after the minotaur attack and more importantly the stone according to the guild book I read a couple days ago is from a Hell Hound which is far beyond our capabilities...

"Excuse me but Bell is a bit new to scams so if there is anything you need please just be honest so we can move on." I said coldly not wanting to get the guild on our asses about how we somehow got our hands on a middle level floor monster stone or particularly play into Freya's mind games if she wants a bunny to play with she should just be honest.

The silver haired waitress's face twitched in annoyance and after giving me a gimlet eye turned back to her prey with her charms turned on there max settings "Ok Ok I just wanted you two to come be a big spender at our restaurant is that so bad humph." I didnt buy into her little sob act at all we should just leave...

"It's ok Mrs. Jake just wants to watch out for me, I don't think stopping for a quick meal tonight would be bad. Oh and what's your name mine is Bell Cranel." Bell asked excitedly making me mentally facepalm.

"Oh my name is Syr Flova it's nice to meet you both but here as a token of my appreciation here is lunch on the house." And magically she pulled a small lunch box from behind her and handed it to Bell and turned too me and it almost looked like she just noticed me and was bewildered blinking repeatedly at my figure before lightly coughing "Jake was it I am truly sorry but I only have one lunch packed for today I hope you don't think I am trying to exclude you... Oh I know you can get your meal tonight half off!" She said excitedly and then as she was pointing out her restaurant a loud booming voice escaped the restaurant with dust literally flying out the doorway.

"Syr get your little ass back in here and get back to work!" Came the roar and Syr cringed and ran back without saying another word just giving us a quick wave as she was clearly terrified at the consequences of staying out any longer.

After dealing with Syr we made plans to meet up there tonight for dinner and to go our separate ways to optimize our individual growth at least till I reached F rank stats so I could hold my own even in the lower floors. We quickly made our way to the end of the fourth floor and as planned we went our separate ways as I had the quests to do and supposedly I needed stats in the G range which was over 200 stat points so I was well below that and Bell admitted himself he has had a lot of close calls with groups of killer ants and the surprise war shadow that would jumped him.

Frankly my sword was already making quick work of the odd goblin and kobold as I could swing straight through there land form weapons and I was quickly learning how to take advantage of the piercing property my sword had to stab through enemies guards and into there chests.

As I turned down a hallway I saw five goblins going the same way and I guess they could hear my footsteps as they turned around on me so I squared up to fight all five of them at once.

The first goblin that closed the distance, I was able to deal a crippling blow by doing a wide swing at it and smash aside it's dagger and gouge open it's chest with the blow and making it fall to the ground. The second goblin which was right behind the first I side stepped and with a short jab I was able to stab a hole into the monster's thigh making it hobble and fall to the ground and hold its wound.

The last three however seemed a bit more intelligent in that they tried to encircle me but I was smart enough to keep my back to a wall so nothing could get behind me leaving them no choice but to try there luck at I am guessing to bleed me dry with shallow cuts as they were trying to do little swipes with there daggers but the longer length of my sword made them keep there distance.

Knowing me swinging my sword like an idiot to keep the little hopping buggers would only be a stalemate till more monsters joined I took the risk to meet one of there swipes with a short leap and managed to stab the goblins head with my sword with the short dash and after wrenching back my sword I managed to parry the stab from one goblin but got grazed by the slash of the last.

Hissing at the feeling of the cut I punched the goblin in front of me straight in the throat that was pushing against my sword and then swung my blade at the goblin who cut me and broke its land form weapon and almost cut the monster in half as my blade went through its shoulder and down through its ribs before getting stuck on its monster stone and the monster poofed into ash as its stone was broken.

Seeing the last trying to breath through what seemed like a flattened nose and probably a broken jaw due to the metal gloves I was wearing I just took my gutting knife and rammed it into its neck and twisted it making it fall to the ground in death.

"That's the missions done for today I suppose but honestly while I am here I might as well keep going seeing as its only been a like an hour." I muttered aloud and that's what I did for the next couple hours I just killed Goblins, Kobolds, and the odd dungeon lizard till I could feel my sword was starting to get dull from the rapid killing.

Good news though I have managed to acquire a good handful of Goblin fangs that I was able fuse into my sword and although it didnt do much for its durability it did make the stabbing quite a bit easier as instead of when I stabbed through the ribs or spine of a monster I would have to power through them now it seemed like instead of stabbing a hunk of wood it was more like pushing through cold butter which was a great difference.

I decided not to add kobold nails to my sword because honestly I didnt want to waste the last enchantment on something that may not be worth it as I had a very strong suspicion that war shadow's finger blades would make my sword sharper and that sounded like a much smarter idea then just chancing this sword on kobold nails.

After sitting in the lobby of the guild for several minutes as that's where we agreed to meet I finally saw Bell enter so I waved him down. "Hey Bell was your haul pretty good today?" I asked seeing him bounce in happily.

Bell looking excited nodded and whispered "I can already tell the difference with my new skill I feel stronger almost already." That says nothing about your haul.

It turns out he made a decent haul though with how he fights he only brought a small sack he could carry on his hip in comparison to my backpack that I was able to tie to my self and honestly so long as an adventured doesn't shoot me in the back with a bow I don't have to worry much about a goblin putting a sharp stone through a couple layers of thick hard leather so all in all I actually had more individual drops but his were worth more seeing as he has been farming at the 8th-9th floors.

"Well Bell you ready to spend all the money we made on just a single meal?" I questioned making him pause in confusion.

"Wait why would we be spending all our money!"

Oh you sweet summer child if I were to sell you I bet you would help me count the money as well. "Bell in case you didnt realize Syr gave away a monster stone from the middle floors which is worth quite a bit probably more than we spend on food for a whole week alone... So seeing how much she was willing to throw away just to pull us into her store how much is her food going to cost to make up for it???"

Bell gasped as he realized how screwed his poor wallet was so I dug the wound in deeper as I menacingly chuckled. "Haha Bell you cant even escape because we have to walk by there everyday to get to the dungeon and I know you wouldn't keep the oh so poor girls lunch box but hey at least my meal tonight is half off haha."

"Could we just spilt a you're meal..."

"Hell no." I said strongly dashing his hopes

All to soon we retraced our steps from this morning and stood in front of the restaurant and I read its sign aloud "Hostess Of Fertility huh. Whelp come on Bell time to eat." I grabbed his shoulder and Bell inside seeing as he was clearly reluctant.

"Hiya table for two Nya!" A voice announced a cat girl with brown hair and eyes spun around a couple tables and gestured for us to take a booth with a bright smile.

I actually forgot there was a couple cat girls working here as I looked around I was able to see Ryuu Lion a stoic elf taking orders and I saw another cat girl cleaning up and taking dishes away but this one had black hair and I couldn't remember her name or backstory other than she was an assassin and had a young boy butt fetish and was very interested in Bell for that reason...

Bell and me were comfortably sitting in a booth against the wall now and just waiting for one of the girls to come take our order. As we were sitting there listening to the noise adventurers around us someone stopped beside us and noticing the outfit I knew it was one of the waitress's and then thud! Two massive plates full of what looked to be spaghetti mixed with some form of mystery meat was slapped down on the table and it was glorious it made me think of back home in America and our medium size portions.

"Here you go. Syr said you wanted the most filling thing on the menu. Oh and my name is Ryuu its nice to meet you, if you need anything just wave." She said coolly.

Me and Bell shared a look of despair as we took our forks and prepared to dive into our piles of food because all the food on my plate probably weighed an even 5 pounds so I knew I was going to want to roll my way out of here to leave.

Honestly the food was pretty good and despite the heavily drunk adventurer's shouting and horseplay they all seemed to know better than to try and challenge Mama Mia who was literally one of the strongest people alive right now so we both had decent entertainment just people watching.

Until the brown hair cat girl announced something I forgot was going to happen today... "Mama, The Loki Familia is here for there reservation!"

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